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  1. C


    I also just went without HCG for two weeks, due to delays in shipping and felt better without it. I have found HCG really drives up my E2 which causes a loss in libido as well as a marked increase in anxiety. For me, it appears to be an estrogen related issue.
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    is mucuna pruriens safe long term?

    Exactly. The biggest concern is building tolerance and dependance. I use 400mg daily and haven't had any concerns for the past year (Now Brand).
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    Does Enclomephine cause permanent or long term issues?

    Agreed. In my opinion, 12.5mg EOD worked much better for me. 25 mg per day built up quickly in my system and caused unwanted side effects: insomnia and skin irritation. Enclomiphene also works on the estrogen receptors in your body, which at higher doses made me feel less than great.
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    Enclomiphene: Did you use anastrozole with it?

    Not really. I used it within the first week or two. It was prescribed as needed.
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    Enclomiphene: Did you use anastrozole with it?

    Yes I needed an AI with it. 12.5 mg Enclomiphene daily, 1/8 arimidex 1-2x a week. Something I learned with enclomiphene, is that an every other day protocol seems to work better than daily, for me anyway.
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    My Dr is challenging testosterone micro dosing

    I haven't seen any studies on it, but this forum is mostly supportive of it. I personally feel better at 2 injections per week, than I did on more frequent.
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    Depression and feeling poor after masturbation but not after sex

    There is a lot to this question and difficult to answer without more details. Here's my best guess. I agree this is very much a psychological/emotional wellness issue. Sexual stimulation and orgasms releases neurotransmitters, especially dopamine. This is the pleasure chemical. If the self...
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    Testosterone protocol for someone with low level Anxiety

    I've done 3x a week, but felt worse. I actually feel better having a peak and trough with my trt. Everyone responds differently. You may want to look at hcg later, but one thing at a time is a.good idea.
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    Testosterone protocol for someone with low level Anxiety

    I'm also finding HCG seems to increase my anxiety. I took a week off to see if I felt better. My anxiety calmed significantly and after I restarted it increased significantly. TRT is very calming to me and I prefer 2x a week, 150 mg total. My advice is to start a reasonable protocol and...
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    Mucuna Pruriens Extract

    Morning is better. I take Now Mucuna and I really like it .
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    Hand numbness/Anxiety - E2?

    Thanks for the input. Yep, I discussed with my doc at Defy. Hand numbness/tingling started with trt/HCG and went away when I discontinued for a while. Very odd.
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    Finished HGC for TRT estradiol pretty high what to do?

    Much of the E2 conversion with HCG occurs in the testicles, which arimidex doesn't affect much. I would suggest getting with a good Doctor to help you sort this out. If you are doing this on your own, I would suggest keeping HCG below 1,000 IU a WK, which should prevent your HPTA from...
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    Hand numbness/Anxiety - E2?

    My HCT has been around 46-47 for the past year. I'm assuming it's water retention. I did notice the numbness gets worse with increased sodium intake.
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    Arimidex? Do we need it?

    I feel pretty bad if my E2 creeps up, so an AI is important for me. 1/8th arimidex x 2-3 a week.
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    Hand numbness/Anxiety - E2?

    I'm hoping to get some insight on why I experience tingling and hand numbness. It almost always occurs after using HCG and I've experienced it on my current protocol (below) as well as when I was on clomid + HCG. I also usually experience a marked increase in anxiety at the same time. I'm...
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    High estradiol even on anastrazole

    2x and either way.
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    Enclomiphene WAS working fantastically. What todo now?

    I've tried both chlomid and enclomiphene (twice actually). My observation with enclomiphene is that once it buillds up, you start to notice side effects. I suspect this has to do with it's interaction with estrogen receptors. It also drives up e2, but no where near as much as chlomid. I...
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    High estradiol even on anastrazole

    Short answer, yes. I'm pretty sensitive to having my E2 elevated. I'm not sure it drives down my e2 numbers, but it seems to help me achieve balance with elevated E2 symptoms. My anxiety goes down and my libido goes up. It's very subtle and I actually thought it was all in my head. Until I...
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    High estradiol even on anastrazole

    I use Now DIM 200.
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    High estradiol even on anastrazole

    I would guess much of your misery is due to elevated e2 levels. 200mg of T per week is at the top end of TRT. HCG converts to estrogen at a high rate for some people (myself included). AI's do not stop this conversion (HCG). I'm a Defy patient and dealt with similar E2 challenges. Defy...
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    enclomiphene 50mg split into 6.25mg

    I've had tablets divided into 1/4s or in your case. Anything further turns them into powder.
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    Enclomiphene Lab Results

    My labs also looked great on enclomiphene, but I never felt good. Low mood, low libido, messes with my sleep.
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    Mucuna Pruriens Extract

    I have taken it on and off over the years. It does boost your mood and increase libido, fairly reliably. I would suggest using it as needed or a small daily dose. Caution should be used when supplementing with neurotransmitters, as it is very easy to create dependencies.
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    Thoughts on supplementing Pregnenolone and DHEA?

    I'm in the group that doesn't do well with pregnenolone. No apparent boost to energy or sleep. It generally gives me a sense of dread or a light level of anxiety. DHEA helps my sleep considerably.
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    Intermittent Fasting

    Yes, I generally do not eat until noon or 1:00 p.m. daily. When I do this, I feel like I'm running much more lean and have better energy.
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    HPTA restart attempt after TRT

    Dang. I'd suggest going back to trt + HCG or HCG Mono with smaller more frequent doses. Chlomid was rough for me as well, but manageable if taken at smaller doses 12.5 EOD. Seems like less is more with chlomid
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    Nervous. Younger. Just Want Answers.

    I was also very nervous about it. I still am. I'm 40 and have tried several treatment options, to include: chlomid,. HCG mono, enclomiphene, and TRT with HCG. There are a lot of options out there and I highly recommend trying enclomiphene or HCG mono therapy before going on TRT. You need a...
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    Workout with mask: hematocrit

    I would be concerned about working out with a mask on. The potential for CO2 levels being too high and the corresponding stress on your heart, make it not worth it. BTW, when discussing altitude, the goal is to live at altitude and train at lower elevation.
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    Keeping a medication reserve

    Unfortunately I still don't have my meds. Ordered 2/9, shipped 2/19 (FedEx 2nd day air), stuck in Houston still. I guess a 4-6 week reserve may have been more appropriate. Unfortunately, I'm now doing a cold turkey transition from trt, while I wait for the enclomiphene. Ugg.
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    Keeping a medication reserve

    I just wanted to provide some feedback on how to set yourself up for success with telemedicine. After learning the hard way, it's important to ensure you have at least a three to four week reserve on your medications. Sometimes your telemedicine provider may push back on this, but a reserve is...