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  1. K

    Need help analyzing my last 2 sets of labs please

    how do you load them though? you must be super lean, or doing subq? If i could find something thinner and longer, a middle ground perhaps thats available in luer lock I wouldnt be opposed. Drawing up through something that thin has to be a pain. I tried backloading in the past, wasnt for me...
  2. K

    Need help analyzing my last 2 sets of labs please

    yea, really didnt know how to make it any more concise. TLDR how to lower my TT without losing FT? while boosting libido but minimizing hairloss? the end. yep, I figured this was going to be some of what was suggested. Unfortunately since I harpoon myself with 1"ers I really dont want to go...
  3. K

    Need help analyzing my last 2 sets of labs please

    So if any of you kind, experienced gentlemen have the time - I could use to borrow some. Advice on which way to go from here based on the criteria im trying to meet (where possible) would be good. I'm hoping to reduce the amount of time it takes to "dial-in" so to speak. I did post here with...
  4. K

    A little help with dose adjustment based on labs please

    well, just posting back instead of creating another thread. Libido has gotten a little better yet. Still minimal morning wood, but i think its due to having sleep issues. I sleep very bad, I have for maaaaaany years. Ever since i got clean from opiates basically. Assumed it would work...
  5. K

    A little help with dose adjustment based on labs please

    Thank you VM for taking the time on that thorough reply. I know how valuable of a resource it is :) I am trying my best to keep things realistic, just coming from a non existent (even perhaps an aversion) to sex - I was expecting a larger increase in drive. I do think about sex more, the...
  6. K

    A little help with dose adjustment based on labs please

    yep, its tricky. So ive read (and found) thus far. Ive even seen some evidence pointing to Levels peaking the day after an injection and others arguing it takes ~3 days. Exhausting. At the cost of growing hair on my back i never had, and losing hair on my hairline faster than I have, im...
  7. K

    A little help with dose adjustment based on labs please

    i think theres two schools of thoughts on this. 1 based around half life that dictates to take with shots depending on frequency of shots. Either day of or day after relative to schedule (weekly vs e3.5). The other, supported by a study (which was cited, but i did not save) that showed...
  8. K

    A little help with dose adjustment based on labs please

    yea, its a shame. I wish I would have started lower too. But already struggling with libido, I think slashing my testosterone dose that drastically might be the opposite of what i need. I have to find a balance between #'s and symptoms right? I already struggle mentally to drop 20mg which of...
  9. K

    A little help with dose adjustment based on labs please

    Okay, its been an eventful one. I apologize for what is surely to become a long post. I made 1 post here prior just as i was starting out, and now im ~3 months in, a few lab results in - and I feel like im finally getting closer. A quick recap, im 36 and was a poster child for almost ALL low...
  10. K

    Could use a little advice..

    ill take a look at that supp @Jui and ty for the kind words @MarkM. I'll keep ya's posted with how it goes in the coming weeks. Definitely when I get my follow up labs. Gonna be just short of 4 weeks now that ive changed my protocol but what can ya do. I had hoped that splitting the 200...
  11. K

    Could use a little advice..

    thanks for the replies guys. very helpful. I did start dropping my dose today. Is it advised I go full monty and drop a ton, or little by little? I chopped 40mg off the top from 200 to 160 which is 2 80mg injections/week. Will try and hold off on the AI, just feeling abysmal. im sure its...
  12. K

    Could use a little advice..

    oh well, in it for the long haul either way right? :P just got a nice teaser the first week or so, and now its swung wildly in the other direction :(
  13. K

    Could use a little advice..

    Ok, ill start there then. Any idea how long it would take for my e2 to begin dropping from a lower dose of T? Just so i can try and feel out if its helping? I know labs will be imperative but since theyre a ways out still, Id like to garner SOME positives from this beforehand.
  14. K

    Could use a little advice..

    i understand and follow this to a degree. The weird part is, when I was young and dumb ~15 years ago, I did some AA's. Roughly ~600mg/wk of sustanon. Had none of the symptoms im presenting now. Did I hold water? sure, but not like this. Energy and libido were an anti issue. Obviously much...
  15. K

    Could use a little advice..

    Quick update. I called the doc today and talked him into an AI. Hes calling it in for me now, a month's worth to last until I see endo. Ultimately this post is for advice/suggestions regarding how to proceed from this point until next labs/endo appointment. My SHBG is 55 in case that factors...
  16. K

    Could use a little advice..

    even considering my shbg of 55? would there be any benefit to tapering down aka 80x2 next week then 60x2 the following or should i drop straight to the 60x2? this is so bad im considering coming off while i still can :( super disappointed and discouraged but its probably in-part due to the...
  17. K

    Could use a little advice..

    i guess ill drop my dose next injection, and contact my doc tomorrow and see if he'll write me a sub for an AI. is arimidex the preferred AI? also what is a really conservative/safe starting dose to request? Ive been made well aware of the dangers of crashing e2.
  18. K

    Could use a little advice..

    i didnt mean dropping to 40mg a week lol sorry I wasnt clear. I meant dropping it 40mg which would put me at 160mg a week split in 2 doses 3.5 days apart. So 80mg saturday evening and wednesday morning.
  19. K

    Could use a little advice..

    so i keep hearing. With my rather rudementary (compared to some of yous) understanding, high SHBG tends to cause the need for a high TT in order to get FT into a reasonable range? I wonder if this factored into part of the decision to start me at that. Regardless, does dropping the dose...
  20. K

    Could use a little advice..

    this goes without saying.... but it was my understanding you cant have bloodwork until ~6 weeks?
  21. K

    Could use a little advice..

    I posted a thread not long ago in the introductions forum regarding my being placed on TRT. My PCP started me out at 200mg/wk and did not give me arimidex or hcg, regardless of his experience or otherwise in the area, i think the consensus was to get me rolling and hand me off to an...
  22. K

    Testosterone Flu: Is it Real?

    not sure what the rules are around here regarding what the internet likes to call "necro-ing" but this was the first hit via google. Found it as I was searching for something I recalled hearing years ago about "test-flu" when I was young and entertaining steroid cycles. Nonetheless, I was (and...
  23. K

    Hi folks, starting TRT tommorrow

    even more confused now. so many opinions. I wonder if i should stay the course so they know where to adjust from. if my shbg(sp) does point to needing higher levels of testosterone perhaps thats best? I will move down/try some 27 gauge when i exhaust these 25s. since this is for life and...
  24. K

    Hi folks, starting TRT tommorrow

    i did go with a box of 25g at least. Some were saying thats the smallest thats feasable. I did hear you can go smaller for SubQ but it was a pain to fill or some such. I did ask about hcg and AI as i mentioned, but am wondering if theyre always necessary? I mean the less foreign stuff your...
  25. K

    Hi folks, starting TRT tommorrow

    Hi Healthman, and thank you. Just did my first injection. Felt pretty awful lol. Got nauseous and started to feel like fainting. Told my wife to come in and I pulled the needle out and told her id have to re-do it. She asked me why... I looked down and I had already injected it all lol. So...
  26. K

    Hi folks, starting TRT tommorrow

    hi again. thank you very much for the replies. Here I am stuck up at 340 am due to the awesome sleep I get :) As my GP, he only ran the minimum a far as "extras" were concerned. Here is what I have for "other chemistry" on lab results. Everything else is like the basic stuff. Should i get...
  27. K

    Hi folks, starting TRT tommorrow

    hey guys, figured id say hi or whatnot. Im 35 and just had a blood test done for low T (i had all the symptoms for years and was convinced that was the problem, and it was). They got me at ~300 and asked me to come in for another to confirm. The second test had me under 200. ive...