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  1. K

    Your penis and Estrogen

    It's been very hard to get my E2 in range. I started taking the AI because it was at a 72 and that was without an AI. Then I upped my T and added HCG so I knew it would go up even further. My last reading before I took the AI was at 53. Started taking 0.25 mg two times per week and now my E2 is...
  2. K

    Your penis and Estrogen

    This is good to know because this past Saturday I had no penis sensitivity and thought it could be the antidepressant I started the week before, but knew it was way too early for those side effects to show up. My E2 has been low for me at 17 since I started the AI. It has to be that. Usually I...
  3. K

    Why do I feel worse the day after a shot?

    My protocol was changed just yesterday. The reason it was changed is because my Free T is still not where it ideally should be. My libido is the biggest issue and I imagine that it has a lot to do with balancing this E2 and my anxiety.
  4. K

    Why do I feel worse the day after a shot?

    I forgot to mention that these were my E2 levels from various injections: DIM Only (Aug 4) (Old Protocol): Estradiol Sensitive: 39.1 <8.0-35.0 pg/ml> Pre Anastrozole (Current Protocol) (Sept 29): Estradiol Sensitive: 55.3 <8.0-35.0 pg/ml> Using Anastrozole (Current Protocol)(Nov 8)...
  5. K

    Why do I feel worse the day after a shot?

    Hi guys, So I'm wondering why I actually feel worse a day after my T & HCG shots? This has been a pretty consistent pattern, with the use of an AI and without the use. Here's how my week goes. Monday morning I feel pretty good, energetic, good mood, and ready to work. I inject Monday evening...
  6. K

    The E2 Roller Coaster

    Where do you get FSH from?
  7. K

    The E2 Roller Coaster

    Yes, that's what I'm going to see if I can do when I speak to the doctor on Monday.
  8. K

    The E2 Roller Coaster

    HealthMan, yes it is strictly for fertility. My wife and I are trying to have a baby.
  9. K

    The E2 Roller Coaster

    Sorry guys, let me give you the rest of the pertinent info: SHBG: 21.1 <16.5-55.9> nmol/L Free T: 17.0 <6.8-21.5 pg/mL> Total T: 768 <264-916 ng/dL>
  10. K

    The E2 Roller Coaster

    Hi guys, So my E2 levels have been all over the place. For the most part I've been on the high side, pre TRT and during TRT. However, recently with the help of Anastrozole it's been lowered, but wow it took a dip I wasn't expecting. Lately, I've been feeling anxiety and some weird depression and...
  11. K

    Can a person be on psychiatric medications and be on TRT?

    Just an update for you guys, I recently went to my psychiatrist because of the persistent anxiety I have been feeling. Let me clarify, I don't have this hard core anxiety like panic attacks or anything, my anxiety is more like a persistent stress where I'm a worryer and I believe this untreated...
  12. K

    Can a person be on psychiatric medications and be on TRT?

    Just curious, did it affect your libido at all, the antidepressants that is?
  13. K

    Can a person be on psychiatric medications and be on TRT?

    I'm wondering how the thread starter has done with this. Me, myself, and I; things still have not gotten better with me in the libido department. What I am starting to believe is that my low libido is not caused by low T, but by anxiety instead. I've been on my TRT for almost half a year now and...
  14. K

    Hcg novarel??

    I used to use Novarel when my insurance would pay for it earlier this year. It was insanely expensive when Aetna stopped covering it for me. I'm talking 900 dollars expensive. Ridiculous. After I was discarded by my insurance company I was forced to go the TRT route. Now I take HCG compounded...
  15. K

    How Do you Control your Estradiol Levels?

    Well I finally got E2 sensitive results based on my new protocol and not surprisingly it was high. I have stayed away from my anastrozole prescription after I took too much too soon. Last week I started back up and did not feel the same bad effects. No shoulder pain or sore clicking joints...
  16. K

    Mental Sexual Desire increase on TRT with Mucuna?

    I have yet to find a supplement on the market that increased my libido. For the most part they just don't work.
  17. K

    Mental Sexual Desire increase on TRT with Mucuna?

