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  1. bochinit

    Help keeping e2 up

    Cialis are defenetly not decreasing your E2.
  2. bochinit

    TRT raised my blood pressure, how long to normalize after dropping treatment?

    I lived for months with with anxiety raising my bp on test. I spend a couple weeks off and I am feeling better now. You will be too, don't worry.
  3. bochinit

    What do you guys do to tackle mood/anxiety if anything?

    Drop your test and e2 down if feeling anxiety.
  4. bochinit

    Nandrolone proper use and side effects

    You say that I am nonsense just because you parrot some internet bro-lore? Give me a break, npc. If you really knew studies you should notice that Nandrolone was developted and it is used alone. Testosterone give the dread collaterals in conjuction with Nandrolone. But this is not a information...
  5. bochinit

    Fatigue and Tired on TRT

    Because I do not had health problem, just started for anabolic purposes.
  6. bochinit

    Weight gain on trt

    It's the high estradiol.
  7. bochinit

    Nandrolone proper use and side effects

    You should not use Nandrolone with Testosterone cause it can give you collaterals like these.
  8. bochinit

    How bad is this T:E ratio?

    Split your dose and analise how you feel and if this still happens drop your dose down. Your E2 and TT is high for your body.
  9. bochinit

    Fatigue and Tired on TRT

    >50mg per week. And everytime after injection I feel my anxiety and anger going up till the point I've became traumatized and started to skip injections and guess what? I feel better! I had created topics about this here and in other forums asking for help about it too but many people does not...
  10. bochinit

    Fatigue and Tired on TRT

    Hey OP, listen to me. Your problem is with your TT and Estrogen balance. I may sound strange because everyone will say the otherwise and tell you to add more and more things to your protocol but trust me, probably no one here knows how you're feeling. I do. Just jump some injections, get down...
  11. bochinit

    How bad is this T:E ratio?

    How you feel? Numbers don't matter, colaterals do.
  12. bochinit

    Nandrolone proper use and side effects

    It's just a problem with the kind of oil. Sometimes it happens and it will go away after few hours or maybe a day.
  13. bochinit

    Bodybuilding/powerlifting background starting TRT

    No, it does not matter. You can start trt and get back to your "peak" or even higher. About ligaments I can't find so much data besides one or other studie atesting that testosterone can lower collagen synthesis. I spend months searching about this without sucess.
  14. bochinit

    TRT hair loss

    Yes, because you use it. But you was recending when you started? And you have genetic to be bald? Any side effect from Finasteride?
  15. bochinit

    TRT hair loss

    So the TRT is causing his hair loss. My hair are receiding too and it started after the Testosterone use. I think there's not we can do beside using Finasteride or similar meds. We're going to be bald, it's a fate.
  16. bochinit

    Can TRT cause kidney cysts?

    No, it won't. And by curiosity, how do you feel on your protocol?
  17. bochinit

    Oxandrolone and SHBG

    No. It is effective.
  18. bochinit

    Would I benefit from a different type of T?

    No, it's almost the same. You would need to control your hormones anyways.
  19. bochinit

    Fatigue and Tired on TRT

    Yes, it was. I am using >50mg per week now and I am not so much tired or anxyous anymore. Test = Estrogen.
  20. bochinit

    Man with Estradiol, DHT, Free T Way High

    You said you're feeling well, so there's no problem and are not necessary if you feel your best at this point.
  21. bochinit

    Does anyone use Nandrolone (Deca Durabolin) ?

    And it is. Why you think it is the cheaper steroid? And why you think other anabolics was created for use instead of test if this steroid is 100% efficient in all aspects? I suggest you get down your pod and open your mind. I was like you before when I let stupid people on internet manipulate...
  22. bochinit

    Does anyone use Nandrolone (Deca Durabolin) ?

    No, I prefer to let you keep holding the title of douchebag who fights for nothing when someone thinks different from you.
  23. bochinit

    Does anyone use Nandrolone (Deca Durabolin) ?

    You may be a good contribuitor on forum but you act like a jerk, as many people on internet, when contraried. And I'm tired of these people.
  24. bochinit

    Does anyone use Nandrolone (Deca Durabolin) ?

    Ok, I am not desagreing that test can build muscle, just talking about colaterals. In my situation, that I can't use high test, what would you do? Push more T and became a sick-angry monster or use other anabolics while feeling fine and reaching my goals? We have to consider individuality here...
  25. bochinit

    Your experiences with increasing testosterone dosage?

    Aside my mood being better my erection and drive are better on low dose too, try it amd see if works for you.
  26. bochinit

    Does anyone use Nandrolone (Deca Durabolin) ?

    You are wrong again, as many times. Pacients with HIV are not using testosterone alongside with nandrolons because the nandrolone was produced to work alone. Many bodybuilders of the past does the same kind of protocol. You can call it BS but I would not say Arnold Schwarzenneger, Frank Zane...
  27. bochinit

    Does anyone use Nandrolone (Deca Durabolin) ?

    You was talking with another user because I am on TRT with testosterone but since you touch in this subject you should know that nandrolone monotherapy is used by many people with HIV and wasting sindromes with even more sucess than testosterone therapy. You should study more and open your mind...
  28. bochinit

    Does anyone use Nandrolone (Deca Durabolin) ?

    Maybe if you drop your dose you can feel better and became a calm person. Try it.