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    Eroxon Gel: FDA OKs Over-the-Counter Gel for Erectile Dysfunction

    Well, what the heck, I'm going to squeeze a whole tube on.
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    Eroxon Gel: FDA OKs Over-the-Counter Gel for Erectile Dysfunction

    Now that I've read through everything my optimism has gone limp.
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    Eroxon Gel: FDA OKs Over-the-Counter Gel for Erectile Dysfunction

    From the internet: "This reconfirms the significant opportunity that MED3000 represents with OTC availability at a likely retail price in the region of US$5 per dose in the USA." Pricey it seems compared to the 90ct Tadalafil I just got for $6.50.
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    Eroxon Gel: FDA OKs Over-the-Counter Gel for Erectile Dysfunction

    "...achieved clinically important improvements in erectile function at all time points and was clinically effective in mild, moderate and severe ED sufferers..." Nice! "...US marketing authorisation of MED3000 by the FDA remains on course for Q1 2023..." Q1 is here, where is it? Now we...
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    Pt141 - anyone had normal success without taking over his life?

    Yes, Defy has gotten too expensive. TailorMade is much cheaper but you need a physician who has an account with them to prescribe it.
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    My experiment with IP6 (Iron chelator)

    Sure sounds like it. You should consult a physician, ideally, a hematologist. Iron overload can cause liver, heart, brain, pancreas damage.
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    penis enlargement

    One famous documentarian on such matters was from the Victorian Era, Sir Richard Francis Burton, first translator of Arabian Nights and Perfumed Garden of the Nefertiti. His literature gives the award to the Egyptians.
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    Pt141 - anyone had normal success without taking over his life?

    Key is to use smallest dose possible that makes you interested in sex. Engorgement and erection occurs 6-8 hours later. Side effects such as runny nose, coughing proportional to dose vary with the individual. Effects dwindle after 24-48 hrs. Some experience slightly decreased penile...
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    Penis smaller after TRT

    That's an excellent way to cut off circulation in short order. If somone could wear that thing for more than an hour, they should become a Navy Seal.
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    Penis smaller after TRT

    If you're going to experiment be sure to have all parameters measured and under the conditions before you begin anything.
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    New Perspectives on Micronised Purified Flavonoid Fraction in Chronic Venous Disease

    I like the idea of using the previously described flavonoids as opposed to horse chestnut (which one vascular surgeon I know actually recommends). @madman would you have any idea if a product like Hemovel could act synergistically with other NO supplements (thinking it might be useful as an...
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    Hormone Replacement Therapy HRT for Women Guide

    Very enlightening, Nelson. I guess this is another point where women's health diverges from men's. "...Which brings me to another point of broad consensus in the medical community: HRT should only be initiated within the first 10 years of the onset of menopause..."
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    New Perspectives on Micronised Purified Flavonoid Fraction in Chronic Venous Disease

    Life Extension in US has a diosmin product also they advertise for leg circulation: Micronized Purified Flavonoid Fraction [sweet orange extract (peel) providing 450 mg diosmin, 50 mg of flavonoids expressed as hesperidin] 500 mg Perhaps it might act similarly as Hemovel?
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    The expanding role of men’s health clinics in Urology

    Judging from the incessant radio advertisements in Northern California they're shockwave boxes now! (Won't mention the name but they claim 90% ED cure with SW. How do they get away with blatant misrepresentation?)
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    ED from mechanisms to medicines with a focus on the application of topical Minoxidil

    Good information from a different angle. I'll deploy my minoxidil to a different location since it certainly never worked on my scalp.
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    Neurophysiology of female orgasm

    These female creatures are too complex!
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    Kisspeptin Dosage

    I believe Tailor Made Compounding has it. You would need a prescription from a physician that does business with them however.
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    Syringes : Anyone else have this happen to them?

    Best pricing and variety of inventory I've ever seen.
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    Syringes : Anyone else have this happen to them?

    I assume these are sterile? I don't see on their website these and some others are.
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    Testosterone + HCG in Same Syringe

    Interesting point-worth some research.
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    Testosterone + HCG in Same Syringe

    I know some here combine the doses. Can you tell me technique and size syringe/needle you use? I’ll be using cypionate and pregnyl. Lure-Lok syringe or integral diabetic style?
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    Questionable Amount of Pregnyl

    Thanks @Phil Goodman. That is a relief!
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    Questionable Amount of Pregnyl

    Received my first Pregnyl from Empower today and was surprised at the small quantity. This is supposed to be mixed with 10ml of included bacteriostatic water. Previously, I've used compounded HCG and there seemed to be much more powder for the same concentration. Shook all the powder to the...
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    Has anyone had any really bad sides with PT-141?

    Hard to say. Some claim good results, others say they've gotten ineffective product. I have a general mistrust of companies producing pharmaceuticals who are not regulated and accountable.
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    Warning for Men on TRT: Low Ferritin is Bad

    Interesting. I have high iron and low ferritin. Still looking for an answer to that problem.
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    Outlive by Peter Attia

    My conclusion about antiaging-Mediterranean diet, intermittent fasting, metformin, rapamycin. The only things with even an inkling of assurance you're on the right path.
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    cheap HCG (23usd/10k IU) - reliableRX - experience

    Good luck. I have little to no faith of any pharmaceuticals from India or China.
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    Uncovering the Latest on Shockwave Therapy for ED

    From what I have read this is the difference in efficacy seen. (insert the usual infinite "more research needed" clause)
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    Has anyone had any really bad sides with PT-141?

    7-8 hour kick in is typical. There is a sweet spot in dosing that will minimize the side effects. Start low and creep up to find it. You are using a product from an online peptide site rather than a pharmacy?
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    Sauna use for the prevention of Cardiovascular and Alzheimer's

    I find my spa is most satisfying, relaxing and therapeutic for sore muscles, especially after workout. But, I think I'll replace its spot with a sauna when it poops out. I've been looking at the Finnleo brand.
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    The Psychedelic Revolution Is Coming

    Perhaps it is therapeutic, but then again, perhaps not as fun as when Timothy Leary made psychedelics famous (or infamous).