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  1. bochinit

    TRT and anxiety

    How much test per week are you using to target 900'?
  2. bochinit

    TRT and anxiety

    Should help, but some times I still have a anxiety atacks and get depressed for days.. I would like to know how use this to be energic and happy everyday.
  3. bochinit

    Proviron on trt?

    Come on dude.. people tend to be narcisists these days.. Can't even express *opinions* on forums or youtube anymore without being attacked.. I have a lab and more than 9 digits in my account, I sell roids for a hundred people per month, including atlethes. But ok you are the center of the...
  4. bochinit

    Corona Gains: TRT and Gains or lack thereof...

    I have a home-gym so nothing changed here for me but what you are doing seens normals to me, youre just on TRT, keep going on that dosage if is everything right.
  5. bochinit

    Proviron on trt?

    Come on dude, research? I spend hours on internet everyday. Experience? I work with steroids and tried to like and sell this compound, I even asked here and im other forums about it, but come on.. comparated to Mast and Primo we know that is worthless, so what? It's ilegal too, at least on my...
  6. bochinit

    Proviron on trt?

    Great compound as a add on, but if you are experiencing high estrogen issues just drop the Test dose. In general Proviron has only 3% biodisponibilty and is a weak steroid, pointless in my opinion. Masteron or Primobolan are better DHT's base AAS to use if you want this class of esteroids for...
  7. bochinit

    Going from cialis 5mg daily to 2.5

    Cialis gave me extreme taquicardy, anybody had the same side effect?
  8. bochinit

    Testosterone and AAS Effect on Collagen Synthesis

    I don't have interest in these steroids because of their potential side effects, Nandrolone (neural and phosiologics) anda Stanozolol (lipid profile). Boldenone and Primobolan is the most safer and promising steroids to use for this reason. I wish that testosterone by itself could do the same...
  9. bochinit

    Significant Loss of Orgasm Sensation from Very Low E2?

    Yes, low E2 and I dont even want to do anything in my day. Pênis will be half the size, boring orgams. Also depression feelings, like a suicide/niilist and lethargy. Strangelly, less than 150mg Test per week and I feel like this..
  10. bochinit

    Testosterone and AAS Effect on Collagen Synthesis

    Physiologic doses does not decrease it, but does not increase it too. That's why I'm thinking about other compounds. I imagine the collagen synthesis acts on joints, muscles and even skin, right? Maybe that's the reason for anti-agging use? (I would not use Nandrolone, we have threads here...
  11. bochinit

    3 Reasons and Solutions for "Deca Dick"

    If was just lack of estradiol why deca dick still occours in Test + Nandrolone use? Aperantly theres a lot of factors behind this.
  12. bochinit

    Testosterone and AAS Effect on Collagen Synthesis

    Yes, this is what I'm talking about. My question is, why Testosterone does not increase it too? We need to use one of these steroids to have this benefict?