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  1. bochinit

    Your experiences with increasing testosterone dosage?

    Less than 100mg per week now and trying to avoid to inject more than this again. Last time was two weeks ago. Only feeling better now. When I'm at high doses I feel very angry (I am bipolar) to the point of wanting to beat up someone.
  2. bochinit

    Does anyone use Nandrolone (Deca Durabolin) ?

    You still don't validate anything about it. It's just your dogma.
  3. bochinit

    Does anyone use Nandrolone (Deca Durabolin) ?

    The best way you can validate this is by choosing one anabolic and using at the same dosage you'd use test. You will notice that what I am saying is true. You will end up with a better shape. Test just bloat you, make you bald and gives you a swole look. Oh, it makes you anger and nervous too...
  4. bochinit

    Does anyone use Nandrolone (Deca Durabolin) ?

    You say it correctly. Most would. And that's why most people belive that testosterone is the best too, as you. But when we comes to reality the other anabolics is better than testosterone for adding quality muscle without the negative side effects of testosterone. I garantee you can gain more...
  5. bochinit

    TRT Insulate OA

    I've read that test can worse this case. But you had more estrogen when on test so it can aliviate these symptoms. Nandrolone on the other hand, as other anabolics, seems to help with collagen and traumas.
  6. bochinit

    Your experiences with increasing testosterone dosage?

    This topic is about increasing the dosage so I dictated what symptons I felt with higher test.
  7. bochinit

    Does anyone use Nandrolone (Deca Durabolin) ?

    Your answer does not prove anything about your argument.
  8. bochinit

    Does anyone use Nandrolone (Deca Durabolin) ?

    Do you have used Nandrolone before, sir? All anabolics is better than testosterone for producing lean muscles and/or another beneficts for deseases without the androgenic/estrogenic side effects of test. That's why they're created.
  9. bochinit

    Your experiences with increasing testosterone dosage?

    High test = angry, impulsive, half erection, tired all day long, procrastination.
  10. bochinit

    Does anyone use Nandrolone (Deca Durabolin) ?

    It's indicated for wasting syndromes and have more sucess than test for HIV and other deseases so it work best than test for what is indicated with med proof. And if you had used these two drugs for BB pourposes you would know that nandrolone is better anabolic, as many others, than test by...
  11. bochinit

    Does anyone use Nandrolone (Deca Durabolin) ?

    Disagree. Nandrolone do produces more lean mass and are more anabolic than Testosterone.
  12. bochinit

    Fatigue and Tired on TRT

    High test makes me feel tired and angry. Drop the dose and you will be better.
  13. bochinit

    My First Labs With Nandrolone

    Hi Vince, how do you feel now about your protocol?
  14. bochinit

    Prostate massage/milking

  15. bochinit

    It is Estrogen or DHT that causes BPH?

    It is the Estrogen or DHT that make men have problens in prostate when get older or by hormones use? Older guys on trt here, please share if you are having problems with it. I want to understand about this subject.
  16. bochinit

    Prostate massage/milking

    So in order to stop bph we have to use finasteride to block our dht? Is the dht the real cause of bph?
  17. bochinit

    Does cabergoline improve ED? Why do body builders take it?

    Selegiline is a drug for dopamine as cabergoline.
  18. bochinit

    Nebido(undecaonate) daily sub q Ed

    Switch to E/C and try the same dosage or lower split in two times per week if possible. Undecanoate is not a good ester to manipulate without experience.
  19. bochinit

    Cholesterol lowering has no impact

    If aspirin work does viagra and cialis could work too?
  20. bochinit

    Dose Too High = No Erections

    Whoa, 75? Cool! Any negatives or health problems? It's good to see older guys doing well with hormones.
  21. bochinit

    New to nandrolone

    The problem on heart could not be that coclusive because another parameters while administrating nandrolone alone but the neural effects is true. 19nors can mess with your brain and give you depression or lack of desire for sex vg: ed
  22. bochinit

    Dose Too High = No Erections

    Probably gh / out of range e2. On standard nobody should have a problem till exced 200mg - 300mg so the problem could be a loss of hardness of erection or anxiety to prone ones.
  23. bochinit

    Started Sub Q ?

    The problem is with the solvents on the solution.
  24. bochinit

    Time to quit TRT after 6 weeks? Heart rate/anxiety

    Did you tried to up the dosage?
  25. bochinit

    Max Prescribed dose for Testosterone Enanthate

    I tried to use 100mg per week and I feel sick, anxyous, sad, letargic. What could be the cause? Low E2?
  26. bochinit

    Keto Diet General "How-to"

    Are not low carb or ketogenic diets dangerous for us that are on trt / anabolics because of the colesterol and animal fats?
  27. bochinit

    Testosterone decrease collagen?

    While testosterone will increase bone mass and density, even at supra-physiological levels, the result is weaker tendons due to inhibition of collagen syn. To plan a cycle where the goal is to increase skeletal muscle mass/strength while at the same time increase joint/tendon/ligament strength...