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  1. N

    New Atrevis Hydrogel Based Testosterone Cream from Empower: Surprising Results!

    I've had same experience with transdermal testosterone. I believe its caused by very quick and high peak. Injectable short testosterone ester like propionate have same effects.
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    Progesterone Dose for Men

    What progesterone form would be the best?
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    Progesterone Dose for Men

    Symptoms of High / Excess Progesterone in Men (References Included) Have you guys experience any of those side effects from high progesterone dose?
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    Penis shrinkage with cream

    Sound like stress reaction to me. Have you tried to apply at different spot? on your body?
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    Finally hacked my sleep! Now I have a question?

    DHEA, Pregnenolone and MK4 in high doses effects my sleep quality the most.
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    Increased body hair on TRT

    Topical testosterone right on scrotum would be the best and easiest way to get your DHT elevated for long period of time and stimulate body growth and flaccid penis size. Other way would be oral Proviron which is much milder with shorter half life. If you bump your DHT to extremely high levels...
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    Waking every night . 3am every morning

    You can try to eat more balanced meal with less carbs , moderate protein, more fat and fiber few hours before sleep. It should stabilize your blood sugar over night. I wake up feeling hot if I eat too much protein and carbs on my last meal. Usually we tolerate high carbs in the morning the best...
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    Increased body hair on TRT

    According to some studies I've read combining both increased hair growth on scalp. They used 1mm needle once per week. Also increasing DHT in your system will definitely stimulate your body hair grow. That's what happen in my case. Now I've more chest, torso, back and even eyebrows and hair in...
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    Increased body hair on TRT

    You could try micro needling. It's used for hair loss and growth. Best effects of micro needling are with topical Minoxidil.
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    Estradiol and Social Anxiety

    Any medication will only mask the symptoms. Your father needs Cognitive Behavioral Therapy. In simple words rewire brain again.
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    Waking every night . 3am every morning

    Sublingually (rubbing on gums) works the best for me. On skin it builds up over time. Orally too many metabolites.
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    Waking every night . 3am every morning

    I have diluted it with MCT oil 3X so 1 drop becomes 1mg.
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    Waking every night . 3am every morning

    Im using liquid Simple Progesterone by Healthnatura. Its the cleanest purest progesterone I could find.
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    Progesterone Dose for Men

    Yes you are right. Oral, topical or scrotal administration all have different metabolites.
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    Progesterone Dose for Men

    Pregnenolone would be safer to use progesterone then. It converts to progesterone dose dependent.
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    New Atrevis Hydrogel Based Testosterone Cream from Empower: Surprising Results!

    Better flaccid penis hang is from direct DHT conversion.
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    Estradiol and Social Anxiety

    You could try Selegiline in low doses.
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    Waking every night . 3am every morning

    Progesterone should help to get you calm before sleep. You can also tryold folks remedy hot milk with honey right before sleep.
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    Waking every night . 3am every morning

    Low metabolism(low T3 hormone), poor liver health.
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    Waking every night . 3am every morning

    I have the same issue. You are running out of liver's glycogen overnight and adrenaline kicks in to compensate. My fix was to take 1mg progesterone right before sleep.
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    Microdosing Enanthate

    Other option is transdermal test cream applied on your scrotum. It should raise you DHT level to the upper level.
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    Low Prolactin

    Ejaculation via sexual intercourse increases prolactin. Masturbation as well but less.
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    Better Libido/Sexual Function with different esters?

    Will oral Testosterone Undecanoate powder work the same way like Jatenzo?
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    Microdosing Enanthate

    Morning IM shot works the best for me, evening one cause insomnia. For SubQ it doesn't matter.
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    how much protein a person should take a day

    If you consume high carbs diet I believe 1-1.2g per kg should be fine for your purpose. Carbs are protein sparing. The best would be to divide protein equally each meal.
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    How to increase dopamine?

    Meditation, fasting or restriction of anything what give us pleasure.
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    Advice on reducing test dosage

    I have bought 99.3% powdered pregnenolone and dissolved in alcohol for transdermal application. You can dissolve up to 22mg/ml in alcohol or DMSO if you want to potentiate it.
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    Advice on reducing test dosage

    Have you tried to combine with pregnenolone or progesterone or DHEA to your TRT? I noticed if I take small dose 1mg pregnenolone with DHEA (1:1) (EOD) to my any form TRT my anxiety decreases significantly. With just progesterone, decreases but just with once a week dosing. Regular progesterone...