Search results

  1. D

    Combination Therapy - Trimix + oral PDE5 inhibitors?

    Could be right, Nelson. If you play with fire, you better be a fireman. So far, I've used 5mg Cialis and .22ml of Trimix twice now, other than crippling the wife, it's worked out ok. I got concerned the first time as was still a bit chubbed so I did about 60 squats and that seemed to kill it...
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    trimix not working as well as it did

    Yes, with those three, all I'm waiting for now is my porn star certificate.
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    Help for my wife, hysterectomy - keep the cervix or no?!

    I can't speak to the adenomyosis, but my wife had endometriosis also. The doctor wanted to do hysterectomy also but she consulted another gyno and she suggested ablation. Had that done is fine now. That was 10+ years ago. Sounds like your wife's situation may warrant at least a second or...
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    What is the best dose of HCG? Dr Saya presents two case studies.

    Has anyone noticed a difference clinically between the two?
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    PDE5Is' growing role in men with diabetes and heart disease

    Very informative, concise, thorough. Saved.
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    Doctor San Francisco Bay Area / Peninsula

    If you made an appointment, let us know how it goes.
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    Launch of ReThink Testosterone

    Ha, way late it would seem.
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    Unlocking the secrets of nitric oxide

    NO definitely going mainstream. I bought Nathan's book a few years ago, Nitrite and Nitrate in Human Health and Disease.
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    penis enlargement

    I think that was visited previously. Didn't end well here as I recall.
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    Doctor San Francisco Bay Area / Peninsula

    Asking here probably is a long shot, but you never know. Alternatively, contact your insurance company to find physicians on your plan in your area. Then find out what hospitals or physicians groups they are affiliated with look on those websites for patient reviews. Or/and Google their names...
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    Using TriMix “recreationally” ? and PT-141

    At least semi-hard (1/2-3/4) works best for me. Haven't tried 100%
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    Using TriMix “recreationally” ? and PT-141

    Why don't you reduce the dose. What's happening to you in the here and now is all that really matters.
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    Twice daily cialis?

    No supplement can match the targeted, effectively engineered pharmaceutical. Eating healthy and training, if meticulously done, could have more effect than supplements if you are younger (<50). Then, it depends on your adaptability to Cialis and Viagra. For me Cialis is effective, Viagra is...
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    Twice daily cialis?

    As I understand it, the increase in nitric oxide effects maintenance and repair of endothelium. There is a complex mechanism within that vasculature. Much more to it beyond PDe5 inhibitors though. Some stuff here might put it in perspective: I have no...
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    Twice daily cialis?

    Pretty close match to what is described as anti-aging protocols. And it restores morning wood making me like a child with a new toy.
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    cheap HCG (23usd/10k IU) - reliableRX - experience

    I can only speak for myself but I'm paranoid of potential impurities in things I inject.
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    FUT/FUE Hair Transplant

    Body hair is used because there is not sufficient donor area on the head. I have not personally seen anyone that has had it done but my son has a friend who had hair transplanted from both head and body. He said he couldn't believe it as it looked so good. I asked him to find out who the...
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    Prostate Snatchers

    Excellent info madman.
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    FUT/FUE Hair Transplant

    Don't forget about body hair transplants!
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    FUT/FUE Hair Transplant

    Believe me, I've researched this out in detail for decades. Beginning with my consult with Dr. Bosley himself when I was 19 (about when Earl Scheib was still painting cars "for only $29.95").
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    Eroxon Gel: FDA OKs Over-the-Counter Gel for Erectile Dysfunction

    I didn't know Mark Cuban had a drug company. Dang nice pricing.
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    FUT/FUE Hair Transplant

    "transplanted hair does not fall out but the rest between or next to it continues to do so..." Imagine you have a time machine and go visit yourself at age 75. You see you have Norwood 7 horseshoe shape hair pattern - only hair above the ears and very low at back of head. If you took hair...
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    My experience with PRP, P-Shot, P-Long, Pumping, RestoreX and penis hang size

    It will be interesting to see your results after completing the 6 shots and therapy. Good luck!
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    FUT/FUE Hair Transplant

    You should definitely ask the Dr. who is going to do the procedure. If you are losing your hair already due to androgenic alopecia, there is no way to know where or when it will stop.
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    Penile Extender Devices- Do they work to lengthen penis size?

    The Germans have figured out a better method without smashing or cutting off circulation.
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    Androgen Levels in Women Across the Menstrual Cycle

    The enigma continues.
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    "TRT/HRT/Nutrition/Cognition/Wellness/LT student of the game"

    I found this interesting about L. Reuteri impact on testosterone (increases):,L.,the%20testicular%20interstitium%20(arrows). Best to make your own L. Reuteri, many posts on youtube. It's not a killed bacteria. Active...
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    6 months into TRT - minimal effects - no libido - thinking of stopping?

    I'm only surmising based on my own experiences being on and off TRT and HCG a few times. I got on TRT the first time because I thought it would boost libido and EQ but it did not. Getting off of it brought libido back for a couple weeks then it diminished again. Lastly, I got off T but had HCG...
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    Eroxon Gel: FDA OKs Over-the-Counter Gel for Erectile Dysfunction

    I get the prescription from my physician and have it filled at Safeway ( a supermarket) Pharmacy. I use a GoodRx coupon. It just happened to be $6.50 last time. But, I usually pay anywhere from $9-12. The coupon prices vary.