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  1. G

    Golden milk

    turmeric, ginger, cinnamon added to a hot cup of coconut milk. very soothing. especially in the middle of a midwest winter....
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    What is the highest testosterone level for long term health ?

    To add, I look at it like this. If you feel markedly better (not all do) with a slightly higher than normal level (we don't know you're free T but let's assume that is also slightly supra physiologic), and it allows you to be a better person in terms of life activities such as being more prone...
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    A new study explores anti-aging properties of metformin

    While I do not have a strong family Hx of DM-II, my grandfather did have it and became insulin dependent. I am for sure insulin resistant. Over a year ago I began max dose metformin. It's been a metabolic game changer for me. Truly remarkable. The life extension stuff is icing on the cake...
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    doctors getting pressure to not give test...

    Yep, no more total joint replacements Mr. Jones. Sorry, osteoarthritis is a normal part of aging. I know you're only 55 yo. Live with it. The stigma on Test is ridiculous. I do feel that the globalists prefer a neutered population. Easier to rule over.
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    This YouTube Video Shows How a Doctor Can Mess You Up

    I'll admit that I have been surprised at the high TT/fT numbers achievable with what many would consider "low" doses.
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    Transdermals and DHT vs. Injections and DHT; Dr. Crisler on Surface Area of Gel Application

    I think you are correct. I've not seen studies implicating DHT as problematic for the most part. Thus, I'm going to advise that unless he experience either elevated PSA, or a few aforementioned urinary/prostatic symptoms, then to go back to the dose he was at before. Any other input...
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    Transdermals and DHT vs. Injections and DHT; Dr. Crisler on Surface Area of Gel Application

    My dad's DHT level became elevated to 3x normal limit with T cream from a compounding pharmacy. He has not noticed hair loss issues or increased urinary frequency or weakened stream. The cream DID increase his TT and fT very nicely to the upper normal range. E2 sensitive is normal and no AI...
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    Oxandrolone (Anavar) Medical Uses- Presentation Attached

    Thanks Nelson. You are awesome buddy!
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    Oxandrolone (Anavar) Medical Uses- Presentation Attached

    It seems that the FDA indications for oxandrolone are a little more broad than nandrolone. Nelson, do you feel that a 1 month trial of oxandrolone, maybe 40-80 mg total daily dose, with 1 refill would raise major flags if I were to write for this medication????? I know a few docs are writing...
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    Does anyone use Nandrolone (Deca Durabolin) ?

    Nelson, do you have any idea if the Rx of off-label Nandrolone gets flagged in any way by the DEA?? I'm about to call one of the good compounders I have used and which is referenced on this forum quite often. But, just wanted to see what your opinion is on this.
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    Does anyone use Nandrolone (Deca Durabolin) ?

    Do we know if the DEA looks askance at the Rx of off-label Nandrolone?
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    Help Me Interview Urologist Dr Michael Rotman About Prostate Issues

    My dad has very high (over double the normal range high) DHT levels as a result of his Testosterone compounded transdermal cream. We are awaiting labs from a cut back in dose (his TT was high normal) but if it doesn't lower his DHT substantially, would it be a good idea to switch to injections?
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    2 weeks into new TRT protocol, and...

    Great to hear. What is your protocol? Dosing?
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    I want to go with defy, but I have a major concern

    o.k. Here's how I would look at this one. Listen, I'm very empathetic to this very difficult economy. Our economic situation has hit men particularly hard given the loss in manufacturing and production jobs. However, you also need to realize that if you need this treatment (perhaps more so...
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    Finally Got my Full Panel...Way Low Testosterone

    Ask yourself this. Is alcohol SERVING me?? Are the benefits you get from alcohol worth the drawbacks to your health? Hangovers in the a.m.? I'm guessing if you are over consuming alcohol then the answer is no, it's not serving you. Try NO ALCOHOL for 30 days and see how you like it. Is...
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    Testosterone and Blood Clots - Dr. Glueck's Current Thoughts and My Case

    Heparin is not the solution for high Hct. Phlebotomy or dose reductions is.
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    Testosterone and Blood Clots - Dr. Glueck's Current Thoughts and My Case

    Who is Dr. Glueck? This sounds very suspicious to me. I am unaware of contraindications to Eliquis while on Testosterone, OR Testosterone while on Eliquis.
  18. G

    Bloodwork looks ok but Libidio is still low?!

