Thinking of this addition to help with joints and potential other wider reported benefits at 100mg a week to complement the 150mg of test ethanate. My question is whether this might boost t levels too high by adding the 100mg of deca, or should the test dose be reduced to compensate?
Sorry if this sounds a bit left field but some things are not about the drugs or supplements but about finding balance, purpose and a sense of happiness in your life. Maybe there’s answers that are on the inside rather than the outside.
Bloods look kinda ok given your position. When you explain your wider life challenges I’d suggest it’s the mental stress and worry that’s the major issue here. But that’s purely from trying to put myself in your shoes and how life can drain the energy right out from you if your outlook just...
Any thoughts on why to improve fertility various studies shared on this site are having patients use much larger doses of hcg such as 1500iu 3x a week?
Hi everyone
UK based. Post my situation previously but in summary TRT for 1 year, HCG throughout 500iu 3x a week and failing to get wife pregnant and fertility test indicates infertility on my side.
Read several great articles and want to become fertile sooner rather than later. I’d rather...
My experience of Ostarine before trt was that it was quite expensive for a marginal boost to testosterone levels and suffered a decline in energy and libido. If taking exogenous test I would struggle to see the benefit.
Ibutmoren however was quite good for me.
Cardarine I tried once on a...
Agree that seems the logical route if I’m keen to remain on trt, but suppliers in the UK seem less prevalent than in the US.
One site that did seem to offer FSH wants £35 per 75iu, so at 3x a week and at a minimum recommended dose of 75iu that’s £100 pounds or roughly $130 a week.
Hcg is also...
Indeed it seems that way. I want to do a further test but the indicators seem to suggest just that. I’m a little disappointed I didn’t check my fertility much earlier as I know I was fertile just prior to trt because my wife got pregnant but sadly miscarried.
Thanks Vince. I’m really not keen to just drop the trt as I’m seriously into my gym stuff and the drop in t levels will be something I’d much prefer to avoid. If there’s no other option then so be it but I’m hoping for another option.
I guess the first question is whether your sorry count is already good or not good. Wouldn’t that lead to a different strategy?
I used hcg from the start at 500iu every 3 days and at some point it seems my fertility level went down the pan.
I’m not sure what I need to do to trying and...
I have been on trt for one year and hcg 500iu every 3 days and it looks from my lack of a pregnant wife over 9 months of trying and a recent fertility test that the hcg did not preserve my fertility.
Hi, I’m new to the forum having discovered it a few months back. I’m from the UK where it seems we are still catching up with the thinking in the US.
I am very grateful for any wisdom this forum can offer on the challenge I face and hopefully can add to the rich information already here.
Hi All,
Soon to commence a TRT programme, now 46 years old and had two blood tests over the past year with low free test (most recent below low range), low test (but within range) and high SHBG (lastest test slightly above top end of range).
Intending to go with Sustanon 250 0.5ml E5D, with...
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