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    The Amazing Bremelanotide PT-141 (Vyleesi)

    Questions raised surrounding effectiveness of new 'female Viagra'
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    Best ED medication with moderate alcohol consumption

    Thx for your answers however I has happened to me that Cialis that normallu always works for me, didn´t do anything for me after a bottle of vine and I wasn´t even drunk. Will try Viagra or Levitra next time lol
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    Best ED medication with moderate alcohol consumption

    I do like to drink sometimes and I would like to be able to that even when I take ED medication. I heard that Levitra or even Viagra is the best since it doesn´t impact the BP that much like Cialis. Any comments to share?
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    What Is Best Time of Day for Daily Cialis?

    How about divide 5mg. 2,5mg in the morning and 2,5mg in the early evening
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    More ejaculations decrease prostate cancer risk

    For is more like 21 times per year .... as 58 years old wanking is not that exiting anymore lol
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    Effects of 8-hour time restricted feeding

    Interesting pilot study
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    Is testosterone involved in low female sexual desire?

    I wonder if supplementing DHEA will have any libido effects in post MP women. Maybe its a safer way to go?
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    Doxazosin restored my morning erections

    I wounder if this supplement will make my anxiety worse and also messing with with my bloodpressure. Maybe 5mg wouldn´t cause these side effects
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    Nac vs Tudca for liver

    Only one a day
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    Nac vs Tudca for liver

    I buy NOW brand Choline&Inositol
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    Nac vs Tudca for liver

    I take Choline and NAC and my liver values has gone down by 25%
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    How often to test SHBG?

    Mine was 30,45 in June last year and now sits at 41,64. The only change I has made was quitting HCG for a month be latest lab work
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    Do I Need Thyroid Meds?

    When it comes thyroids labs I always ask my doc to include Free t3 and4 and the reverse and with no luck she only want to see tsh, Ft4 and t3 basta. No matter what I asks for. My last lab tsh 2,25 (0,27-4,2) T3 1,53 nmol/L (1,3-3,10) FT4 13,67 pmol/L (12-22) and my doc is happy with these values...
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    New labs and surprised

    Madman woh I didn´t expect such a good answer. I will use this for sure and next lab I´ll ask for Albumin and that way I guess I can use the calculator. Many thx!
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    New labs and surprised

    Fifty Direct FT test is what most folks present here when showing posting their labs. My FT keeps more or less the level during the year. 115mg is an average because I draw from a 1ml syring 21 to 22 not exactly the same everytime is more one time 21 and the next 22. But for me I don´t care...
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    New labs and surprised

    I´m off HCG for a month by now and so far so good. I don´t notice very much really. My protocol testo 115 mg/2 week and DHEA 25mg every other day nothing els. My lastest lab that was taken before my morning injection. TT 690 FT 33,7 pg/mL SHBG 41,64 nmol/L E2 23,3 pg/mL Taking into account...
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    Nitric Oxide (ED and beyond)

    Have your husband been checked up by an urologist to rule out any phsycial issues? Sexual performance anxiety is a very common cause and it can even show up after many years in a longterm relationship. Meaning its more a common in the beginning of a sexual relationsip but it can for sure...
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    Efficacy of Nasal Testosterone Gel (Natesto® ) Stratified by Baseline Endogenous Testosterone Levels

    Really interesting read! Is this product already on the european market?
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    Pomegranate extract

    I tried various times and it really works - stronger erections and even a boost in libido. Unfortunately I have to be carefull with this since it infers with some of my medications. Anyone who has had any luck with this supplement?
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    Best medication for anxiety?

    I am suffering from morning anxiety and don´t cope very well with stress. This started for about 7-8 years ago and I believe it was work related. Anyway Lexapro was a life saver and Xanax (only in SOS situations). Wellbutring you should avoid since it has a tendancy to make your mind speedy.
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    Question TRT , venous leak, and penile implants

    Cock ring - Giddy the new ED treatment Could this be of any help?
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    Taking the plunge with CIalis

    Before sleeing 96/67 I wonder if that would go up to high bp after some hours of sleep lol
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    Taking the plunge with CIalis

    I have no problems with 5mg without any strong heart beats but I drink that evening I wake up during the night with that. I¨ll guess it has to do with to low BP.
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    Dr. David Diamond: Exposing the cholesterol myth

    Thx! Really interesting
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    Testosterone and weightlifting.

    I´m 58 years old and when I started lifting a year ago I felt very often tired after my workouts but not always. Then I read a tread of Nelson which helped me a lot and its deadly simple. More or less - If you feel tired after your workout instead of energized than you have overtrained. Simple...
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    Cock ring - Giddy the new ED treatment

    Meet Giddy, the New Wearable Erectile Dysfunction (ED) Treatment Anyone has tried this?
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    Does HCG Cause Cancer? High HCG Blood Levels Are Linked to Cancer

    Cataceous after reading that article I think I´ll come off HCG
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    This has worked for me!

    I´m not going to propose anything but after having read something that Vince Carter posted reg L-Histidine I decided to give it a try. Mainly for my pollen allergy but man this stuff is a real vasodilator as well. I combine it with L-Citruline and it´s a powerful NO together.
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    Is a 30 gauge needle safe for IM injecting?

    I don´t like 29 and up I start shaking after while when injecting and which makes me soar since the needle moves a bit too much in the muscle. I prefer 25G fast and no shakings
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    Feeling tired in the Afternoon

    Any spring allergies?