There are many myths out there about thyroid hormones causing your thyroid to stop functioning once you stop therapy. Exogenous thyroid hormone replacement is NOT like TRT or other AAS; it does not cause HPTA suppression. While it does suppress TSH (which it's supposed to do), one will gain back...
Thyroid optimization has been one of my priorities for the last few years - and still is. I was on sustained-release T3 monotherapy for almost 3 years and last year switched to a combination of straight T3 (30mcg) and NDT (natural desiccated thyroid; 3 grains) and have been getting much better...
This study is misleading. Eating bacon from organic and/or pastured pork, not the processed CAFO (confined animal feeding operation) meat which give their animals all sorts of toxic antibiotics, hormones, and grains to eat, etc., is healthy. You're talking apples and oranges here. Furthermore...
"To quantify: You want to have your total testosterone levels in the 12.56 – 15.75 nmol/L (362ng/dl - 454ng/dL), your free testosterone levels in the 182.66 – 216.34 pmol/L (5.3-6.2 ng/dL)". These...
Yep, as I posted before to "Eat the Whole Damn Egg". Can't understand why all these fitness-minded people still insist on still eating the whites only. They are behind the times. Healthy fat does not make you fat!
I keep hearing the same thing over and over from friends and others: that test cyp caused them excessive water retention and "bacne" , and when they switched to the same dose on test e, no more of either. I have a hard time figuring out why a simple change of just the ester would make any...
How would one know their curvature is a result of scar tissue (Peyronie's), as many men are naturally curved from birth, hence, not all penile curvature is due to damage or disease?
I think Lovaza is overrated. You don't need prescription FO when you can get better products OTC, but hey, it's FREE, so WTF, right? The biggest debate is whether FO is itself already oxidized prior to encapsulation. It all depends on the mfg. process. To cover yourself, make sure you're taking...
Niacin can raise serum uric acid levels which can eventually cause or worsen gout. I also monitor uric acid which has been normal. I think this is in certain cases, but not across the board. Certainly niacin is a far safer bet than any statin drug on the market. I have been taking the bergamot...
I prefer Endur-acin EXTENDED (not slow) release niacin which prevents flushing and thus far has shown no negative effect on my liver enzymes, blood sugar or HCY levels. I take 500mg 3x's daily. Will be getting results from all lipid tests in about a week to see if I need to raise the dose...
I think low bf is the biggest factor in vascularity. That and genetics. I have tried all the oral NO boosters and all they give me is the runs! Maybe injectable will help, but it's all about being lean first and foremost.
I think low bf is the biggest factor in vascularity. That and genetics. I have tried all the oral NO boosters and all they give me is the runs! Maybe injectable will help, but it's all about being lean first and foremost.
Anyone else taking niacin to raise HDL, lower trigs and LDL? I am on 1500mg daily. Liver, homocysteine, FBG, so far, so good. This article mentiones doses in excess of that.
Sorry, didn't see this before.
Dose was 3mg custom compounded. Before was using an injectable version. No sides I could tell. I felt a mild sedative effect from it though. Nothing else. Would like to try again. I wonder if it would help reduce CRP?
Sorry, was in a rush.
What this means? It means there are potentially a lot of people walking around with dx's of diabetes or completely unaware they have diabetes that could be resolved if someone bothered to look into low T as a causal factor.
Insulin sensitivity can be restored with the...
These data demonstrate that 6 months of GH administration in healthy older men elicits small but significant decreases in TT4 and reciprocal increases in TSH. In comparison, T supplementation in older men neither directly alters, nor modifies the effects of GH, on serum TT4 or TSH. Whether GH...
Soy lecithin is a ubiquitous ingredient used in many protein powders and other supplements. As we know, soy protein itself is estrogenic, but is soy lecithin? The research I've seen is scant on whether it does or not, but one thing I do see is more supplement makers using sunflower or canola...
Low T IS a detriment to CV health. Low T (and E2) may be why my Lp(a) (a marker for atherogenesis) has risen lately.
The problem with these studies I posted are that they are one-sided and don't always take into account many other epigenetic factors that influence gene expression, etc. I think...
Association of Testosterone Therapy With Mortality, Myocardial Infarction, and Stroke in Men With Low Testosterone Levels
"The absolute rate of events were 19.9% in the no testosterone therapy group vs 25.7% in the testosterone therapy...
Anyone have a clue why E2 keeps dropping??? SHBG actually dropped a little (39). I have eliminated what I thought would be causing a drain on E2 (calcium-d-glucarate). TRT still on hold for now. Upping DHEA to 50mg/day. My guess is that my long term use of T3 (which increases SHBG) has crippled...
I recently had a chat with Carl Lanore about TB500 and his use of it for helping with injuries and joint pain. My concern was over a study I recall that had mentioned that it may cause cancer:
LDN (low-dose naltrexone) has been used for years for autoimmune dysfunction, to help raise CD8 counts, and now for weight loss. I used it about 10 years ago in capsule as well as injectable form. Interesting stuff. May try again.
All those idiots telling us to reduce unprocessed SFAs are living up to their title as just that - IDIOTS. In fact, I recall my Lp(a) being its lowest when I was eating lots of whole eggs and coconut oil. Low-fat high carb diets are proving more and more to simply be unhealthy all around.
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