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  1. G

    My wife is pregnant

    Hello Gentlemen, Just thought I'd pass on the news and the how's, but my wife is pregnant as of today. Hopefully no miscarriage and we plan on getting genetic screening done at 11 weeks or so. It was planned. So, I'll be 49 is two weeks (I know old for a dad to be but i can handle it)...
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    PT 141

    Anyone have a reliable source for this?
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    Danazol With/Without TRT?

    Run from any Dr who prescribes you Danazol on it's own. It crashed my TT and lowered my freeT (lower range of normal). This was at 50mg EOD. Maybe Danazol WITH TRT, but not alone. I would strongly caution you against this. It's off label and in my opinion experimental and irresponsible, as...
  4. G

    Why is 200 mg/wk the "upper limit" for TRT?

    I'd agree with your statement on erectile strength. Indeed, it's a very important "leading indicator" on how you are doing overall. Probably I could get away with Twice per week injections. 3 may be overkill, but I do SQ so it doesn't really matter too much in terms of violating fascia etc.
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    Why is 200 mg/wk the "upper limit" for TRT?

    JQ88, I am doing 0.25 mg Arimidex on injection days which are 70mg Monday and Wednesday a.m. and Sunday p.m. I do need to get labs to see what E2 is doing, but over time you will get a feel for how balanced you are from "feel", water weight, and sexual function. So, while labs are good, how...
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    Raging Libido and Crazy Sex Drive...

    I personally feel that there's something to the fact that in non-TRT young males, their T levels fluctuate throughout the day. That fluctuation, I personally believe, is a good thing as pertains to libido. That being said, I pin 70mg 3 times per week to stabilize peaks and troughs, and also in...
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    Why is 200 mg/wk the "upper limit" for TRT?

    From a lifestyle perspective, having a very busy career, on blasts, I've always felt compelled to hit the gym pretty hard with weights. As in not to "waste" the blast cycle...... However, my lifestyle isn't really conducive to that always. I prefer to mix in some weight training (for sure)...
  8. G

    Why is 200 mg/wk the "upper limit" for TRT?

    I'm back down to 200 mg/wk after some experimentation with other anabolics and upping my dose to 300/wk Test. I've done this several times over the past 3 years, and I can tell you that I FEEL much better at 180-200/wk (I realize this is considered high by some TRT standards but labs look ok on...
  9. G

    Does anyone use Nandrolone (Deca Durabolin) ?

    Thanks for the info Sean. Yeah, I think that once the Life Extension (not the Trademarked folks but generally speaking) and anti-Aging clinics started churning out GH patients, the Gov't seemed to have clamped down. GH is something which I have always said I'd have checked, and then INVESTED...
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    Does anyone use Nandrolone (Deca Durabolin) ?

    Sean, how old are you if you don't mind me asking. Were your levels naturally found to be low, or low after some GH? It's a fair question, as you know. Do not mean to offend or presume in any way. Also, how many IU are you taking?
  11. G

    Does anyone use Nandrolone (Deca Durabolin) ?

    I should also add that even though it seems it may take 2 wks for ramped up Collagen III synthesis, I did notice a relief of my C-spine tenderness with movement. My neck has been stiff for a while now and I can't imagine this being placebo as I was surprised to "notice" that my neck wasn't...
  12. G

    Does anyone use Nandrolone (Deca Durabolin) ?

    o.k. so....... I'll admit that I had to read up a lot about NPP versus Decanoate. Some of the "bro science" behind reasons for taking NPP have been quicker to take effect, less bloat, overall less side effects, and just a perceived better compound than the longer ester. My own reasoning...
  13. G

    Does anyone use Nandrolone (Deca Durabolin) ?

    o.k. 1 week on NPP (short ester version of nandrolone). I have been taking cabergoline 0.25 mg so I know it's not a prolactin issue. My nipples are not sore, not swollen, and no discharge, but when cold or even rubbing my shirt, the very tips of the nipples stand out "erect" more than I really...
  14. G

    Does anyone use Nandrolone (Deca Durabolin) ?

    I echo Paul-E's sentiments. The key to any medication is risk reward assessment and knowing your body and how it responds to certain meds. To be flippant (and I hope I've not given that impression) about this stuff is not wise. Indeed, I monitor my blood pressure daily and blood glucose on a...
  15. G

    Does anyone use Nandrolone (Deca Durabolin) ?

    Most would, I imagine. One can also do major research and attempt to find it "via other means". There is risk involved in that and I'm not openly advocating that, but one could probably get somewhat accurately dosed, and clean product from non-traditional sources.
  16. G

    Does anyone use Nandrolone (Deca Durabolin) ?

