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  1. D

    ProudP Uroflow Mobile App: Measuring Prostate and Urinary Health

    If not a unique advancement in technology, certainly the ultimate conversation starter in a Pub.
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    Wife has hard time reaching orgasm

    I've learned that women vary tremendously in orgasm ability and intensity. From two hours of my best physical shape and performance and zippo, to insertion and powerful vaginal contractions in three minutes. Two separate people. Think the universe is mysterious? Nothing compares to the female...
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    Ferritin Levels beyond low...

    @wig surf Do you have labs before starting TRT? Iron saturation? You may have genetic factors with HFe gene that is contributing also. TRT can push up lipids, iron and lower ferritin.
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    New Clinical Trials for Low Back Pain

    Stanford posted up some new trials for low back pain in case you are interested. One is MRI diagnostic, the other proposes psilocybin for therapy...
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    Doctors in San Diego

    Extremely sad, but true. The business model and infrastructure for healthcare is designed to treat disease not prevent it.
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    Botox for your sexual health.

    Empower seems to have raised their price excessively on the PT-141. I now get it from TailorMade Compounding. Much cheaper.
  7. D

    1 Mineral for Everything: Magnesium

    This is where I get my magnesium. Get it free at Adobe, great tasting water. Thanks to Paul Mason owner of the property. (sadly, passed away now) He was featured in a issue of Life Extension some years ago. Magnesium-Deficiency Catastrophe: The Magnesium Web Site
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    The Y Chromosome Is Vanishing. A New Sex Gene May Be The Future of Men.

    The disappearing Y From my cold dead hands!
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    Cialis can lower estrogen, increase hepcidin and hinder iron absorption.

    Cialis hasn't seemed to improve my ferritin. Still low and I have normal to high iron levels. (genetic Fe variants)
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    How An Erection Works

    Great stuff! Indeed. Most people take for granted the functions performed in some of our body parts are enabled by nerves smaller than a human hair. Cellular and vascular functions grinding out their jobs to feed them and here we are wondering why they don't work the same after 70 years.
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    Study: hCG Increases Sex Drive and Improves ED in Men

    Does using HCG alone shut down natural testosterone production?
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    Skin resurfacing for cutaneous rejuvenation

    Some dermatologists feel chemical peel isn't effective and it has fallen out of use because of the laser hype today. I recall my mother had it done in the '70s. She looked like a skin peeling zombie for about a month. Then when it healed, she looked like she had the facial skin of a 20 year...
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    Cialis is not working!

    Diagnosing iron problems can be problematic unless you know what genetic variables you're dealing with also.
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    To all hair loss sufferers - A must read

    And the study was funded by the company producing the test product. Pick some up on your next trip to Italy!
  15. D

    Need referral for Las Vegas

    Call local physicians, internal medicine or urologists and inquire if they do TRT. I had one for a while who was fine but when I wanted to try TRT he said, "that won't do anything for you". I said see ya.
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    The Right Chemistry: The discovery of testosterone

    Really has a thing for ducks. :)
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    Working out at 95: Life lessons from a ‘super-ager’

    True. Our fate is blowing in the wind. I have one cousin, sharp as a tack mentally, incredible memory still, long-time diabetic, overweight, severe eyesight loss due to diabetes, etc. Still jolly, happy to be alive. I'll call him this January as I do every year, on his 97th birthday. Go figure.
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    Numb Penis after injection

    Where are you injecting? Same place each time the symptoms occur?
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    Oral and Topical Administration of a Standardized Saw Palmetto Oil Reduces Hair Fall and Improves Hair Growth in AGA Subjects

    I've tried numerous formulations, many different companies and nothing either. We will probably have to look to Ai to solve the genetic mystery because that is the only solution.
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    PDE5 inhibitors (Cialis, Viagra, etc) and cardiac health: Princeton IV consensus guidelines:

    This is really good. But what is the current approach of most primary care doctors? Sadly, at least in the US, it's not about prevention and barely any awareness of what should done to be proactive. Pisses the hell out of me.
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    Two groundbreaking testosterone injection products

    I would think they could formulate whatever dose the prescriber wanted for Propionate in the combo. Nice size vials, yes. I wonder if the Miglyol would make it easier to draw in a small syringe.
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    Is HCG still available?

    I see Good Rx currently has 10,000 iu/10ml vial Pregnyl for $104 at Rite Aid.
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    Testosterone Boosters: Ergogenic properties, safety evaluation, and regulations of selected ingredients in supplements

    Excellent material. We would be well served to heed rationality instead of subjectivity and hype on this subject.
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    Testavan - Patient instruction video

    Testavan is approved and available in US?
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    My Dilemma

    Say, @BigTex, if you don't mind my asking, what was your Ferritin?
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    Botox for your sexual health.

    $350 is what they should charge, IMHO, since a 100u vial costs about $600 and contains enough for about 3-4 patient penile treatments (MDs here can chime in). That's close to having me do it myself. Has anyone who had Botox done use Viagra or Cialis only after? What were effects?