Any opinions?
I'm starting to get more acne-not bad yet but i'm worried it will get really bad.
Also I know everyone is different but does anyone know about how long it takes e2 to drop back down if I stop the high dose of HCG? Maybe I'll take a week off from everything before I start the...
First thanks for all the help! I took the advice here and i'm taking .25 arimidex e3.5d with my HCG injection and got the labs and physical exam done for Defy today and the said they are scheduling about 3 weeks out so hopefully in about a month a have a new protocol.
I have a script for...
Thanks for the reply. I agree that the sensitive is better! Now that I know about discount labs I will always get the sensitive.
What I was looking for was info on why privatemdlabs is full of it.
Okay if it's common knowledge here that privatemdlabs are full of it it's news to me. I really appreciate all the help here but Vince carter your smart ass replies are not helpful. Can you expand on how that company is full of it or provide any link to some info?
I don't doubt you guys but I...
The sensitive is the way to go I agree but as far as the female being the wrong test that is incorrect, I've ordered it twice and it says for male and females and even asks if you're male or female when ordering the test so unless that company is full of shit I think it's fine.
First if I knew exactly what I was doing I wouldn't be here asking for advice. Yes I saw Ero suggested .25 but my doc gave a script for 1mg twice a week and I just wanted a few more people to chime in before I went against my doc. If you believe the first thing someone says on a forum before...
So are you saying the standard is completely worthless? You said the sensitive was higher for you but by how much? For example if my standard is 110 can the sensitive be say 15? If it was completely worthless i'm just a little surprised because my endo, erologist and my gp all use the...
I have a call in to another endo and will check out defy next week. I found a bottle of anastrozole the doc gave me when I was on clomid and I never used it. I'm thinking about taking .5mg now just to start to lower E2 and then check with new doc or defy next week, any thought on this? It's...
Thanks for the quick reply!
I tried to get the doc to do Test and HCG but he said he will NEVER do that. I tried to show him some studies that showed I can preserve fertility while on test and low dose HCG(250iu/e3.5d) and he replied that there is probably some small study that shows water...
So i'm 38 years old, secondary and have had low test for at least a couple years. I decided about a year ago after a ton of reading on the forums that I wanted to get on trt but I need to get the wife pregnant first.
Last year the endo tried a clomid restart for a couple months and my TT...
I also had a sweet spot for a couple days just after I started clomid and what you're talking about is exactly what I plan to do. I figure if I feel 100% and get labs the same day then I just need to aim for those numbers. If it doesn't work then i'm only out a few bucks for the labs. I want...
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