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  1. H

    First Shot some questions

    I used to feel it for a day or two every time I got the shot, but once I started doing them myself that pretty much went away. I inject with a 1" 25g every other day and I rarely feel any soreness from it.
  2. H

    Low T & Opiates

    This is absolutely true, in my experience. Cannabis and opiates work synergistically together for nerve pain. So most patients can significantly reduce their opiate use and still get adequate pain control (I was able to cut mine in half almost immediately upon starting cannabis, and eventually...
  3. H

    Best wishes for a speedy recovery to Dr Crisler

    So glad you're doing well!
  4. H

    Latest bloodwork on new regimen with Defy

    Just got my blood drawn for the followup to my protocol change (mentioned in my posts above). I can't wait to get the results back and see how things are going numbers wise. As for my symptoms over the past 7 weeks, I'm definitely sensing a more stable mood, less ED problems, slightly better...
  5. H

    What is the "normal" doage for EOD injections if test? How many guys have been able to drop arimidex

    I moved to EOD (50mg) about 6 weeks ago. Prior to that I was on 160mg/week split into two doses and injected every 3.5d. I haven't tested on the new EOD protocol, but should be in the next week or so. But I can say that I FEEL better subjectively, and I feel like the new protocol has helped drop...
  6. H

    Premixed HCG??

    If that's the case, then I don't see any problems with it. But maybe someone smarter than be about this topic can chime in.
  7. H

    Premixed HCG??

    I once received a premixed vial. I had no choice but to use it, and it seemed fine, but I definitely prefer the unmixed kind. The reason is that it's been said that shaking up HCG liquid makes it lose potency, so shipping an already mixed bottle would seem a bad idea given that info. Does anyone...
  8. H

    The Possible Future of Compounded Testosterone Cypionate

    Defy does use different compounding pharmacy's. My first orders were from APS, and my latest is from a different compounder. Same carrier oil though. So I can only hope it's equal to APS. Not sure what prompts the change, availability? Price?
  9. H

    Tougher than I thought

    Women and men can both obtain the same knowledge about TRT and treat appropriately, regardless of which genitals they posses. I've seen way more men than women docs who are completely clueless about TRT.
  10. H

    did I become primary?

    I understand that Primary is when the pituitary is producing LH just fine (as shown by your blood test), but the testes still aren't making test (testicular failure). And Secondary is when your pituitary isn't producing the LH needed to stimulate the testes to make test. Do I have this wrong?
  11. H

    I'm sure my dad has low T.....

    Maybe have him try reading one of the great books out on TRT (Dr. Chrisler has one, and the one by Nelson is great too, or try Dr. Shipen).
  12. H

    Low T & Opiates

    I believe that long term opiate therapy (7+ years for chronic pain, mostly hydrocodone but also every other opiate you can imagine trying to find something that worked) played a big role in my hypogonadism. There are a few other important factors, but I believe that was a big part of it. Been...
  13. H

    I'm sure my dad has low T.....

    Yeah, I think you're right in a way. Younger generations are more open to treating aging as a disease. That's the thing though, in both cases I've not approached it like that, rather I've just explained how it could help them both with their respective health issues (as it has mine). I'm a...
  14. H

    I'm sure my dad has low T.....

    I have tried to get both my father and my father-in-law to get theirs tested and interested in treatment if needed, but so far no luck. They see and hear the success I've had, but apparently that isn't enough to do it. I gave them both Dr. Shippen's book for Father's Day, but they've only...
  15. H

    Need some help - I am at the crossroads of TRT, and I am lost...

    Why are you afraid to be on this for life if it improves your health so dramatically, based on your own experience? I mean, of course you can quit whenever you want, but you see exactly what happens when you do...
  16. H

    Might need to lower my dosage

    You know, I wonder if I might have a slight allergy to it as well. Because I definitely have gotten more colds/congestions this year than I ever do in the wintertime. Didn't realize it could be the cause of that.
  17. H

    Might need to lower my dosage

    Vince- I wonder if those benefits apply to oral administration only, or if injecting it into the muscle (or SubQ) as we do with TRT has the same benefits?
  18. H


    It's not TRT. The Wellbutrin can definitely cause that though.
  19. H

    Urologist invents $13k penis implant

    Found this fascinating. Seems like it works very well, anecdotally anyway.
  20. H

    Latest bloodwork on new regimen with Defy

    Appreciate the feedback guys! I failed to mention that we are also going back to IM injections. I have a personal preference for them after having tried subQ from November until now. He said some men just get better, more consistent T distribution on IM and I'm likely one of them. I may try...
  21. H

    Latest bloodwork on new regimen with Defy

    Wow, yeah, that does sound similar to my case. I failed to give HCG its due in helping cause my estrogen spike...he said it was likely both that and the pregnenolone. As you mentioned, the option was to either simplify the regimen and dial in the T, or add an AI, which both he and I are...
  22. H

    Latest bloodwork on new regimen with Defy

    I will definitely do that. She's been wanting to for some time now, just to optimize her levels. But now it's more urgent as we (and her doctor) believe she's going through early menopause. I won't say her age here, but let's just say she's FAR to young to be going through that just yet (but...
  23. H

    Latest bloodwork on new regimen with Defy

    Just got off my consult with Dr. Saya. We're changing things up from the protocol above. We'll be dropping the DHEA/Pregnenolone cream altogether in favor of 25mg oral DHEA per night. Also dropping the HCG entirely for now. And we'll be switching to 50mg injections every other day on my...
  24. H


    I've had varying levels of tinnitus for at least a decade and I've not noticed any increase since starting TRT almost a year ago.
  25. H

    Subq injection and bad T level

    Currently on 160mg per week (so 80mg every 3.5 days).
  26. H

    Subq injection and bad T level

    As far as I know, HCG should always been done SubQ...but I could be mistaken. My experience switching my test injections from IM (6-7 months) to SubQ (the past 3 months) has been that my total and free test have both dropped (100 points on total, and 2 points on free T). I'm assuming it's the...
  27. H

    Defy does therapeutic Phlebotomy? Envious.

    Looks like OneBlood is only in FL right now.
  28. H

    Defy does therapeutic Phlebotomy? Envious.

    This is awesome for those patients in the Tampa area. I just read about this in their latest newsletter and I'm feeling pretty jealous! In my area, if you cannot donate (like me), it's going to cost $150 or more! Shameful. I wish somebody would develop a service that sells you (cheaply) the...
  29. H

    Latest bloodwork on new regimen with Defy

    I've spoken with you both (Crisler for my initial, you on my shorter followup to talk about my hematocrit issue..). But my appointment next week is with you...looking forward to it!