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  1. Airborne Warrior

    Empty sterile vial

    Yes you can. That's the whole idea of sterile vials afterall.
  2. Airborne Warrior

    Pregnenalone and TRT

    Just started taking it today as it goes and started on DHEA last week. I have 50mg capsules and thinking about it I do feel tired lol. Time for a nap but gym first. I'm also interested in others experiences with this.
  3. Airborne Warrior

    When you first started TRT

    You're not crazy, just vain lol.
  4. Airborne Warrior

    Storing T in Syringe?

    Been doing that since my steroid cycles in the nineties without any issue. 5 days is nothing and syringes are sterile after all. I know some say the rubber can interact with the test though some people are also scared to cross the street in case they get run over. Hasn't done me any harm. I...
  5. Airborne Warrior

    150mg testosterone enathate a week

    Some guys suffer with E2 problems on lower doses.
  6. Airborne Warrior

    Using nandrolone with Testosterone for less side effects

    Yep, I've just thrown 20ml of it away because of the cardiovascular risks. Just not worth it at 50 years of age. I feel good enough on test alone.
  7. Airborne Warrior

    David Sinclair, Ph.D., on Rogan

    Rogan or Rogaine?
  8. Airborne Warrior

    Starting TRT on a Cut?

    Hypertrophy is much easier to achieve with more T in your system. Of course you may be holding more water if you have elevated E2. You basically have 3 choices: 1. Cut calories back further. 2. Maintain calories combined with a training regime (cardio & weights). 3. Cut calories combined...
  9. Airborne Warrior

    rouzier: maintain 2000 ng/dl at all times

    At 2000 ng/dl I think my blood would turn to treacle and my prostate explode.
  10. Airborne Warrior

    Want a healthier heart? Eat a steak

    I've just been looking at the symptoms of type 2 diabetes and I've quite a lot of them. To that end I have made an appointment to be checked out. Thank you.
  11. Airborne Warrior

    Want a healthier heart? Eat a steak

    I've recently had to come off my keto diet which was mostly made up of red meat as my LDL was through the roof. I know a few on keto who don't suffer with high cholesterol though. Guess I'm just unlucky.
  12. Airborne Warrior

    Are any doctors willing to prescribe Nandrolone or Deca with TRT?

    The way I see it, if you're taking Nandrolone you're on a low dose cycle rather than on TRT as it's mostly to do with either wanting to put on more muscle or for joint injury due to bodybuilding. It mostly revolves around lifting weights rather than feeling optimal.
  13. Airborne Warrior

    Need Arimidex??

    It would be easier to visit your local hardcore gym and get some rather than fly to Columbia.
  14. Airborne Warrior

    Low Libido while on TRT

    All fat will do is raise E2 more. 400mg per week wouldn't kill anyone no matter in what state they're in, though there will be a few exceptions just as some die from taking Asprin.
  15. Airborne Warrior

    Fish oil and prostate cancer

    If I took heed of every study I'd not be able to eat or drink anything whatsoever, except maybe water and lettuce. There's probably some study out there somewhere stating they're even bad for you. So no, not concerned and fish oil has many more benefits than negatives.
  16. Airborne Warrior

    Deca - Joint Health

    There are many studies that say otherwise.
  17. Airborne Warrior

    Hematocrit off the charts! Please read...

    I'd try twice weekly and get hematocrit and all other labs re-tested after 6 weeks.
  18. Airborne Warrior

    for those that suffer from occasional prostatitis.

    Prostatitis is a pain in the arse. Literally lol.
  19. Airborne Warrior

    Hematocrit off the charts! Please read...

    It's high but not life threatening. Into the sixties and you're looking at serious issues. I found taking a smaller dose twice weekly (60mg) lowered my hematocrit, as the spike wasn't so high. To that end, I'd say yes, hematocrit does spike when test is higher.
  20. Airborne Warrior

    for those that suffer from occasional prostatitis.

    No. Didn't help at all lol. I'm taking 25mg of Viagra now and it seems to help much more, though only take it when my prostate occasionally flares up.
  21. Airborne Warrior

    Anastrozole Dosage

    I take it some doctors are totally stupid or just plain lazy. It takes a couple of minutes to research on the internet doses for AI's.
  22. Airborne Warrior

    Hcg and primary hypogonadism

    I certainly feel better within myself on a Test/HCG protocol than on testosterone alone.
  23. Airborne Warrior

    Mix HCG with what....

    Bac water is best but can be harder to obtain. I have used sterile water (eyewash) without any problems in the past when I couldn't get bac water in the country I was in.
  24. Airborne Warrior

    How many days a week do you inject testosterone poll

    I inject T every 4 days and HCG in-between, so every 2 days.
  25. Airborne Warrior

    Should I Have Morning Wood Every Day on Testosterone?

    Depends how dialed in you are. Let's face it, even teenagers don't get morning wood every single morning.
  26. Airborne Warrior

    Weightlifting supplements while on TRT?

    Creatine and cod liver oil. Not of it is truly necessary.
  27. Airborne Warrior

    Beginner Questions

    With your very low SHBG you really need to inject at least twice weekly, maybe even EOD. You'd be better off trying to find another doc who will allow self injection rather than going on a Clomid protocol IMO.
  28. Airborne Warrior

    HCG-lower sex drive

    Your E2 has probably risen due to the addition of HCG.
  29. Airborne Warrior

    TRT and Why it often Doesn't Work

    Too late lol. Doesn't seem to burn really. More of a tingling sensation. I was wondering if the rate of absorption or something is different compared to creams and as such should not be used on the scrotum.
  30. Airborne Warrior

    TRT and Why it often Doesn't Work

    Is applying TestoGel to the scrotum just as effective as applying testosterone cream?