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  1. J

    Very high FT on 70mg/wk?

    No one knows exactly what causes all these post-drug symptoms, but the prevailing school of thought seems to be over expression of receptors and subsequent methylation / silencing of the ARs/ERs. Anyway, I don’t want to derail this thread regarding theory. I’d like to first see if my receptors...
  2. J

    Very high FT on 70mg/wk?

    Yes, but I crashed my estrogen (repeatedly, with DHT derivatives + PDE5is), and in spite of serum levels returning to normal, I still have all the symptoms of low e2 almost a year later. I did not have these symptoms when running high T before crashing my estrogen unknowingly. My sexual...
  3. J

    Very high FT on 70mg/wk?

    EOD, delts, as mentioned below.
  4. J

    Very high FT on 70mg/wk?

    I went from daily to EOD and think I my joints, rashes, and other sides did improve on that schedule due, likely, to higher aromatization. The reason I went back to daily shots is because I was running a propionate blend for a while.
  5. J

    Very high FT on 70mg/wk?

    No, unfortunately I did not. I actually plugged in my results to an online calculator to assess SHBG (figuring it must be extremely low) after receiving these results. The calculators, however, are pretty useless, since units/volume and their associates ranges very wildly across technique. It...
  6. J

    Very high FT on 70mg/wk?

    Daily IM (shallow), quads. I’ve been on the protocol for a couple months.
  7. J

    Very high FT on 70mg/wk?

    No, I’m doing daily shallow IM in quads. I switched from delts, as it seemed delts caused me more joint pain (odd, I know, but I’d been shooting there for a while, and I think the conversion to DHT may have been higher when injecting at that site, hence the obvious huge increase in joint popping...
  8. J

    Very high FT on 70mg/wk?

    I just got my blood results back. I have been lowering my testosterone dose significantly over time, as I was experiencing many side effects on higher doses, which I thought may have been in part due to the high T:E2 ratio (seemed it didn't rise proportionally). I'm running 70mg of test cyp per...
  9. J

    low e2 symptoms didnt go away after crash

    Thanks for the reply. Appreciate it! I'll reach out if I decide to go this route!
  10. J

    Can estrogen crash cause desensitization/knock out of the estrogen receptor - lets discuss!

    Are you still on TRT and running the same protocol? I'd enjoy talking theory, if you're interested, as I'm in the same boat and you seem quite knowledgeable about medicine. I'm at a crossroads, where I have no idea whether I should stay on TRT or risk attempting a PCT protocol. I'm very...
  11. J

    low e2 symptoms didnt go away after crash

    I crashed my e2 for a prolonged period about a year ago, and I haven't been the same since. I have all the classic low e2 symptoms - cracking/popping joints, dry skin/hair, dead libido, ED, lethargy, anhedonia, brain fog -- full zombie mode. I, too, have an extremely high TT:E2 ratio - also...
  12. J

    Help Smoothing this Transition from Blend to Test E? (Math)

    I'm currently running a daily blend consisting of 5.625mg testosterone enanthate and 4.5 mg (i.e., a 5:4 ratio of test E to test P). I am hoping to transition off the test propionate back to solely enanthate, mostly for quality control reasons (I can only buy the propionate online, and given...
  13. J

    Paradoxical Increase in Adrenal Activity from Exogenous Test?

    Since I'm on mobile right now, I'll have to upload the labs later. What did you switch to from injections? Have you felt any improvements? Pregnenolone, cortisol, and progesterone were all high. DHEA-S was not tested, but I assume it was likely high as well. I was hoping these would eventually...
  14. J

    High DHT converter... becoming a problem for me

    I've been having a lot of low e2 issues myself (achey, popping joints, lethargy, anhedonia, lack of motivation, etc.). These are started when I significantly lowered my E2 with high-dose proviron. Now, like you, I'm super sensitive to anything that lowers E2, including all the items you...
  15. J

    Paradoxical Increase in Adrenal Activity from Exogenous Test?

    All the literature I've read suggests that exogenous testosterone tends to have a suppressive effect on adrenal (and potentially thyroid) activity. It makes sense -- if your body has enough hormones, you won't be generating as much pregnenolone -> other hormones (including cortisol downstream)...
  16. J

    Tips on how to blend propionate with enanthate (or cypionate)?

    This is very interesting. I think i'll give this a shot. I'm currently at 30 mg EOD test E, which puts me over the reference range for free T (~ 31). I'd like to first taper down into the reference range and then add the test prop to the mix to add that daily fluctuation. When you all change...
  17. J

    Has anyone felt better with more fluctuations (perhaps mimicking diurnal patterns)?

    @Systemlord can you describe what "strange" and "debilitating" symptoms appear? We may share some overlap.
  18. J

    Has anyone felt better with more fluctuations (perhaps mimicking diurnal patterns)?

    Most TRT regimens seem to use test C and test E and keep levels relatively stable. Most using these don't experience the natural diurnal fluctuations that would occur naturally (rising in morning, lowering in afternoon, and rising again at night / early am). Has anyone felt better after adding...
  19. J

    Debate - Androgens: Estrogen ratio vs Overall Hormone Levels.

    @Zibernet I crashed mine with DHT derivatives (oxandrolone and Mesterolone, specifically). This can apparently happen if you already have fairly low T and then you add these AAS substances. Mesterolone acts as an AI, and any androgenic / DHT derivative apparently antagonizes estrogen at the...
  20. J

    Been on trt for 2 years and still no libido ..# libido

    @nippy are you only experiencing loss of libido and numbness or ED as well?
  21. J

    Debate - Androgens: Estrogen ratio vs Overall Hormone Levels.

    Thanks for the information. I did know it antagonized E2 at receptor sites, but I didn’t know DHT acted as an AI as well. Since crashing my estrogen a couple months ago, it seems I’m extremely sensitive to any AI or anything that lowers estrogen further. The joint popping/ pain, mood flatness...
  22. J

    Debate - Androgens: Estrogen ratio vs Overall Hormone Levels.

    No, I did not. What’s your typical TT: E2 ratio? Mine is usually in the 30-40 ball park, whereas most people here report that around 20:1 is the sweet spot. There are individual differences regarding how each individual feels at different levels, or ratios, of course. No one-size-fits-all...
  23. J

    Debate - Androgens: Estrogen ratio vs Overall Hormone Levels.

    I searched here, but I couldn't find any in-depth discussions about this specific issue. If anyone has any literature they would mind sharing on this topic, I would be extremely interested to read it. A couple questions: 1) Will you suffer from having too high of hormones, generally...
  24. J

    HELP - Heat Rashes, ED, and Cracking Joints - A journey Riddle with Side Effects

    To preface this, I am a post-drug patient with lasting sexual side effects (yes, PFS, PSSD, and PAS exist and I will not argue this). I have had enduring sexual dysfunction (dead libido, loss of morning wood, weak erections, etc.) for about 5 years since discontinuing psychiatric drugs. Most...
  25. J

    Adipsia/Complete Loss of Thirst + Skin Elasticity Changes

    To preface this, I've been on TRT at 200mg/wk, daily IM, for 8 weeks. I recently got labs and sodium, potassium, chloride and all blood markers came back within normal range. Before starting TRT, my thirst levels were normal and I didn’t have these… skin elasticity issues. I don't know exactly...