Gene I typically agree with the "not broken" philosophy and as Vince mentioned the convenience of only 2 shots per week IS appealing but also I am a little concerned about doing a deep IM injection into my outer quads, once per leg/per week forever (its the only place I am comfortable doing an...
I am preparing to switch from deep IM injections of Test Cyp @ 2x per week, and separate HCG injections, to the method shown in Nelson's video which combines TC and HCG in one smaller syringe also 2 x per week.
Can anyone who's made this change advise if there will be an adjustment period or is...
...oh and i give blood every 56 days due to my hematocrit being in the 50 - 51% range when i don't. I know that this is seen as an ok number by some but my doctor doesn't like it reaching 50%.
DHT having the biggest effect on Hematocrit seems strange considering transdermal testosterone supposedly increases DHT more than IM? I've only tested my DHT once, after being on TRT for a while (unfortunately no baseline), and it was out of range to the high side. I have not continued to test...
Percy I say this with absolutely no judgement about your goals or methods but it seems what you are doing at 500mg/week is a "cycle" (albeit a mild one).
The participants here are experienced at, and/or learning about, testosterone replacement therapy as it pertains to re-attaining normal...
As someone who felt some anxiety about starting/tweaking my TRT (although not to the same degree that you seem to), bear in mind that you are assuming your "feeling" of High E2 means that it IS high and that may not be the case. The only way to know is through bloodwork! The symptoms of...
Thanks for the reply Vince!
I have not actually progressed to the newer method of using the smaller/shorter needles but am currently considering trying out the SubQ method. At the moment I am using 27G x 1".
Do you know how scar tissue in the thigh would manifest?
Maybe I have some and don't...
Sorry if I am late to the game or if this has already been posted but I received this through an online subscription to a magazine and thought i would share it.
I have read that repeated use of the same injection site can cause scar tissue. I am only comfortable injecting into the side of my thighs and alternate between sides. However with a twice/week injection protocol Im injecting the same site once per week.
My question scar tissue...
I have read a fair about about it and have been tempted but the available information is a bit inconsistent and articles like the link you posted have a "too good to be true" tone to them. Lastly the companies you would have to purchase it from seem ...suspect. have you heard any positive...
I am still receiving Pfizer Depo-Testosterone and just got a refill a week ago. I'm in Canada but I doubt that matters as to whether they are still manufacturing it or not?
Thanks again! I also take none of those drugs and I do realize many "studies" regarding TRT do not consider whether sides are managed or not. If they are not managed maybe it would be a concern? However thanks to resources like this I closely monitor all blood work. I appreciate your feedback.
Thanks Tom! Getting dialled in was largely thanks to resources like this one and specifically Nelson's book. Oh and I guess I should recognize the progressive thinking doctors that facilitated it. I see there is a link to Amazon that contributes to this site... is there a similar link to...
Thanks ERO! The warning essentially said 'men should not take this while on Testosterone Therapy'? I have seen the warning about blood thinners as well and that seems to be on all K2 supplements that I've seen. The warning on that one brand though made me throw out the product and I wish I still...
Does anyone know if taking Vitamin K2 is contraindicated in men receiving TRT? I read that warning on a bottle of K2 once but have never seen it again (even on the same brand) and searching online has provided no answers. Since it seems K2 is important in conjunction with D3, especially for bone...
I am new to the forum but have read much of the information here over the past two years. As a result of information found here, and in Nelsons book "Testosterone: A Man's Guide" as well as information from LEF and Dr. Crisler, I found the root cause of the symptoms I had been experiencing.
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