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  1. R

    follow up lab question

    I just regret starting the 60 mg with out checking the shgb and estrogen. And was wanting to see best way to get a accurate reading. The doctor will check them in three months. But didn’t want to go a total of 6 months of therapy with out checking them. I am aware it takes 6 weeks to...
  2. R

    follow up lab question

    ok well decided to say screw it and ordered from discount labs e sensitive shgb and thyroid panel. Thursday am I took 60 mg instead of normal 50. shot is due tonight. was just thinking of no taking tonight's (sunday night) 60mg and get labs in am and inject after labs Monday. Monday would be...
  3. R

    follow up lab question

    interesting like what range of t level bump is possible
  4. R

    SAMe Improves Fatigue, Depression, and Protects the Liver

    I guess I should of worded it different. first I don't have depression. but will the increased sense of well being from sam e. interiere with my perception of how im feeling with my increase of test dose oh and really enjoyed your book. going to share it with a co worker
  5. R

    Newbie started TRT 6 weeks ago

    welcome. im on month 2. lots of good info. also recommend picking up a few good books. just finished nelsons book a testosterone a mans guide and have the testosterone bible coming today
  6. R

    follow up lab question

    he was planning all that in 3 months said he would order shgb as well.. didn't know if establishing a base line at 100mg on all labs. but not spending 150 on my own labs is always preferred. wow didn't know that 20 mg would be considered a big jump thanks as always every one
  7. R

    SAMe Improves Fatigue, Depression, and Protects the Liver

    Is this something I can introduce before I get my test dose dialed in. Or should I wait to try in until 6 weeks after my increase Tomorrow I increase from 100mg a week to 125.
  8. R

    follow up lab question

    Well. Didn’t want to order labs. Said I could increase to 125mg week
  9. R

    Need help with sleep management on TRT

    I’m the same. Now that I’m starting to feel better on trt. I wake up at 3-4 am with wood. Horny and can’t fall asleep. How ever I’m still extremely tired by 9-930. I try to stay awake later so I sleep in it’s just difficult. But the few time I do sleep in till 430-5. Holy crap do I have...
  10. R

    follow up lab question

    I’m going to call insurance to morrow. See what they will cover. Seems how they sent me a letter saying my insurance will cover max 1 gram 30 days. Mabey then cal send me a letter with max labs
  11. R

    follow up lab question

    Thanks MadMan hct ws 47.7 plan was to ask for 120mg. then draw shgb and e sensitive lc ms ms from discount labs if he didn't order them.
  12. R

    follow up lab question

    after 8 weeks of 50mg every 3.5 days total 6.36ngml 1.75-7.81 isn't this range on the low end free test calc-arup 171 pgml 47-244 same question is this a low range I feel fairly good. no I don't have shgb or E2. I would think I would have some room it increase to higher normal as other...
  13. R

    Download Nelson Vergel's Book: Testosterone- A Man's Guide

    Thanks reading yours. Then will get. Either built to survive or the Bible next
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