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  1. H

    Latest bloodwork on new regimen with Defy more thing. I had my SHBG tested this time. The last time I had it tested was in March of 2015 (1 month after being on TRT) and the results were: 20.3 nmol/L (range 16.5-55.9) Results this time around (January 2015) were: 27.5 nmol/L (range 16.5-55.9)
  2. H

    Latest bloodwork on new regimen with Defy

    One additional note: the first results were done on a true trough day (Friday, before my injection). This last set was done the day before my next injection, so Thursday in the AM. So these latest numbers would likely be slightly lower had I waited a day to test, but my schedule dictated...
  3. H

    Interesting case...nothing surprises me anymore!

    Wow, wild stories...thanks for sharing with us.
  4. H

    Latest bloodwork on new regimen with Defy

    So I got my blood test results back today. This is the 3 month tests since starting with Defy. Here are the important numbers prior to my initial Defy consult (tests done in Sept 2015): Total T: 745 ng/dL (range 348-1197) Free T: 20.9 pg/mL (range 8.7-25.1) Estradiol sensitive 29.8 pg/mL (range...
  5. H

    Webinar with 3 Testosterone Book Authors this Wednesday, 8 pm ET

    That would be great. Please keep us posted. I'm already on daily HCG, so I would have no issue doing daily dosing, with my life the way it is right now.
  6. H

    Webinar with 3 Testosterone Book Authors this Wednesday, 8 pm ET

    I too am very intrigued by the Test/DHEA combo. Currently on the DHEA/Preg topical and daily HCG myself. I'm not quite 100% dialed in on my current protocol so I'm a bit reluctant to make a big change like that, but I'm sure interested based on what I saw in the hangout.
  7. H

    Always hungry

    That happened to me as well for the first few months. And then even for a few months longer I was drinking milk like I was 14 a half gallon a day or more. That's slowed a bit now too.
  8. H

    High HCT

    Yep, it's crazy. I also checked a hospital and they were about $10 more. Neither LabCorp or Quest does it. Not sure where else to shop around for better prices.
  9. H

    Defy's Policy on Scrips

    Yep, everything you said. And you're correct on that last point. It's legal for them to do, but brings unwanted scrutiny.
  10. H

    High HCT

    It's much more expensive for me...costs $150 each time...ouch. Feels like I'm being cheated considering the materials used and the time it takes.
  11. H

    HCG Frequency, Half-life, etc

    I was experiencing some added anxiety when I was doing larger twice a week dosages, and not noticing much change otherwise (positive or negative) so I stopped the HCG altogether. When I started with Defy, they suggested I try HCG again, but daily at a lower dose, and so far I have no negative...
  12. H

    HCG Frequency, Half-life, etc

    I used to do 250iu twice a week and recently switched to 100iu every day and I like that MUCH better so far.
  13. H

    HCG left out of fridge, still good?

    Thanks again. So 120 days reconstituted? What about un-reconstituted?
  14. H

    HCG left out of fridge, still good?

    Awesome, thanks Gene. On a similar topic, how long past the "use by" date is it still potent? Any studies been done?
  15. H

    HCG left out of fridge, still good?

    I accidentally left my reconstituted bottle of HCG out on the bathroom counter for about 2 hours, enough to bring it to room temp for a while for sure. Is it still good?
  16. H

    Transitioning from IM Test Cyp to SQ/shallow IM

    I switch from glute IM to glute SubQ about 6 weeks ago. No real difference noticed so far. I guess I'll see in about a month if it makes a difference in the bloodwork numbers.
  17. H

    Lump after giving myself injection.

    It happens. I've had it happen probably less than 5 times in the past 9 months (6 of those months doing 2 injections a week). I make sure to massage the area for a minute or two after each one and that seems to help.
  18. H

    Body odor after starting testosterone

    That's a new one to Interesting.
  19. H

    acne increase on T

    I didn't realize Zinc could help with Acne. Maybe that's why the outbreak on my legs has died down some since I began taking it (I thought it was more about it not being hot in summer...legs sweating at night while sleeping).
  20. H

    Restart without meds?

    Secondary. Not sure the exact reasons, but I was on opiate therapy for chronic pain for 6-7 years (no longer), so surely that's part of it. Also had a head injury as a child and I've always wondered what it might have contributed to my mood disorder issues (and now to hypogonadism).
  21. H

    Restart without meds?

    If you're on TRT, your baseline is terrible to begin with, which is why you're on why would you want to go back there? Mine was 61...would never want to be anywhere near that number again.
  22. H

    Dr Neal Rouzien's Position on Hematocrit and Estradiol Management

    Why would he cut you off at those numbers and not just send you for a therapeutic phlebotomy? That's surprising to me. Seems...hasty.
  23. H

    Cottonseed Oil

    I can't tell you if it's better or not, but my current script is grapeseed. I've had cottonseed as well and I didn't notice any difference between the two.
  24. H

    SubQ vs IM and E2

    I'm going to be trying out subQ with my T shots starting this week after having done IM for 8 months. I'm hoping it doesn't' send things into a tailspin as I feel things are going pretty well, though still not perfect, right now. Worried about the E2 issue as well as a drop in T levels.
  25. H

    Keeps on going

    Thanks for the info on Indolplex DIM flyboy!
  26. H

    Keeps on going

    Yes, l take 50mg of Zinc with my DIM and I3C. I take BOTH of the DIM products once a day (one pill each, and they're both 200mg).
  27. H

    Keeps on going

    That's hard to say, because I started taking it within a few weeks of my first shot and before my second round of testing. I had a very low estrogen and T when I first started (less than 6 on estrogen and it was 61 on T), so my E and T jumped considerably after just my first shot. But I will say...
  28. H

    Keeps on going

    Yes, Amazon...that's where I get both of the ones I take. Here are links:
  29. H

    Keeps on going

    Yes, it's all natural. It's way safer than taking an AI, for sure. I'm not sure if there are any side effects, but I've sure not noticed any after taking them for 8 months. I believe there are also cancer preventing properties as well.
  30. H

    Keeps on going

    I3C, from what I was told, is the parent molecule of DIM...I was told both together (or one product that has them already combined) is the best thing to do.
  31. H

    Keeps on going

    DIM is derived from cruciferous vegetables. I can't explain how it works, I just know that it helps to reduce estrogen. I use DIM w I3C at 200mg each once per day. I don't actually have a too high estrogen according to my bloodwork, but I do have issues with hot flashes from time to time and...