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  1. Airborne Warrior

    Arimidex 0.125 mg per week too low?

    Don't think AI's can touch E2 caused by HCG as it is aromatised in the testes.
  2. Airborne Warrior

    Opening an Unscored Ampule

    The top of a bic pen
  3. Airborne Warrior


    Turned mine into M&M's. Thank god for HCG.
  4. Airborne Warrior


    I would have started on injections straight away at 60mg E3.5D with 350IU of HCG thrown in twice weekly to boot. Testogel turned my blood into treacle.
  5. Airborne Warrior

    In the process of starting TRT. What should I start with?

    1cc, 27 or 29 gauge, 1/2" insulin syringes are the most common. Usually testosterone is 250mg per 1ml though not always. It will tell you the strength on the vial/ampule.
  6. Airborne Warrior

    Is Gluten really to avoid at all cost?

    My Son has lost 33kg on keto in 20 weeks. Carbs are the Devil's excrement.
  7. Airborne Warrior

    Highest Testosterone Concentration Ever: Pathology or Laboratory Error?

    My TT came back at 7579 ng/dl on a 50mg Testogel daily application. Naturally I was quite concerned (The online doctor just advised me to cut my steroid intake lol). My follow up TT came back at 720 ng/dl which is more in keeping with the protocol I was on at the time. I found it quite...
  8. Airborne Warrior

    Anything Different About Working Out on TRT?

    AAS promotes a higher state of protein synthesis but in order to take advantage of this you have to apply resistance to a muscle in order to obtain hypertrophy. Can you show me one study or article where any bodybuilder in the world can cease training for 12 months and not lose size?
  9. Airborne Warrior

    Anything Different About Working Out on TRT?

    I assume you're going to be on quite a hefty dose with such high SHBG. You definitely should see a change but don't expect miracles on such low doses. It also depends on how your body responds to excess T. Some can get quite big on 250mg per week whilst others only see marginal gains on that dose.
  10. Airborne Warrior

    Good to meet everyone....yes I have a question :)

    HCG Calculator here: HCG Dosage Calculator
  11. Airborne Warrior

    TRT without the use of Aromatase Inhibitors

    Surely you would want E2 levels to be sitting at where you feel your best rather than getting it as high up the range as possible for no real benefit.
  12. Airborne Warrior

    Risk associated with pre-loading syringes for later use

    Yes, it's fine to freeze HCG in pre-loaded syringes. The bac water will thaw within 30 seconds or so if you hold the syringe in the warmth of your hand.
  13. Airborne Warrior

    In the process of starting TRT. What should I start with?

    I'm at 27 nmol/l which is around 800 ng/dl which I'm happy with nowadays. Whoever told you you require 150-200mg per week to notice a difference is talking shite. If your T levels are quite a bit higher on 100mg per week than they are in a natural state than you will put on more muscle. It's...
  14. Airborne Warrior

    In the process of starting TRT. What should I start with?

    My numbers were similar to yours prior to starting TRT. My protocol is 50mg test enanthate and 350IU HCG every 3.5D which works well for me, though obviously may not suit you. EOD may suit you with higher SHBG. Better to start low and build up (if required) than start on a higher dosage. You...
  15. Airborne Warrior

    My Doctor Prescribed 1 mg Anastrozole Daily for High Estradiol

    200mg is a pretty high dose. Have you high SHBG? How an endo can prescribe 2mg of adex per week as a starter dose is beyond me.
  16. Airborne Warrior

    Skin Rash, Elevated Hematocrit?

    High hematocrit can bring your skin out in red blotches. Can also make you feel itchy.
  17. Airborne Warrior

    Why Does Testosterone Increase Blood Thickness?

    I'm probably out of order for saying this but I think some men just need to MTFU.
  18. Airborne Warrior

    Jay Campbell caught lying

    Maybe he's taking a little too much testosterone lol.
  19. Airborne Warrior

    Exercise and Testosterone Levels

    As far as I'm aware extra testosterone and AAS in general allows for more protein synthesis that promotes cell growth. I'd say it's more of the 24/7 ongoing protein synthesis that is the main factor in hypertrophy.
  20. Airborne Warrior

    Cycle HCG?

    There is no need to cycle HCG. Cycling drugs (such as high volume AAS) is usually implemented because at such doses it has a detrimental effect. In most cases those who can get on with HCG at the small doses taken for TRT this is not the case.
  21. Airborne Warrior

    Exercise and Testosterone Levels

    I can just about walk to the car after doing squats lol.
  22. Airborne Warrior

    Exercise and Testosterone Levels

    I've squatted and deadlifted heavy for years and still had low T levels. Obviously they may have even been lower without doing them, but I wouldn't say a person with low T levels can sort it out with exercise alone unless maybe they were obese and really unfit, which I'm not.
  23. Airborne Warrior


    In simple terms, many feel sh1t on Clomid whilst many feel good on TRT. Obviously once dialed in.
  24. Airborne Warrior


    E3.5D should be good for an SHBG of 50.
  25. Airborne Warrior

    Creams with new application over injectable?

    Imagine an owner/founder of a company endorsing his own products! Surely not!
  26. Airborne Warrior

    Best testosterone injection site, no aspiration needed, avoids all nerves

    Why would you leave air in the syringe when injecting IM?
  27. Airborne Warrior

    HCG and Prostate Heath

    I find it harder to urinate when my prostate is enlarged and as you say get a burning sensation, especially when wanting a piss. Also, I can feel it is enlarged if that makes sense. All I can say on shrinkage is when a was cycling AAS when bodybuilding my prostate did get smaller between cycles.
  28. Airborne Warrior

    Is it Time to Test the Effect of Weight Loss on Testosterone?

    I did read the study of obese young men who participated in a Clomid therapy trial, which although led to a significant rise in T levels had no impact on weight loss. I would say though that higher levels of T in conjunction with a healthy diet and fitness regime would lead to higher levels of...
  29. Airborne Warrior

    HCG and Prostate Heath

    Some who administer HCG (and testosterone) do experience enlarging of the prostate (as I have), though this is not indicative of prostate cancer.