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  1. T

    What's your HGB/HCT?

    Testosterone resets your body’s normal levels. It’s like installing a better engine in your car. Body is calibrated differently now.
  2. T

    What's your HGB/HCT?

    Htc average 56 Rbc avg mid 6.x Hemoglobin avg mid 18.x 4 years no change. But no side effects at all Blood pressure avg 105/65 Resting heart rate mid 50’s Dosage and frequency makes no diff. Lowest dosage ever was 80 mg a week, highest 230 mg a week. Currently on 175 mg a week, split EOD.
  3. T

    Is it possible to block the vasodilatory effect of testosterone?

    Seems like you keep messing with your protocol and not allowing for any long term stabilizing effects. Pick a dose and stick with it for a full 6 months or more. Your current dose is low, keeping you at mid normal levels. Hence it’s not trt causing issues, and your pulse issue sounds like...
  4. T

    Extremely low libido despite elevated lab values

    Depends. But his numbers seem manipulated (ai maybe). If left alone, estrogen will go where it’s supposed too. I’ve had estrogen as high as 100 with zero issues because my test was over 1500.
  5. T

    Amlodipine lowers hematocrit by hemodilution

    I say don’t mess with hematocrit. The new levels are the new normal. Testosterone “resets” what your normal is. Unless your face looks like a tomato and your bp is high.
  6. T

    Extremely low libido despite elevated lab values

    Easy. Your estrogen is WAY to low for a total test of over 1500.
  7. T

    Flaccid penis fluctuations

    Believe it or not it’s mostly stress and mental state. I also find cannabis always gets me erect. Sativas especially.
  8. T

    TRT and desensitization to stimulants

    I can second this theory. I can pop 64 mg ephedrine a day and barely feel anything. And that’s on top of 600 mg caffeine. On the flip side trt seems to keep THC tolerance at bay.
  9. T

    More difficult to build muscle with optimal thyroid?

    I can assure you that having sub optimal levels will most surely interfere with muscle building. You’re probably seeing posts about how t3 is catabolic etc. Those guys take huge amounts to burn fat. Being within normal range will have zero negative impact on muscle building and only positive.
  10. T

    Daily Shot Rotation Schedule

    If you use a small insulin needle there’s nothing to worry about. Pick a big muscle like quads and inject away. The odds of even hitting the exact injection spot are almost impossible. I rotate quads and that’s it. Shoulders can get a little lumpy as it’s a smaller muscle. And I inject IM not subq.
  11. T

    Cialis vs Viagra Heart Rate side effects

    Must be individual based. No change in my heart rate on 20 mg a day.
  12. T

    On TRT and low lobido

    Keep taking 1 mg of anastrazole a week and you’ll never have libido back again.
  13. T

    Too Many Supplements While On TRT

    Easy to see what the issue is. Your estrogen is too low for your total T.
  14. T

    Water Retention While on TRT May Only Occur to Certain Men

    E2 does not increase water retention. It’s caused by dht and electrolyte imbalance. I run E2 between 70-100. Not one ounce of water retention.
  15. T

    Safety and efficacy of melatonin for sleep disorders?

    CNN is pure bullshit. Melatonin helps prevent bad covid side effects. So big Pharma starting the misinformation campaign.
  16. T

    Safety and efficacy of melatonin for sleep disorders?

    I take 40 mg a night. And continue increasing. I don’t use it for sleep as it does nothing for that. It’s all about anti aging. I can see huge differences.
  17. T

    Fish Oil and SHBG

    Yeah. EPA 2.5 grams. DHA 1.5 grams.
  18. T

    Fish Oil and SHBG

    Speaking from personal experience, fish oil and omegas do not lower your SHBG. I average an SHBG around 32 and the lowest it’s been is 28. This is with 4 grams omega 3 a day plus 13 mg boron. Studies don’t always translate to real life.
  19. T

    high hematocrit/hemoglobin - what to do

    That doesn’t always work. My hematocrit went up to an average of 56 regardless of dosage or shot frequency. As low as 80 mg a week to 240 mg a week, hematocrit went up the same way.
  20. T

    Rising Hematocrit and RBC

    I think you have things backwards. Your bloods are NOT high at all. Hematocrit upper range is 54 and rbc upper range is 6. Regardless of what lab ranges your place uses. What I’d be more concerned about is your injection protocol cause your testosterone levels are too low for 200 mg a week...
  21. T

    High hematocrit , low ferritin . What to treat first ?

    Maybe you guys have uncontrolled high blood pressure. My hct goes up to 58 zero issues. 50 is considered within normal range. If 50 gives you issues, you probably have other underlying conditions that need to be looked at.
  22. T

    CPAP Use Found to Cause Weight Gain?

    CPAP doesn’t change the laws of thermodynamics. Eat less.
  23. T

    High hematocrit , low ferritin . What to treat first ?

    53 is not high and highly unlikely it’s the cause of what you’re feeling. Most likely anxiety from seeing that number.
  24. T

    Cialis vs Viagra Heart Rate side effects

    Something else is the problem. I take 20 mg daily. Nightly heart rate in the low 50’s. Your regular resting heart rate is too high to begin with. 85 is too high.
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    Injections once weekly

    Actually I’ve settled on every other day. You get the most bang for the buck from daily shots I find. But for now I’m doing EOD.
  26. T

    Ideal TT for longevity?

    The only true answer is genetics.
  27. T

    Warning for Men on TRT: Low Ferritin is Bad

    How can you be scared of a 48 HCT? There’s so much fear mongering on the Internet it’s unbelievable. I’ve had 56 I’ve had 58 and I wasn’t scared. Because there’s nothing to be scared of if you don’t have any symptoms. HCT is transient It can change a few times a day.
  28. T

    only happy when estradiol is VERY low

    You’re asking for a lot of problems. Extremely dangerous what you are doing. Report back in a few months and tell us how your joints and libido are. I expect your libido will be zero soon.