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  1. H

    First 8 Week Checkup Results

    Dang...I envy those solid numbers (and the great results). I'm doing pretty well, but I know it could be better, and your numbers are more in line with where I imagine I'll need to be.
  2. H

    Struggling with Injections

    I would bet so too. I always massage it really good and usually have no pain issues.
  3. H

    Struggling with Injections

    As James said, the type of oil may make a difference. But I would also make sure you're injecting very slowly...sometimes when I go too fast that causes pain issues and even knots.
  4. H

    Webcast : Doctors Speak About Men's Health Issues

    Looking forward to watching the recording. Love that you're doing these!
  5. H

    1ml vials

    Yep, they often overfill them because you waste a small amount with every injection if you're using syringes with removable needles.
  6. H

    Injection duration

    I do IM injection in the glute and try to take a good 20 seconds or so to empty the syringe. I've gotten a nodule only once and typically don't even feel a soreness in the days following.
  7. H

    Doctor: NO phlebotomy once 52% reached - O.K. to use leeches?

    I think the only thing that can bring it down is phlebotomy. I'm also ineligible to donate so I have to pay out of pocket to have it done ($150 each time). Wishing I could learn to do it on my own...can't be that damn hard.
  8. H

    Compounding pharmacies Threatened

    Wow, this could be a serious issue for most of us. I want to see proof that this is the case. If it's hard to compound, where are the problems it's causing? And are there any more issues with compound pharmacy's than with larger pharmacy houses? Show the public the proof, which you can't...
  9. H

    Getting all the test cyp out of syringe

    Gene: good technique there. But wouldn't that mean you're actually using a higher dose? Because the bit in the needle well is already accounted for in your dosage measurement.
  10. H

    Getting all the test cyp out of syringe

    Vince: I have thought about it after seeing the way Nelson and others do it, but I'm hesitant to change what's working for me. My mood is so sensitive that I'd hate to make a change that would negatively impact that (I know, it's irrational as far as I can tell, but I'm used to IM and don't mind...
  11. H

    Getting all the test cyp out of syringe

    I do IM injection, not subQ for my test.
  12. H

    Getting all the test cyp out of syringe

    After reading through this and the linked thread, I decided to go check myself how much is being wasted. I pulled 6 syringes out of the sharps container and inverted them, pulling back the plunger. After about a minute I pushed the plunger back a ways to see how much had collected and was...
  13. H

    Peak testosterone level?

    I've been wondering this lately too. Since going on every 3.5 day injections (same dose as the original poster, 75mg each time) my total T has gone from 788 to 718. Not feeling as well as I was prior to this new protocol and I've been wondering if we need to go up on my T dose again. I thought...
  14. H

    New bloodwork after 6 weeks with new provider and new protocol

    ERO: the new place doesn't test for SHBG, which I thought was strange. But the provider I was with for the 4 months prior did and the last result I can find SHBG was 25.5 nmol/L (range is 16.5-55.9). Is that part of my problem? The previous time they tested for it, it was 27.2, so it was...