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  1. Bremster

    Bacteriostatic Water for Trimix

    Is Trimix in powder form less expense than ready to use liquid form?
  2. Bremster

    Spemen - Increased Ejaculate Volume and Fertility.

    I thought These supplements were junk science, but on a lark, I tried some Extendagen. I’m into edging, after taking Extendagen I couldn’t even reach orgasm without excreting a significant amount of seminal fluid. It works for me.
  3. Bremster

    Trimix users: can you still have normal erections?

    not to worry, from my experience there is no negative long term effect. Again speaking from my own experience, you’ll never go back once you have used Trimix. You can forget the frustration on both sides of flailing around waiting for something to happen.
  4. Bremster

    Trimix price

    Try Talon compounding pharmacy in SanAntonia, TX
  5. Bremster

    Needle gauge and length for Trimix

    To answer your specific question, the consensus is 30 gauge 1/2 inch long. I made a suggestion earlier today, i suggest you try Luer lock syringe, draw with a 23 gauge and inject with a 30 gauge. IMO drawing with the injecting needle dulls the needle, if you want a neatly pain free experience...
  6. Bremster

    First Time Using Tri-mix

    Oh, i did want to pass on a little trick I use on injecting Trimix. I use Luerlock syringe, I use a 23 guage to draw and a 30 gauge to inject. IMO drawing and injecting with the same needle is much more painful than using a fresh needle for injecting, inserting that needle thru the stopper...
  7. Bremster

    First Time Using Tri-mix

    From my own experience I see no need for PT141, Trimix alone works extremely well for me. I need almost no time for Trimix to take effect and the erection dissipates in hour or so. I use to use PT141, a crap shot on when it was goin to take effect, and also made me feel not so good. You want...
  8. Bremster

    A few questions on hormones and erectile dysfunction

    How is your cadio vascular condition? A well known cardiologist was recently quoted as saying if the heart had an antenna it would be it’s penis, or words to that affect. if that not your problem have you tried Trimix, use Trimix with a tension band, Encore or equivalent. Trim off the loops...
  9. Bremster

    Testosterone and HDL

    I just want say that I have been on TRT for 20 year, I will be 90 next January, a recent blood test shows everything mid range. I work out 6 times per week, 3 aerobic, 3 weight, plus I am sexual active. BMI 23, I have the same waist size 30” and weight 150 pounds I had when I was in high school.
  10. Bremster

    Trimix users: can you still have normal erections?

    I use Trimix, I can still get an erection normally.
  11. Bremster

    Viagra or Cialis: Which gets you Harder?

    i have taken cialis on a daily basis, but even with an antacid I have stomach issue. I have heard of a new cialis oral dissolvable table, but I can’t find a source, apparently it bypasses the digestive trac.
  12. Bremster

    Elderly men over 65 years of age benefit as much from testosterone as young men

    I inject 1 ml 200mg/ml cyp once per week, my testosterone is bit high about 1200. My estradiol was about 65. So I got the bright idea to reduce it, Doc went along and prescribed anastrazole, 1 mg daily,way too much, crashed my estradiol. I haven’t had much of bad effec, except my blood...
  13. Bremster

    Elderly men over 65 years of age benefit as much from testosterone as young men

    I am going to be 89 in 13 days, I have been on TRT for years, I feel great, never been hospitalize, take no medication on a routine basis and am sexual active, I also work out 6 times per week, three cardio and three weights.
  14. Bremster

    PT-141 and Trimix?

    I thought I would share a recent improvement I have experience with Trimix injections, I switch from a one piece syringe to one with a Luer lock, and I use a different needle for draw than I do for injection. IMO I have confirmed that you dull the needle penetrating the rubber seal. It is...
  15. Bremster

    What Every Man Should Know About Prostatitis

    I am no stranger to the excruciating pain associated with this problem, I call them the screemy weemies, I have had them for years, generally associated with post orgasm and sometimes a lack of a orgasms for some time. I pop an aspirin and voilà within minutes they are gone.
  16. Bremster

    AM vs PM workouts

    I too workout early, coffee, oatmeal and then hit it. On occasion I have done aerobics in the PM, it is easier for me to get into my target heart in PM, but I still like the mornings best.
  17. Bremster

    At what age did you start testosterone and what was your total testosterone?

    I can’t remember exactly but i think I was in my sixties. I don’t recall any of the numbers, but I don’t think I needed trt. I just wanted to enhance my performance in bed. The downside of this is I became preoccupied with sex, although I didn’t see any harm in it, my wife did and it had a...
  18. Bremster

    More Disappointments With Trimix

    I just recently started Trimix with outstanding success. My script is different than any that I have read on this forum. I thought perhaps this may have something to do with my success. it is papaverine 30 mg/ml, Phentolamine 2 mg/ml and Prostaglandin E1 20mcg/ml. I started injecting0.2 ml...