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  1. G

    Stock Market

    Read a good book first like those written by the naked trader. Most people actively investing don’t do well because they make too many mistakes and don’t put in the time to form their own independent views. good luck. It can be fun and rewarding when you get it right.
  2. G

    BPC157 and TB500 injection location for multiple connective tissue injuries

    I injected close to the sites, namely elbows and knees, but after a number of weeks I wasn’t so impressed with the results in that there was no noticeable difference to overall joint discomfort. Commencement of low dose deca for elbows has been far more successful and cheaper.
  3. G

    Nandrolone Dosage - How much T?

    Interesting that my elbows have also been the joint that have most benefited. Knees seem no different in terms of general stiffness, clicking and discomfort, if pushing too hard. I may have missed the rationale elsewhere on the forum but I have injected the entire weekly dose of 60mg...
  4. G

    Nandrolone Dosage - How much T?

    I’m now taking 140mg test per week split into 60mg every 3 days and lowered deca to 60mg. It’s been about 6 months now on deca, starting at 90mg a week. was interested in others thoughts on the minimum effective dose to get the benefits of deca, especially collagen synthesis With little or no...
  5. G

    Failed PCT - Getting Off TRT for Fertility Purposes

    basically 1500iu HCG and 75iu HMG EOD and tapered HCG down after a few weeks to 1000iu and then 500iu and maintained HMG at same level. TRT continued throughout including low dose deca at 90mg a week. don’t have semen analysis but had been trying to make wife pregnant for nearly 1 year without...
  6. G

    Failed PCT - Getting Off TRT for Fertility Purposes

    I was wondering whether you gave the HMG enough time. If I read correctly you only used HMG for one month with HCG and at the bottom of the dose range of successful studies which went on for a number of months. I had positive results with EOD HMG and HCG and it was in month 3 of this protocol...
  7. G

    Fsh compared to hmg???

    According to the published research elsewhere on the forum it achieves the same end result at the same dose and frequency
  8. G

    Nandrolone Experiences

    I guess one might expect no adverse affects in the first few weeks due to the long half life but 5 weeks is encouraging. remind me why you stopped altogether as opposed to just reducing dose to say 100 or 50mg per week?
  9. G

    How to Improve Sperm Quality, LH, FSH and Testosterone in Infertile Men

    Just an update on my protocol. In month 2 of taking hcg EOD 500iu with hmg 75iu my wife has become pregnant. Previously without the hmg we had been trying for 1 year.
  10. G

    Nandrolone Experiences

    It could be a mental thing but I noticed a slightly adverse affect on ability to maintain a strong erection over an extended period (ie 30 minutes and greater). Not enough to stop nandrolone use but I noticed it nonetheless. I also think high dose omega 3 fish oil helps and since returning to...
  11. G

    Anyone have luck coming off TRT?

    Interesting posts! I’m 15 months in to TRT and realise how hard it is to compare how you feel now versus some distant pre TRT point in time. Sometimes my mind plays tricks and tries to convince me to just stop it all and That everything pre TRT wasn’t that bad. I definitely felt underwhelmed...
  12. G

    Nandrolone Experiences

    I was thinking this might be the case when I posted as it’s the only variable that presents a possible explanation
  13. G

    Nandrolone Experiences

    Hope to get labs next week so will be interesting
  14. G

    Nandrolone Experiences

    Not really. I’m already at the upper end of my capabilities after consistently training hard for 35 years. I’m curling again every 5 days which I had previously cut back on, so it’s probably the need to keep protecting joints and not get too carried away. They’re better than the start of using...
  15. G

    Nandrolone Experiences

    130mg sustanon (60mg E3D) normally use ethanate but decided to trial sustanon about 3 weeks back. Back to 500iu hcg EOD and 75iu HMG, previously was running higher HCG for a few weeks to help accelerate restoration of fertility. 90mg deca once per week
  16. G

    Nandrolone Experiences

    I’ve been on 90mg of deca for 8 weeks now. Last couple of weeks strength and size has plateaued and elbow joints slightly worsened. I inject Once per week. Any thoughts?
  17. G

    How to Improve Sperm Quality, LH, FSH and Testosterone in Infertile Men

    It’s a risk buying through your own sources. Will they deliver? Is the content of the vial precisely what it is claimed to be? But for cost and expediency I took that risk but tried to mitigate where I could by using suppliers with a track record and using a commercial platform and credit card...
  18. G

    T + HCG + (FSH or HMG)?

    Nope. I’m not in the US BTW.
  19. G

    T + HCG + (FSH or HMG)?

    bought from China. They seem to operate a number of facilities out there. Check their reps out and bought through first supply I had was clearly legit as my last fertility test came back positive. Moving onto an alternative supplier now as pricing is pretty variable based upon...
  20. G

    Iron Deficiency (Low Ferritin) without Anemia

    Great article. Trying to resolve low ferratin myself. Been going on for about 6 months and currently taking iron and vit c supplements. Blood test due soon whilst other investigations take place to eliminate different causes.
  21. G

    How to Improve Sperm Quality, LH, FSH and Testosterone in Infertile Men

    The research I read from this forum all points towards the addition of FSH or HMG being the most productive combination with HCG. I believe the only reason for suggesting clomid first is one of cost, unless there’s any other evidence I’ve missed.
  22. G

    T + HCG + (FSH or HMG)?

    The studies I have read posted on this forum suggest hmg or fsh is an EOD protocol due to their half lives.
  23. G

    HCG Dosage for Primary Hypogonadism

    Maintaining an already healthy fertility level is different in terms of dose. Hcg alone at 500iu every 3 days was the protocol I started TRT with and generally seems to work based upon what I read up on. Clearly it doesn’t work for everyone. HMG is expensive and FSH more so, so why not start...
  24. G

    HCG Dosage for Primary Hypogonadism

    I used hcg from the start at500iu every 3 days. I lost fertility at some point after starting TRT as I made my wife pregnant around the same time I started, but she suffered a miscarriage. according to the studies shared on this forum 75iu minimum of FSH or HMG is that’s the option you are...
  25. G

    HCG Dosage for Primary Hypogonadism

    HMG can be used instead of FSH. I found it to be more readily available and cheaper. I’m not aware of any material differences in side effects. HCG alone from what I have read is unlikely to recover fertility once already adversely affected. I was taking HCG throughout my TRT which I started...
  26. G

    HCG Dosage for Primary Hypogonadism

    Age is clearly a factor too but for me a greater hcg dose combined with hmg appears to have worked EOD. I took 1500iu EOD for a week and am tapering this down towards 500EOD alongside 75iu hmg.
  27. G

    Sperm still “low” on YO home test kit. Need suggestions.

    I amusing 75iu hmg EOD and 1000iu hcg EOD which I intend to get down to 500iu over the next week or two. Been on this protocol for a couple of weeks and 4 weeks prior was on the same except 500iu hcg. I increased the hcg to help restimulate normal sorry production (rather than maintain). I...
  28. G

    Low dose nandrolone with low dose testosterone

    not sure Medichecks in the UK offer this. It’s really useful to keep with them as I have all my records on line.
  29. G

    Low dose nandrolone with low dose testosterone

    Probably worth going for a trial ASAP and seeing what improves. I’m hoping any improvement is permanent but I haven’t had experience post deca yet to know how it will be.
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