It’s a DEA controlled Schedule III medication. There are federal and state laws that are strictly enforced, especially now given the opioid epidemic. When medications are Scheduled as II or III they have strict rules about refills (if any) and only dispensing 30 days worth of medication at a...
when I was taking stimulants and after my brisk one hour fitness walks, I would inevitably have some semen leakage on my next urination. The additional blood flow or muscle stimulation seems to do it. I would urinate, finish, and a couple of seconds after feel the need to urinate still, so...
LOL! I was going to the heck do you listen to these meatheads, much less take them seriously.
I briefly clicked on a couple of the various one posted by you and Gman, and was! This is painful. And then in one I hear him talking about taking 700 mg of Deca and 1 GRAM of...
When you’re a married, *** male, and my libido disappears I can literally go 6 or 8 weeks without thinking about sex at all. No erections. ED. No morning wood. No porn. No interest in having sex with my spouse. Seeing the problem yet?
TRT solved all of that and more, except for the libido...
As we recovering addicts do with our Suboxone you could do with arimidex.
Dissolve 1 pill (or 10) in an alcohol or water solution. Dilute enough so that either 1 drop = .1 mg of the drug dose or 1 dropper full of solution equals .1 mg.
Trazodone is a serotonin drug, so no it will not raise prolactin. Drugs that affect the dopamine system affect opioid pain killers or methadone or Suboxone.
That‘s just part of the gig. Deal with it. Why do they do it? Two Defy makes a little bit more money. Two, and this is the overriding’re getting prescribed DEA SCHEDULE III controlled medications with testosterone. They don’t want every pharmacist around the...
Did the tren give you ED? How long did you run it? How long have you been off it? As Nelson says, it’s best to invest in getting your prolactin tested. For under $60 you can have it tested or spend $210 and get all your updated lab work from
You’re no longer taking tren so I wouldn’t take any Cabergoline unless you’re having elevated prolactin symptoms...Ie, no libido or ED, or milk coming out of your nipples. Cabergoline is well tolerated (I take it currently) but it’s not without risks. No need to add a medication just because...
Virtually all of the Deca dick stories I read were from people cycling steroids and testosterone. A few were supposedly on TRT but using 2X and 3x normal TRT doses on “blast & cruise” schemes. They were chasing gym gainz not joint relief.
I’ve read all of the available studies and read all of...
As you’ve now learned people on the internet don’t know shyte about how YOUR body responds to TRT. Dropping from 1 mg per week to zero just because you split up your dose is silly. The most you should have dropped was .5 mg per week, and in fact you may need to stay at 1 mg per week.
You know Gman, at a certain point you’re just going to have to decide if Deca is for you. I’m 10 weeks into my Deca and I’ve kept researching and reading up on Deca and I’m still just as flummoxed today as I was 10 weeks ago, except now I’m 15+ lbs buffer, and my joints don‘t hurt.
The only people I know needing to have sex 3 to 5 times a day, instead of the dreaded “only” once or twice per day are porn stars, prostitutes / sex workers, sex addicts, or professional condom tester for Trojan. Although to be fair, I’m not sure how often trolls require sex per day. *shrug*
Youve put your body into starvation mode. As a male you cannot only eat 1500 calories per day while also burning 500+ calories in your workout. Digesting protein and complex carbohydrates takes more energy vs a fat and sugar laden so your body has to now work even harder....hence no/low...
Pseudoephedrine is an adrenergic amines drug....aka a stimulant. Stimulates are notorious for making men horny, but on the flip side also makes it harder to climax...hence the term “crystal dick”. The vasoconstriction action of those types of drugs puts pressure on the prostate which your...
there may be something to this based on this rat / protein intake, study.... Effects od dietary protein, fat and energy on blood hemoglobin and hematocrit in the rat. - PubMed - NCBI
I asked my doc to run DHEA, DHT, Prolactin, and E2 because of “lethargy“ and libido issues from my severe opioid use disorder and my medication Suboxone. The only real symptom was libido but I wanted to make sure insurance paid for the expanded hormone tests. Don’t expect insurance to pay for...
Sorry, but 30%+ body fat isn’t “thin” any of these guys at 30% bf look “thin” to you? You admit your diet, sleep (apnea), lipids, triglycerides, and ED are awful, and you think jumping on a steroid cycle is going to be the magic formula. Get a doctor either online or in-person that...
I posted highlights from it on one of the threads somewhere. I’ll upload the full ones tomorrow when I get a chance.
I decided in 250 mg because originally Nelson said to run 200 mg. I was going to run it 10 weeks and had a 2500 mg bottle so figured might as well run 250 mg.
My normal TRT is...
Good Christ! That study doesn’t say what you are making a leap to conclusion over. There are so many problems with your bro-science I don’t even know where to start FFS!
Doctors dont RX in a vacuum. Very few Americans are patient or willing to make actual lifestyle changes to feel better. I was talking to a colleague at work a couple of days ago who has been recently diagnosed with sleep apnea, and hasn’t even had his new machine for 10 days (he has high blood...
I dose at 250 mg Deca with 150 mg test. No sexual issues. It’s been close to 10 weeks. Took blood labs after 5 weeks. Worked as planned, have gained significant lean / muscle mass as side effect.
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