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  1. M

    Cream users europe?

    So with the latest topics about cream, i might try it myself again in the future if the injections dont work out.. In the past i used cream. But i only had succes with one batch of cream. Very weird. But i have never felt more dialed like then. Unfortunately when the next batch arrived it all...
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    How many mg’s more do i need?

    That are the numbers i felt pretty much dialed in on
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    How many mg’s more do i need?

    Hey guys. Last year i was pretty much dialed in on ug testosterone my total T was close to 900 and FT was around 26-27. Now i have testosterone from the pharmacy. 8 weeks back i started at 55mg 2x per week. So 110mg a week. My levels came back at: TT : 760 FT: 21 With how many mg’s do i...
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    Testosterone Cream - Bad Experiences?

    Might be worth a try to put some cream on the balls in the AM while on your daily protocol.m. Might give you the libido
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    Optimum Testosterone Levels...... The truth...

    I have one close friend who is not on trt and he tested his blood on testosterone. He was just at 250TT but cant remember his FT. He feels perfectly fine. Has a great libido and he is a very optimistic guy. Then there is this other guy i know from the gym who is also a natural guy. Just trains...
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    33 year old been struggling to get dialed in for 6 years looking for help

    @HappyMooseEstes How are u doing? How long has it been since u start splitting the dose?
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    Question about iron and ferritin while on TRT

    Ok. One last question :) How long do i need to take this iron?
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    Question about iron and ferritin while on TRT

    @Systemlord Maybe a stupid question. Got my hand on 2 iron supps today. One is iron bisglycinate 20mg per capsule. The other supp says 150mg iron bisglycinate 20%, with 30mg elementary iron (214% ref.intake) How much acctual iron bisglycinate is in the second supplement? There is no way that...
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    Question about iron and ferritin while on TRT

    These are normal for YOU. Thank you systemlord. Maybe stupid question but is this something i can take like 50mg all at once in the morning or is it better to do morning dose and evening dose? And is iron bisglycinate good?
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    Question about iron and ferritin while on TRT

    Hey guys. So after reading a while on the forum i stumbled on a few topics about iron and ferretin and what were some symptoms when this is low. I have never donated blood. I do notice the longer i am on trt, i have the feeling i feel my heart beat heavier, sometimes shortness of breath wich...
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    Could dose be to high with these symptoms?

    So today should be injection day again, but i decided to skip my injection. As this anxiety and nervous feeling needs to go asap! Last injection was wednesday. When should this feeling start to taper off ? Because thursday im going on vacation and i dont want to feel like this
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    Could dose be to high with these symptoms?

    Im thinking of indeed starting with a e3.5d protocol and starting with 50mg twice a week. So would you recommend upping every 4 weeks with 10mg per week if i dont feel benefits after 4 weeks?
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    Could dose be to high with these symptoms?

    I do ventrogluteal for the e5d. On daily i did shoulders. Both with insuline needles
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    Could dose be to high with these symptoms?

    Exactly. And i dont take any supplement. And when i get in bed it gets even worse.
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    Could dose be to high with these symptoms?

    Daily dose was 10mg. But didnt have symptom resolution and got tired of sticking myself daily. I started noticing this last week on and of. And since my last injection wednesday its constant now
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    Could dose be to high with these symptoms?

    Hi guys 3 weeks ago i started a new protocol coming from a daily one. I now do 100mg e5d. As for the last week Im experiencing symptoms like being very nervous, very anxious, bloodpressure is arround 140/90. Normaly its always arround 125/70. I really dont like this feeling. It freaks me out...
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    Weekly shots

    What is your dosage for e5d?
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    Considering TRT for Accutane related hormonal changes

    No. I live in Belgium. Im lucky to have acces to pharmacy testosterone injections and cream. But unfortunately no competent doctor to treat me.
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    Considering TRT for Accutane related hormonal changes

    What doses and frequency are they on?
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    Considering TRT for Accutane related hormonal changes

    Only thing that has been resolved for me are gym gains. But thats the least important for me. Im still pretty letargic, poor mood i just dont care much at all about things. Excitement of life is juste a bit gone, its hard to explain. I was once completely dialed in on cream + injections...
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    Considering TRT for Accutane related hormonal changes

    I used a ton of AAS starting at 18 years old and acctually never came off. Around 19 i used accutane too wich took care of my acne. I kept blasting and cruising after that but slowly started losing my libido over the years. Not sure if its the accutane or not. By the time i was een 25 i quit...
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    T-Cream on scrotum, what makes it work so good for low shbg men?

    @eli Did you ever try daily propionate injections?
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    Considering TRT for Accutane related hormonal changes

    At what frequency do you inject 180-200mg?
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    Burning injection site

    Defenitly no virgin muscle. So thats not it xD I think Vince could be right, and the alcohol was not dry
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    Burning injection site

    Hey all! So im 2 weeks into injecting 10mg daily. I only rotate between shoulders with insuline pin. This morning i pinned my right shoulder and as soon as i started injecting i had some discomfort and it start to burn. When i finished and pulled out the needle it started burning really really...
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    Scrotal cream and erection issues

    Was it trial and error to dail in your combination? Did you try 2x day application of cream too in combination with your injections?
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    Daily shots in the morning or evening?

    Next week i want to start daily injections again. Im gonna try 10mg test E daily. But if i inject in the morning around 6am, then enanthate should peak by the evening am i right? Should it be better to inject in the evening so you peak in the morning? Have some of you tried this and notice a...
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    Testosterone Cream - Bad Experiences?

    Interesting.. How is your TT and FT?
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    Testosterone Cream - Bad Experiences?

    What does your protocol look like?