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  1. K

    Determining Primary vs Secondary after TRT

    Really, so based on this, what in the world am I? My LH was 6.7 (1.5-9.3). Mines somewhere in the middle.
  2. K

    What's the best pinning schedule for this SHBG?

    Hi guys, I'm strongly considering injecting myself 3x per week rather than the 2x per week I have been doing. The doctor suggested I might have some success with it as well. I currently inject only my HCG 3x per week. My SHGB is 21, would I inject M/W/F? How would I feel on Saturday and Sunday...
  3. K

    Still trying to find libido

    I tried it and it didn't work. Snake oil in my opinion. It made my hyper, not horny.
  4. K

    New Testosterone...Different Response

    I figured it out, it wasn't the new testosterone from Empower. This morning I got the same jittery feelings, but without an injection. Now I know it's from my emergency inhaler which I used both Monday morning and this morning. It makes me jittery which I just read can cause that reaction in...
  5. K

    New Testosterone...Different Response

    Good, I'm hoping for the same. Today I feel fine, but yesterday I was so wired. It's as if Empower's is more potent stuff.
  6. K

    New Testosterone...Different Response

    No, I know the difference. I do not feel anxious, my mind is at ease, my body feels it. I feel it like I feel it if I drink too much coffee. Fortunately, my anxiety is 90% taken care of thanks to my new medication. I do not have medication anxiety, my anxiety deals with the bedroom stuff. Even...
  7. K

    New Testosterone...Different Response

    Hello ya'll, Long story short, I've been using testosterone cypionate for the past year using the brand I pick up from CVS which is from Sun Pharmacy. I recently ran out and went one week without a shot so I called Defy and received a new batch from Empower. This is the first time I've ever used...
  8. K

    Expriencing severe ED issues, need help

    I can tell you anxiety plays a huge role in all this. I have severe performance anxiety and my libido suffers because of it. All it took is one mention of another guy having ED and then I suddenly worried about it happening to me every single time. I agree, get with a therapist or a mental...
  9. K

    Can a person be on psychiatric medications and be on TRT?

    Hi guys, So far so good. My antidepressant is working. I feel so much better and the I believe it's allowing the TRT to start to effect my libido positively. Nothing earth shattering, but the fact that I can relax more definitely helps. Once I start getting the diet down pat along with my...
  10. K

    DHEA Supplementation & Heart Palpitations

    I agree that most people do not get this reaction from DHEA, but I seem to have. I stopped the caffeine and have not had any problems with heart palpitations until I took this supplement.
  11. K

    DHEA Supplementation & Heart Palpitations

    Friends, a few weeks ago I was admitted to the hospital because I was having an atrial fibrillation which is basically a rapid, irregular heartbeat. This can be dangerous, as it was explained to me, because I am at a larger risk of developing blood clots because of this condition which can lead...
  12. K

    Quitting TRT after 1,5 years. There is hope

    I don't believe the protocol is to blame. I'm with Defy since this summer and trust that their giving me good advice. I'm currently taking about 164 mg of Testosterone Cypionate split into two doses per week and 500 iu's of HCG 3x per week. I take two 0.125 mg of an AI per week as well. I...
  13. K

    Quitting TRT after 1,5 years. There is hope

    I too am strongly considering stopping TRT. It has done nothing for my libido which is why I started in the first place. Anxiety only got better recently, but it's because I'm taking a low dose antidepressant. You might think I have a low libido because I'm taking an antidepressant, but that...
  14. K

    Recovery time

    Yes, I had to. I was taking 0.25 twice per week and it knocked my E2 to 17 which I felt was making me feel older and more frail. I'm looking for a sweet spot with libido. I usually have a very high E2. It was at a 72, then 34, and then I started the AI which took me to 17 which I believe is too...
  15. K

    Recovery time

    What is your dosage of AI? Mine is 0.125 and before that it was 0.25mg. Don't know if the dosage is working.
  16. K

    Fertility Restored While on TRT with hCG

    I need to get a hold of some FSH then. I've been doing 500iu's of HCG 3x per week, but I haven't done a sperm analysis yet. However, it seems to me that instead of going 3x per week I should go EOD with the HCG. It gets pricey though.
  17. K

    Very average orgasms and low amount of ejaculate volume

    I agree, I'm only taking it for fertility purposes. I want to make sure I have swimmers as my wife and I are trying.
  18. K

    Very average orgasms and low amount of ejaculate volume

    I will say though that I used Novarel before I used the Empower HCG and I got the same results. The only difference was the price tag.
  19. K

    Very average orgasms and low amount of ejaculate volume

    That's interesting. So you're saying that the Pregnyl HCG was actually more potent than the one from Empower? I'm using Empower's HCG as well.
  20. K

    Very average orgasms and low amount of ejaculate volume

    I find that my volume increases only if I refrain from masturbation for a week. After ejaculation my volume the rest of the week is decreased by a lot. It seems like for me at least that one ejaculation per week is all my testes can deliver.
  21. K

    Very average orgasms and low amount of ejaculate volume

    For me the volume only increased when I went to 2000iu's three times per week.
  22. K

    Very average orgasms and low amount of ejaculate volume

    I too have struggled with low semen volume. When I was on antidepressants it did that, but it returned once I stopped. Then my semen volume went down again once I started HCG monotherapy. On TRT and HCG the same thing. It seems like the only time I have a decent load is if I do not masturbate...
  23. K

    Why do I feel worse the day after a shot?

    If I switch to 3x per week injections, would it be a M/W/F schedule? I'm not doing EOD.
  24. K

    Injecting HCG and Testosterone in one syringe

    Yes, the colors are exactly the same. If it was darker I could tell. I really hate having to poke twice in the same day.
  25. K

    Help! Quit TRT, Labs Fine zero Libido

    I take Cytomel or T3 since my Reverse T3 was high at 22.4 and my T3 was not optimal at 3.0. So far at 15mg I got my T3 up to 3.5 which is still not optimal so I'm bumping it up to 20mg per day which so far has given me much needed energy. I have full blown Hashimoto's Disease so it was only a...
  26. K

    Injecting HCG and Testosterone in one syringe

    I have tried this approach twice and both times I could not tell where the test ended and the HCG began. Nelson makes it look so easy in the video so I thought I'd go for it. I do .42 ml's of Test and 500 IU's of HCG. I really hope I can get this right, but I have a feeling it'll be trial and...
  27. K

    Your penis and Estrogen

    You're right, these AI's are really potent. I tried reducing my E2 with supplements prior to using an AI and I could only shave 3-5 points at most. Going from the 50's to the teens had me rolling right past my sweet spot. My T dosage was upped last week to get my FT up, but now the doc reduced...
  28. K

    Your penis and Estrogen

    Sorry, I jumbled up the message. I was at a 72 when I initially started at a much higher dose over the summer from my endocrinologist. When I reduced my my T injection dosage it went down to 53 w/o the AI. After using the AI dosage of 0.25 mg twice per week for about a month or more it went down...