    Great to hear. I'm using NPP (phenylpropionate) concurrent to Decanoate. It's going to be a big guess, but the idea is quicker results with NPP while Decanoate begins to kick in. I may not be exactly to 200 Decanoate for 8 weeks or so. I'm still designing the mini blast, but have been on...
  17. G

    Does anyone use Nandrolone (Deca Durabolin) ?

    Yeah, I'm not convinced either about the cholesterol theory of atherosclerosis. But, are you still on 200 nandrolone/week? Do you inject once per week or twice? What you describe is essentially what Nelson's book describes/suggests. That lower doses of both compounds may offer increased...
  18. G

    Does anyone use Nandrolone (Deca Durabolin) ?

    Good news indeed. Are you still on 200/200 per week? Still doing Caber 0.25 twice per week? How have your lipids been?
  19. G

    Does anyone use Nandrolone (Deca Durabolin) ?

    Do you still have any libido or erection problems?? I assume they can come from high progesterone also, and not just prolactin. Can you elaborate on how you feel from a libido perspective and if that solved erection issues? Honestly, for me, nothing is going to be worth sacrificing those...
  20. G

    Does anyone use Nandrolone (Deca Durabolin) ?

    Yeah madman, I'm going to do (am doing) 200/200 I really do not want to get out of hand. If it works, then my goal is to titrate down the nandrolone or just stop and call it a day. I've done well with TRT and it's not a huge priority to get, well, huge..... Honestly, I've been curious and...
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    Heart issues 10 years in (Left Ventricle Hypertrophy)

    In summary, keep levels therapeutic (yes, I am currently breaking that rule). If you do significant weight training balance that out with low intensity cardio. Thanks for increasing awareness George. Sincerely, GA
  22. G

    Heart issues 10 years in (Left Ventricle Hypertrophy)

    George, Do we have proof that there are, indeed, androgen receptors on the myocardium? It would not be difficult to study (in vivo). That being said, I agree with the premise that sustained afterload as a result of weight lifting, can predispose to LVH. But, so will sustained hyptertension...
  23. G

    Does anyone use Nandrolone (Deca Durabolin) ?

    I saw a BB forum where a guy on 400 Nandrolone/week taking Cabergoline 0.5mg Every 3 days drop his prolactin from 5.5 to 1.2. Basically, he drove it below normal range. I'm not sure, but enough bro's do say it can increase prolactin (I do not know mechanism as I think bros confuse progestins...
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    Does anyone use Nandrolone (Deca Durabolin) ?

    How does 150 mg Test Cyp plus 150 mg Nandrolone sound for a little spring enhancement? No major goals, diet will be in check, but just a little extra anabolism for some muscle mass addition. I would be following labs. I'm also on TRT already.
  25. G

    Metformin decreases high hematocrit

    Guys, I really think that relying on Metformin to lower TRT associated polycythemia is overstreaching a bit. Metformin is a great drug, but if you need to control Hct, then phlebotomy seems like a reasonable and safe way to do it. God bless you if you want to try, but I would not get my hopes up.
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    where to buy metformin without a script

    I would really advocate checking morning blood sugars to see if your weight gain is likely attributable to increasing insulin resistance. I would say, if you are in the 90's or above, then you are likely on the resistant end of the spectrum. Above 100 and for sure you need to consider...
  27. G

    Metformin decreases high hematocrit

    Most Dr's will hardly Rx the med for people with strong family Hx of DM and fasting BG in the 90's (just Pre Pre-Diabetes) which is what the study that Nelson linked suggests is safe and effective. So, I am quite sure you will not find too many (and the data doesn't support it even) who would...
  28. G

    Left Ventricle Hypertrophy and Nandrolone ( Decadurabolin )

    Nice post. One caveat is that reversal of DILATED cardiomyopathy may be different from concentric cardiomyopathy. Dilated cardiomyopathy is from traditional heart failure and is eccentric in nature. LVH is concentric hypertrophy. I was unaware that carvedilol IMPROVES insulin sensitivity...
  29. G

    Does anyone use Nandrolone (Deca Durabolin) ?

    Paul, What is your new protocol versus old protocol? How long have you been on it? Sorry in advance if you've already posted this. Thanks in advance. GA
  30. G

    Does anyone use Nandrolone (Deca Durabolin) ?

    I almost think that somehow, way back when, some brohead read out progestin and thought prolactin and things just perpetuated..... I've seen animal studies showing progestins being used to treat prolactinomas/pituitary adenomas..... I have yet to see an explanation on progestins causing...
  31. G

    Testosterone being too high causing emptiness feeling?

    Yeah, Nelson, I agree with you. It's complicated. Hormonal balance/optimization is wonderful but it's not a cure-all/magic bullet. I also very much agree on the importance of sleep. It's probably my one single (easy to implement in spite of the excuses we make) modifiable risk factor to my...