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    Depressed: My Wife Does Not Accept if I Use Trimix or PT-141

    With BPD it is not easy for some to manage, take charge or organize their lives in ways others do. I do understand why @tropicaldaze1950 is reluctant to shift gears at this point in his life. Without getting too heavy on the topic, what the Stones said has some merit: " You can't always get...
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    Sexual Health for Men and Women: Dr Rubin Tells it Like It Is

    Speaking of TE, my wife's MD had her on intravaginal cream for mild but typical sexual function symptoms. Yet this doctor has yet to do any hormonal blood tests. Just how are you doing/feeling? clinical impression. Doesn't this seem off?
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    Tested my son for testosterone

    This is a complex psychological issue very, very similar to what we experienced with my oldest son. Similar also, in some respects to the son of a close friend, who called two days ago reaching out for help for him. I feel your pain, BigTex, and then some, we've been through it all. Labels...
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    PFS Sufferer. Frank PT-141 Experience

    Defy Medical is a good resource for prescriptions from Empower pharmacy. For Vyleesi, your wife or girlfriend can get an Rx from their MD, then share. There are special price reductions direct from manufacturer for women too.
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    PFS Sufferer. Frank PT-141 Experience

    Curious how it works for you Bremster. I recommend only use a product from a reputable compounding pharmacy rather than an internet peptide site. If you can get Vyleesi, I would recommend trying that over PT-141.
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    Vince Shares his Daily Testosterone plus DHEA and Pregnenolone Results

    Got that right, Vince! Also, madman was right, I was mixing up pg vs ng on your tests.
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    Hormone Replacement Therapy Will Be Available Over-The-Counter In The UK In September—We Wish The U.S. Would Follow Suit

    I think their playing with dynamite without a well-versed in HRT doctor's supervision.
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    My views on testosterone, science, and what it means to be human

    Indeed. Why wither your way to the end, when you can plow through with glory with a little T. And in parallel with the metaphysical, the chemistry of the mind is more powerful than any hormone. Man's Search for Meaning-Dr. Viktor Frankl. Worth a read.
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    Dr. Mohit Khera on new men’s health coalition

    A lot of bold generalizations. When I was at one of the A4M conferences some years ago, one of the lecturers brilliantly pointed out the massive disparity between men's and women's health issue perceptions, media representation and government supported funding. The discrepancy was in the...
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    Penile fibrosis after long time without morning erections?

    Just curious, if I may ask, what form of injectable and concentration? And, what days do you take it?
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    Vince Shares his Daily Testosterone plus DHEA and Pregnenolone Results

    This is one of the great TRT mysteries to me. Especially the interplay between libido, TT, FT. Vince has optimal TT but seemingly low FT. In contrast, I ran my stuff last month and got: TT=531, FT (dialysis)=70.6, DHT(LC/MS)=35, DHEA=101 What to think? The most noticeable benefit to TRT...
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    Penile fibrosis after long time without morning erections?

    A doppler ultrasound is the gold standard for diagnosis of venous leakage and I feel it should be interpreted by a vascular specialist or competent urologist not a GP. You seem too young to have the other venous conditions the previous poster describes. Usually those things creep along slowly...
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    Penile fibrosis after long time without morning erections?

    My thoughts/questions: You seem to get plenty exercise so I assume you aren't overweight? Big factor. How long off clomid? Any effects should be reversed out by 6months to 1year. At least. Any porn or masturbation? Huge effect on mind body connection. Free T does seem very low, but...
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    Trying TRT again, everything perfect on cream except libido

    I've been off TRT over a year now. My libido is better now than when I was on cream or injection cypionate. I've been on and off TRT two or three times over the years and the effect was the same despite achieving optimized levels of parameters-lower libido, decreased penis sensitivity. I got...
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    Bodybuilding?: Should You Get a Full Body DEXA Scan?

    I had one done a couple weeks ago. I recommend it, one should have as much data about health status as possible. Especially as you get older and it helps you set useful goals. It gives you graphs of visceral fat, android/gynoid ratio, body fat total, arms,trunk and legs; lean mass total, arms...
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    Dhea level results

    I agree with Cataceous that number is acceptable and probably in tune with your body. Chasing "ideal" or other's targets is nonsensical.
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    Shockwave treatment of erectile dysfunction

    What device did they use? How long were the sessions?
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    What are your experiences with PT-141? (as an aphrodisiac)

    That is who it was originally produced for. Google Vyleesi. It is the pharmaceutical version of PT-141. With a prescription, women can get a huge discount on the product. If I could get Vyleesi, I wouldn't bother with the knock-off PT-141.
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    Efficacy and safety of avanafil as compared with sildenafil in the treatment of ED

    Interesting. Baffles me the vast differences people have to these medications. For me 5mg of Cialis does more than 100 mg of Viagra. Viagra like a sugar pill barely any effect at even that dose.
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    I just got my first Covid-19 vaccine dose!

    I've seen similar cases Vince. The virus and its variant's effects are wildly unpredictable. My coworker's mother-in-law, mid-seventies, is extremely debilitated physically, obese, diabetic, CVD. She got Covid and had mild cold symptoms. Her healthy 50yr son was in the hospital 10 days...
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    Efficacy and safety of avanafil as compared with sildenafil in the treatment of ED

    Avanafil=Stendra Very expensive compared to Viagra or Cialis.
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    Anyone have spinal stenosis?

    I have some stenosis in lumbar spine also. Yoga or other similar activity will help you. Maintaining flexibility is critical.
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    1 Mineral for Everything: Magnesium I love this springs water. Also, bottled as Noah's Water.
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    Aerobic Exercise and Erections

    I'm in the camp of anything that strengthens the pelvic floor benefits erections the most. That would, I believe, lifting weights, particularly leg exercises like squats. Assume of course your overall cardiovascular system is not deficient.
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    Anti-aging supplement based on clearing senescent cells. Generally taken in high doses, i.e., ten capsules for 2-3 days every six months. No definitive data on effectiveness in humans. I'd chalk it up to same as increasing testosterone with OTC supplements vs. prescription med; injection or...
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    How To Use Defy/Empower Nasal Gel Pen

    This is Empower's version of Natesto? Also, how long does the 3ml last? Thanks.
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    How to improve penile sensitivity?

    Anyone here tried Vyleesi, the Rx grade prescribed to women? I'm curious if it would have the same effects as the compounded PT-141.
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    How to increase dopamine?

    I've been taking a Life Extension supplement called Dopa Mind. I find it mildly calming with a very slight, almost opioid effect.
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    PDE-5 side effects

    $139. But, I'd pay that if it had unique compounding that produced fewer side effects.
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    PDE-5 side effects

    Where do you get your PT-141?