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    David Sinclair, Ph.D., on Rogan

    With Metformin, it works in the Electron Chain Transport, and energy and performance can take a hit. The podcast following the one OP posted on Rogan with Ben Greenfield he discusses this. There are trade offs with most drugs.
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    Possible insulin resistance?

    when the body makes it own glucose, (gluconeogenesis) insulin release is much lower than if you eat something. thus elevated fasting, especially in the AM. This is not a bad thing its actually good, and shows insulin sensitivity. Read the link below for more details. Bottom line for the OP is to...
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    Possible insulin resistance?

    This is very common in the keto community, it has to do with the liver and Gluconeogenesis. see the link. Gluconeogenesis: What It Is and Why You Shouldn’t Fear It On Keto - Perfect Keto
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    Want a healthier heart? Eat a steak

    I agree, diet is a complex thing to measure. I still think a big piece of the complexity is portion size and everyday activity and of course the biggest piece,... STRESS.
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    At what age did you start testosterone and what was your total testosterone?

    I love to hear about your kind of success with TRT well into the senior years. This has been a curiosity for me, as to how I would fair into my late 70's and 80's while on TRT. Great to hear your doing so well, and thanks for relieving some angst I was having.
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    rouzier: maintain 2000 ng/dl at all times

    I agree, he sounds like a preacher not a teacher. Nobody wants to be preached to.
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    Nelson Vergel Upcoming Videos: Any Ideas?

    I agree with this, easy to call out excel forum members without giving them a chance to defend their thoughts and positions.
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    Really? on the pituitary?? Does this warrant MRI??
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    Updated lab results, this is me after 24 days of not doing any weights or cardio. I'v done nothing in terms of exercise. I'm Impressed with my TT. SHBG really sucks, there gotta be a reason why the body decides to bind things up? FT sucks. My Bili always runs high on and off, since my 20's...
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    Want a healthier heart? Eat a steak

    Portion size play a big role in your statement. French eat a lot of fat (butter, creams) and drink a lot of wine, yet have low Cardiovascular Disease. Quality and freshness play a role as well.
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    TRT, Weakness, Low Energy, and Dopamine?

    I completely see the sense of offering it, to have in the event that you may need it. But it seems its not being presented that way. I could be wrong.
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    TRT, Weakness, Low Energy, and Dopamine?

    I thought we treat symptoms not numbers?? This seems to be a common occurrence.
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    TRT, Weakness, Low Energy, and Dopamine?

    Again, another new person started with TRT, HCG and AI right out the gate. I don't understand why? I thought AI only if needed? (symptoms) and his E is on the low end of normal. I know its all about balance but starting with one thing at a time seems to make the most sense.
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    Applying cream twice a day problems

    Thanks for this. It makes much more sense that the morning application only would mimic natural rhythms. I had been scratching my head as to how/why applying 2x (especially the evening dose mimics natural rhythms)
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    Testosterone and depression ..Dr. Mark Gordon

    There is a lot that goes into depression than just one chemical being low (serotonin) There is a lot that goes into skin cancer other than getting unprotected sun exposure. There is a lot that goes into CAD (Coronary Artery Disease) Than just cholesterol being over 200. See a pattern here??
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    TOT roundtable contradicting themselves once again

    This is a fascinating read, I am all in for that Webinar, I would love to see it. Thanks
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    Possible insulin resistance?

    Check a fasting insulin level and Hemoglobin A1C. “Prediabetes” is one result of insulin resistance. Insulinresistance causes high cholesterol, high glucose, and high blood pressure. A high level of fasting insulinindicates insulin resistance and can encourage a person to make changes to lower it.
  18. D

    Dr. Saya...AI's, estradiol management...

    This is still all new to me, but if E follows T, why not just control T to where E would be in the desired range? I'm pretty sure lots of folks here are doing that?? something about a conversion rate of T to E?? Seems simple but maybe not....IDK.
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    Strange lab fluctuations...T

    61yo, and throwing TT numbers up like 609 that is impressive, but free T is what counts more.
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    Can a person be on psychiatric medications and be on TRT?

    There are lots of reasons to avoid any prescription drugs, yeah perhaps to avoid the side effects, however I believe most people don't need them. They use them as a band aide. Prescription tv advertising has taken over the commercial space and this fact does not seem to be going away anytime...
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    Supplement request for interest from Nelson

    I agree, did you learn anything from the results?
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    Beginner Questions

    Interesting, I was told within 30 days
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    Supplement request for interest from Nelson

    I don't believe you need a MD's order, its expensive though.
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    Supplement request for interest from Nelson

    I have always wanted to get the nutrient spectra cell profile done. Can you share your experiences with it?? Was it worth it for you?
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    Anxiety Attacks Recently For No Apparent Reason

    I would ask, what time is your last meal of day? How long prior to bedtime is it? There was a time this was happening to me, I would wake up in a major panic, it was odd because my sleep has always been great, and this was now happening maybe 1x-2x a week. Then I though It might be a blood...
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    Can a person be on psychiatric medications and be on TRT?

    YUP, Its the sad truth, we all know its a money game, when it comes to chronic health issues. I am all for capitalism, but not when its for food and health, or even education. I wish you continued success on you personal heath journey, keep up the good work.
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    Can a person be on psychiatric medications and be on TRT?

    I very much agree with you, the system(s) are absolutely broken. I would also add that its so confusing for people to get real answers as there is so much contradiction of information being given, especially with studies. We can eventually get the answers we seek, but it will take time.
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    Can a person be on psychiatric medications and be on TRT?

    This is the first thing Psychiatrists should look at, before offering psychiatric drugs. They should run a full hormone panel, thyroid panel. cortisol panel, and a nutritional deficiency panel, along with diet modifications, and do it 2-3x If all those things come back absolutely fine, yeah then...
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    No, married to a Danish women.