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  1. T

    COVID-19 - Anyone stopping TRT as a precaution?

    You got some pretty cool articles going there, thanks
  2. T

    How to get tighter chest

    I’m also a convinced free weights proponent BUT I have to admit that my chest blew up like never before once I had bit the bullet and incorporated Smith presses in various angles. Functional, compounds, stabilizers’s all nice and well and totally true but I do notice that the older I...
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    How to get tighter chest

    Your BF% has likely been obtained from a BF% scale or a handheld device, right? They are useless. I’d recommend getting some calipers instead. You look more like 19%.
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    Hairloss / Shedding: Will it stop?

    I agree with you and feel the same. No way would I let hair come in between me and feeling better. It’s more like an observation I made and wondered where this is likely going to lead to. Perhaps so I can start adjusting my haircut to the new reality. What does suck though is alopecia aerata...
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    Hairloss / Shedding: Will it stop?

    Thanks, it’s pretty good information which I had already read. I am trying to hear from guys that are/were affected by mild shedding/hair loss in the beginning of TRT or during protocol transitions. My hope is that there’s somebody out there that can tell me something like yeah that can happen...
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    Hairloss / Shedding: Will it stop?

    Right from the beginning or did you go through some slight shedding at first?
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    Hairloss / Shedding: Will it stop?

    About 2 months into my protocol 140mg TC/week I started noticing more hair in my hands when styling or drying. Not excessive but noticeable. That’s been going on until today, about 3 1/2 months in, and no signs of improvement. My recent change to EOD two weeks ago didn’t seem to have affected...
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    What’s wrong with my body?

    Well what I know is that, while these procedures are pretty routine, there’s still an awful lot that can go wrong. I’m drawing from my knowledge about “my” type of connective tissue related hernias. It’s not too uncommon that nerve issues develop after surgery. Now, you didn‘t get a mesh or...
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    What’s wrong with my body?

    How did you tear it initially? Soccer right? Then after 6 months it went again - playing soccer or on its own? Any chance they had botched the first surgery?
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    What’s wrong with my body?

    Damn, 6 months rehab? How did you get it again in the first place?
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    What’s wrong with my body?

    Ha! Well sport hernias are actually a different thing or at least strictly speaking. They tend to be tears in a tendon which can heal on their own with rest. If the tear is bigger though or it’s ripped completely yeah that’s surgery.. The hernias I’m on about are cracks in connective tissue...
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    What’s wrong with my body?

    A couple of years ago when I got back into lifting after a break, I went up a little too quickly on my pull ups. Started adding a 45 plate after only the fourth or so time back into it. The good thing was, I could rep with it already surprisingly well. The bad thing was that my biceps tendon at...
  13. T

    What’s wrong with my body?

    Sugar sugar and sugar, white flour, pasta, white rice - essentially all the yummy stuff. There’s a possibility you don’t do well with gluten, that can be tested, too. As for supplements and vitamins, even though I do recommend certain ones at times, never ever expect anything magical from them...
  14. T

    What’s wrong with my body?

    I heard great things about carnivore also. At the very least I’d aggressively cut out all simple carbs, for starters. Take lots of fish oil and consider taking Cissus, it really does help with joint and tendon pain. It could be autoimmune which is the medical term for no idea why your body is...
  15. T

    My Defy Medical experience so far

    I have the 27g 1/2” syringes now and can already see the massive difference in waste. I wished I had been given those to begin with.
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    My Defy Medical experience so far

    Bumping to bring attention to update.
  17. T

    Increase in resting heart rate

    My dose is 40mg Tcyp EOD so I kept my total of 140mg/week which gave me TT 622 and FT 25.1. If you remember, I’d like to up my TT to around 850 and FT around 30 or a little more. It’s quite possible I’ll be experiencing some bad sides since I haven't reduced the dose and might end up too high...
  18. T

    My Defy Medical experience so far

    What I found bizarre was that even the early “processing” of my order, as in ordering and paying before my refill date and then having it held until it’s due, didn’t do anything to speed things up. In fact, in this case it had delayed it and according to the admin I spoke with yesterday it’s...
  19. T

    Increase in resting heart rate

    Well that could be a good thing. At least high HCT is unlikely to become an issue for you. Mine had just crept over 51 and that is with a TT 622. That was yet another reason for me to switch to EOD since there‘s a good chance it will help with that also. If not I guess I’m screwed and have to...
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    My Defy Medical experience so far

    My initial experience was very good. It all went smoothly and pleasant. However, things went downhill when it came to my first follow up & refill. The follow up consultation seemed rushed, yes I’m aware it’s supposed to be shorter etc but I didn’t really feel heard as much as I did during the...
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    Increase in resting heart rate

    Funny you’d say this, I‘d rectified a couple of issues to vitamins also. For instance, D seems to cause me hair loss. I’m pretty sure it’s D. The worst effects I‘ve had were on Centrum for men - it gave me full blown alopecia areata twice which took me months to recover from each time. Scary...
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    Increase in resting heart rate

    Oh I just noticed that your TT value is 1370 in ng/dL. Seems high for your low SBHG. Thats likely your problem right there, at least according to what I’ve been reading here so far. Also, did you give blood or something? Your HCT value seems surprisingly low.
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    Increase in resting heart rate

    25ish (16.5-55.9) pre TRT and a whopping 10 points down to about 15ish after 3 months. Kinda low. That’s why I’m going EOD, I also can’t go higher (or at least the NP didn’t let me) so I decided to solve the problem of wanting a slightly higher TT with upping the frequency instead. I’ve learned...
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    Increase in resting heart rate

    I think it’s a side of exogenous test flooding your body which in turn tries to adjust to it. Probably your immune system ringing the alert bells and causing higher RHR and all that good stuff. I’ve changed it from E3D to EOD about a week ago. Yup it’s no lie, protocol changes really are a rough...
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    Increase in resting heart rate

    Test C only here. I had that happen during the first 3-4 weeks. Sleep sucked too. Went magically away after that, now 3 months in all good...well not anymore since I’ve just changed protocol but that’s to be expected. The increase in RHR reminded me of times when I had a bad infection. Edibles...
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    Do i need HCG on TRT

    Interesting, this exact effect combined with awful PE is what I’m getting from Cialis for some weird reason I do not understand. Had to ditch it because of that and some other sides.
  27. T

    Wasted testosterone in dead space in syringe

    Got it, thanks for the clarification.
  28. T

    Do i need HCG on TRT

    3 months in, doc preauthorized HCG in case I want it at some point but so far I’m good without. Someone one here, I don’t know anymore who it was, called the effect fittingly ocean balls. So imagine having a bit of a swim in moderately chilly water - that’s what happens without HCG. Some people...
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    Wasted testosterone in dead space in syringe

    Awesome info, thanks! Turns out my syringes are lying. They say insulin but are clearly not if permanently attached needles are a criteria. They say: Easy Touch, U-100 Insulin Syringe Barrels, Luer Lock, 1ml Mine are type d and the average waste of 0.045ml is spot on. I measured 0.05ml. Looking...
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    Wasted testosterone in dead space in syringe

    0.01ml or less? Where do I have to sign?
  31. T

    Wasted testosterone in dead space in syringe

    Are you getting those vials where you have to break/saw off the glass head?