    It MAY be that your are simply too high in fT and TT.... I've been at very very high levels, and I can tell you that it's not the best for sexual function. Yes, my libido was pretty decent, but erections and sensitivity were not optimal on supra physiological doses. While I understand you may...
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    My latest testosterone panel from 3-21-16

    I've been bringing my dose down for the past few weeks. Was doing 100 mg T cyp Q3.5d with HCG 500 iU as well. Trough day was TT 1050 and fT substantially over the normal mark.... I'm targeting 80mg Q3.5d and changing to SQ versus IM. We'll see. I THINK I feel a bit more mellow....... Not as...
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    BP Med

    I have no proof of this, and I'm sure smoking had a LOT to do with it, but my thoughts are that poorly controlled hypertension was a primary cause of THIN, otherwise healthy LOOKING, men in the 1950's/60's having a pretty high incidence of heart attacks. You know, the 50 year old dudes having...
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    BP Med

    Zooka15, chronic hypertension can cause damage to ALL blood vessels, leading to them hardening. So, yes, it can be an issue. It's why I'm a big fan of controlling BP even though many meds have side effects. But, USUALLY, people can find proper BP meds which they tolerate quite well. Again...
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    BP Med

    John, no problem man. Propranolol is great for public speaking. I'd only caution people naive to the drug to first have a baseline EKG making sure there are no contraindications that they may not know about such as higher grade AV blocks or even just bradycardia. THEN, titrate slowly to see...
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    BP Med

    John, First, not all Beta Blockers depress the CNS all that much. If you mean "depress" as in crossing the blood brain barrier, then the more lipophilic ones such as Inderal/Propranolol can for sure do that. But, not all are lipophilic and not all are "non-specific" in the type of adrenergic...
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    BP Med

    BP control is a tough issue. If you need a beta blocker you need a beta blocker. I tolerate Bystolic (Nebivolol) quite well, because it's B1 specific and shows the least amount of side effects including ED..... I also take an ARB but I take Telmisartan. I'm not sure if it's been published...
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    This YouTube Video Shows How a Doctor Can Mess You Up

    Ever notice how so many of the Netflix, Starz, or AMC originals showcase alcohol and a big drinking culture? The two best examples are Mad Men (over the top even for the times/industry) and to a large extent House of Cards. It's become very clear to me where these production companies find a...
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    22 year old male, feel like crap, have lab work. wondering what next step is?

    We also generally don't know sh.t about nutrition. We learn everything from the physiological effects of food from the point it enters the mouth, and literally everything known about how it enters the GI system, and gets processed by the liver. We study, in great detail, the way the liver...
  27. G

    This YouTube Video Shows How a Doctor Can Mess You Up

    He doesn't post his results but he discusses the values in similar videos with his Dr. She's pretty thorough, it seems. But, this is why it's called the "art of medicine". Individual treatment philosophies and plans of care do differ depending on patient, and more likely physician...
  28. G

    This YouTube Video Shows How a Doctor Can Mess You Up

    I've been following virtually all of his videos and he indeed does follow up with bloodwork on a frequent basis, and HAS seemed to report feeling well on progressively lesser doses. We'll see what his blood work shows after a month or so on the lesser (again) dose. I don't think she's a bad doc.
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    Danazol to increase free testosterone and decrease estradiol?

    I never even had high SHBG. The irresponsible maniac of a "TRT expert" often extolled as being an anointed one on forums such as these put me on it to "see if it would raise my freeT". Instead it really messed me up and impacted my life negatively, but fortunately it was recoverable. He had...
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    Danazol to increase free testosterone and decrease estradiol?

    While some may suggest this falls into the realm of the "expert" TRT provider, others may opine that it's simply experimental with zero validated clinical guidelines. On one hand pushing the envelope in the absence of guidance from large, academic centers is pioneering, on the other hand you...