As Vince Carter noted, you may have gone too long to where leydig cells are no longer receptive to the LH analog. So in that sense, yeah, you could technically say you're "primary", but it is more of a self induced situation, whereas the cycle shut your HPTA down, that in turn would shut the...
Yeah, Armour changed hands a few years back, and honestly many have had some complaints since Activas bought it from Forest Labs.
Additionally, 1 grain isn't much, I'd be curious what your labs say? Some better results might be achieved with splitting morning and early afternoon as well, 2/3...
Okay, at first glance we see Free T4 and Free T3, and where they sit in their respective reference ranges.
FT4 is at 54.7%
FT3 is at 41.6%
If all things were semi-optimal, you would probably want to see both values in the 50% to 80% area of the reference range, and hopefully both FT4 and FT3...
Read the post above, but essentially you would need to find the culprit and/or deficiency, and get it resolved. RT3 can be problematic for many reasons, as noted from my previous post, plus it increases when you get sick, have an infection, stressed, severely fatigued, etc., anything that puts...
Exactly right, Vince! Nate, this where the thyroid gets a little complicated. T4 converts to T3 ... In short, T3 needs iron & cortisol (glucose thereof), plus various electrolytes for being transported to the cells, and for being active with receptor sites at the cells, ATP synthase...
x2 on this ... You need to run ratios with RT3/FT3, which needs to be on the same lab draw.
Being your FT3 is at the very top end of the reference range, there could be concern for pooling, as noted by VC. Especially comparing against FT4, which is under 50% of the reference range. If you are...
Your Free T3 is LOW. It's at 15.8% of Range Value, and in an optimal setting you would want to see this at 50% to 80%. Your metabolism will be sluggish at best unless you get the thyroid working for you. Free T3 is critical for metabolism, energy, promoting ATP, etc., but it also needs to be...
Rhino, tell me more about your NDT dosage and protocol? Are you splitting your medication? Also, when did you take your medication on the day that you had labs drawn?
Agree with Ratbag, you're going in the right direction with iron & ferritin, but it needs to come up. Aim to get your Iron Serum...
Your RT3/FT3 ratio was close to 19 at that time. Just slightly below the ideal mark of 20, so not too shabby all and all. Get the labs updated like you said in a few weeks, we can compare notes ...
Also, yes on taking 2/3 when you wake, and during or after lunch is fine on the 2nd dose, or 1/3...
And that's the thing, I don't know if "Pooling" is a problem with you or not (?), but the RT3 lab would help clarify that with an RT3/FT3 Ratio.
IMO, if you switched to NDT, my starting point would be = at 1.25 grains, or call it approx. 75mg of NDT. Keep in mind, with Hashis, I've seen more...
At 125mcg, you are equal to 1-1/4 grain, which in some respects isn't a lot of medication. The other variable is Reverse T3, and if T4 is converting at a high rate of it (RT3), then that will affect your overall FT3 serum level. So, to assess properly, you would need an RT3 assay to compare...
Excellent overview of the thyroid!! The Reverse T3 side of it can get quite tricky when trying to establish a treatment protocol, but I'd like to see some of his follow up videos that will no doubt broach on that subject.
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