    I agree. I find my wife attractive, don't get me wrong, but being in a situation with another female would vastly increase my libido. Eating the same cereal every day, no matter how much you love that cereal, gets old. However, with that being said, as a married Christian man, I don't have that...
  18. K

    Mental Sexual Desire increase on TRT with Mucuna?

    Many men go on testosterone replacement therapy trying to revive a once great libido. Other men have a good libido, but suffer in the energy or emotional well being areas. Finally, some men struggle with weight loss and depression due to low T. What about guys like me who have not had great...
  19. K

    Mental Sexual Desire increase on TRT with Mucuna?

    I certainly hope that would be true and if so I would run out and buy that supplement today. I've tried 5 HTP, St. John's Wort, Maca Root, and none has given me a boost in libido. Even on TRT, my libido only shoots up maybe 1-2 times per month if any. I have not found that sweet spot yet.
  20. K

    Problems with LabCorp Sensitive Estradiol Machine

    I ordered through Discounted Labs which is my first time. Last time I ordered through Defy and got the results via your 25% of the time scenario.
  21. K

    Problems with LabCorp Sensitive Estradiol Machine

    Soooooo I had mine done on September 29th and now it's October 11th and it's still not even showing on my patient portal. I would be somewhat excited to just see that my results are in the system, but not present for viewing, however LabCorp is acting like I never took the test. I ordered...
  22. K

    Thinking of adding daily low dose Cialis to my protocol

    I have been very fortunate in that I never experienced any side effects from my low dose Cialis wannabe (Ceebis). Erection quality though is not superb, even taking 20mg. The most I get is a flush in my face when I go to 20mg.
  23. K

    Problems with LabCorp Sensitive Estradiol Machine

    I got my blood drawn on September 29th and Lab Corp still has nothing in my patient portal about it. I'm wondering how long this is going to take.
  24. K

    Has HCG helped your testes size increase?

    I take HCG 500IU three times per week. I take 140 mg of testosterone cypionate per week in two 70 mg injections.
  25. K

    Has HCG helped your testes size increase?

    Yeah it seems to be working for everybody else, but mine are just like the way they were before starting TRT. They were not full then and they are not full now. I'm wondering why if the signal is being sent that the testes are not responding. SMH.
  26. K

    Has HCG helped your testes size increase?

    I was on HCG monotherapy for a few months this year and noticed that the whole time I was on it my testes never filled up. Now that I'm on testosterone the sack obviously is not going to get any better, if anything worse. I started adding HCG to my protocol in August and the results are the...
  27. K

    Lowering Reverse T3

    I have RT3 is 22.4, very similar to yours. I've been trying to lose weight for a year and have been unable to so my doctor prescribed me Cytomel to increase T3 and hopefully reduce my RT3. Anxiety is an issue with me so that's probably why it's like that, but I also have Hashimoto's Disease. I...
  28. K

    Strange Low E2 Symptoms

    First off let me preface this by saying that I am not sure I have low E2, but I suspect I do. Let me also say that I also realize that the only way I can know for sure is by getting it tested. My schedule is pretty packed and it's very hard to get myself to a lab right now, but I will try...
  29. K

    Started TRT today - Protocol and Dose. Updated with Labs 25/10/18

    I also did not get an increase in my Total T from HCG Monotherapy. I went from a TT of 396 to 383. My FT bumped up like 3 points. When I asked my endocrinologist whether these results meant that I had primary hypogonadism she was reluctant to say.
  30. K

    Does Cialis cause joint pain?

    Yes it is very powerful. I've noticed on both the Friday and Monday dosage that my energy level tanked, my mood soured, my libido and erections went away, and I was pretty short with everyone. Both times the joints started hurting. On Wednesday I didn't feel much of anything, Friday and Monday...
  31. K

    Does Cialis cause joint pain?

    Really? Are you referring to my prescribed dosage of two 0.25 pills per week or are you referring to me taking .75 mg within a 5 day span?