Be careful with the PT-141 also. There is a dose, which varies with the individual, which produces the positive sexual effect (horniness, spontaneous and plump erections) with minimal side effects. Going up in dose increases runny nose, nausea and coughing. However, some find it actually...
Personal Problem, Profile Picture, Parcel Post-many others, but considering the context of this website and sammmy's association with often associated anatomic physical effects, I'd say the acronym refers to the male reproductive appendage.
I had mild venous insufficiency in my left leg below the knee only. Vascular surgeon performed RF ablation of the greater saphenous vein (basically Closure Fast as Big Tex mentioned). He also recommended Horse chestnut supplement and walking. But in addition to that I also take a supplement...
You might give topicals a try starting out. Such as PT-DBM Methyl Vanillate, Ghk-Cu and Minoxidil Foam. Investigate microneedling in conjunction with the topicals. Tailormade compounding carries the previously mentioned two. Need a Rx for them though.
Reviving the topic here since the proposed treatment seems to be getting a bit more traction and in case anyone has more info.
I've heard one pharmacologist state in reference to DHEA, some years ago: "if you take it, you won't make it". I never verified it in the literature. Do you have a reference Gianluca? That is good to know if so.
Easy to do a self-directed clinical trial on this one. Some Discounted Labs lab work before, take the supplement for three months, test again. Who's in?
Thanks for sharing that insight @tropicaldaze1950. Trying to understand BPD because our son's issues has been like looking through a stain glass window, many facets and perceptions but difficult for one not experiencing in his own mind to perceive. I see we are the same age and probably you...
The human mind can possess certain moral and spiritual aspects which have meaning to some. For others, such things aren't important so decisions are made differently. Many facets to the advice given here indeed.
I see tropicaldaze1950 struggle but it's apparent he is a survivor above all...