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  1. H

    New bloodwork after 6 weeks with new provider and new protocol

    Thanks Gene. There were definitely some things going on that was contributing to how I felt for a few weeks in the beginning, but that's chilled out quite a bit over the past few weeks and symptoms are still the same. But you're right, TRT isn't a cure-all and I know some of these issues will...
  2. H

    New bloodwork after 6 weeks with new provider and new protocol

    So here are the most important numbers from my last test, 6 weeks ago (I was then on 155mg of T, one shot every 7 days, no HCG, DIM and IC3 400mg/day each). Note, both tests were taken on a trough day before that days injection. Total T: 788 ng/dl (range is 348-1197) Free T (direct): 25.2 pg/ml...
  3. H

    Crazy Crash after 6 weeks of cypionate. Any Suggestions?

    I noticed some positive change after a week or so. It's not dramatic, but it's enough for me right now and I'd rather not take an AI.
  4. H

    Crazy Crash after 6 weeks of cypionate. Any Suggestions?

    Don't have much insight on your overall issue, other than to say that you have to be tested for a lot more than just total T. But I will add that if you're going to use DIM, make sure it's the kind "with I3C". I use two different products, one is DIM 200mg (Smoky Mountain Naturals...
  5. H

    Hot flashes

    I would also like some insight on this issue. I've always run on the hotter side, but since TRT I've gone through lots of periods of hot flashes. It's gotten a little better, but I still generally run on the hotter side and overheat easily into a sweat. My E2 is within the range (sensitive...
  6. H

    Better to dose before, or after major blood draw?

    Thanks Vince. I agree, but just wanted to see if anyone on here actually knew one way or the other.
  7. H

    Better to dose before, or after major blood draw?

    So I have high hematocrit and I'm going in to have therapeutic phlebotomy done on Friday. My T dose is usually done in the early morning, which will be before the blood draw. My question is: would it be better to wait until after the blood draw to dose, or should I stay on my usual schedule? I...
  8. H

    Bruising with sub-q HCG injections?

    I've never noticed one with my test cyp either, just the HCG, which requires a much smaller and shorter needle.
  9. H

    Bruising with sub-q HCG injections?

    Thanks for the feedback folks. Just wanted to make sure it was "normal" and I wasn't doing things wrong.
  10. H

    Bruising with sub-q HCG injections?

    The last two times I've done my HCG injection (into my stomach fat) it's left light bruising around the injection site. Is this something you guys experience?
  11. H

    Testosterone leaking from injection site

    I've been using 1" 25g needles and have not yet had this issue, thankfully.
  12. H

    Should I worry about this E2 level?

    So maybe stop taking the DIM w/ IC3 and the Zinc? I'm not taking an RX E2 blocker.
  13. H

    Should I worry about this E2 level?

    Thanks Nelson. Do you think that these levels are anything to worry about?
  14. H

    Should I worry about this E2 level?

    Switch doctors? I'm confused...I actually just switch doctors (working with now). Why would I switch?
  15. H

    Should I worry about this E2 level?

    I read through the thread but didn't really glean much more from it than what you said here. So since my ratio is over 27, does that indicate that my T should still go up in relation to my E2? Or should I focus on bringing the E2 down...which one needs action? Or does it at all?
  16. H

    Should I worry about this E2 level?

    Oh, and as for the ratio, my total T is 788 on the day before my injection. So that divided by my E2 results would be over your range of 14-20.
  17. H

    Should I worry about this E2 level?

    I feel pretty good overall, but I know I could feel better. My mood is still fluctuating a lot (but I've had a long history of mood disorder, so it's difficult to separate that from anything related to my TRT). I do get hot flashes still, and sweats from time to time at night, which I think...
  18. H

    Should I worry about this E2 level?

    I won't go into too much background on this one (unless it's needed to answer my query), but basically I've been on TRT for about 4 1/2 months and I'm just now switching providers. My first provider uses just the standard E2 test and here were my last results from them (May 1): 14.3 pg/ml on a...
  19. H

    What topics do you want to see covered in our next Google Hangouts?

    I'd like to hear a little more on HCG and the other positive effects it has besides increasing testicle size and promoting fertility. What about mood?
  20. H

    Upcoming Google Hangout: TRT Controversies and Solutions

    Really enjoyed this. Wasn't able to make it live, so thanks for posting it up afterward. Looking forward to the next if there is one.
  21. H

    Upcoming Google Hangout: TRT Controversies and Solutions

    This sounds great! I'll try and at least watch live if I can make it work.
  22. H

    Weight gain on Testosterone

    I too experienced weight gain. But my appetite went up to match for the first 2 months of TRT (gained a good 15 pounds). I was eating like a teenager again, particularly milk...I swear I could down a half gallon day. I think in my case I had been at low T so long (my initial test was 61!!!) that...
  23. H

    Hematocrit question

    There are lots of rules about donating blood, but none about getting medical phlebotomy (just having a lab draw it and discard it). Just get a script from your doc for the lab. It may even be covered by insurance since you are being turned away for medical reasons at the donation places. I have...
  24. H

    Keeping testosterone above reference range. Is this ok?

    I think you said it all. If your protocol is having positive benefits, and zero negative effects, and all of your blood work checks out, then YES stay on this dose.