Hello guys...
So been on TRT over a year...
Started at 100mg divided in to two doses weekly... felt great, labs were great as well, I finally started to gain muscle at they gym but after 6-7 months started to feel lethargic again, and lost a lot of muscle but my strength remained more or less the same... so I upped the dose to 150mg and felt great again, muscle gain, libido energy all up...
4-5 Months and started to lose muscle and hit a wall at the gym... libido a bit down... feel ok, much better than pre-trt but is there maybe something I should supplement with as well to keep feeling great?
Need to post your labs here!
Much more going on than just having healthy hormones when it comes to libido/erectile function which are both multifactorial.
Having a healthy FT is only one piece of the puzzle as libido let alone ED are multifactorial.
Getting quality sleep, minimizing stress (physical/mental), following a healthy diet, exercising/staying active, improving overall vascular health will have a far bigger impact than jacking up your trough FT!
Have realistic expectations especially when it comes to libido and erectile function!
Hope you understand that every time you increase the dose and drive up FT there will be a mini-honeymoon period where it's common for one to experience an increase in libido and erections, euphoric type feeling due to T levels rising, increased dopamine/AR activity as hormones will be in flux during the weeks leading up until blood levels have stabilized (4-6 weeks TC/TE).
During this transition period (first 4-6 weeks) the body is trying to adjust.
Unfortunately this is short-lived and temporary as once blood levels have stabilized (4-6 weeks TC/TE) the body will eventually adapt (over the next few months) to its new set-point and the increased libido and erections, euphoric type feeling will eventually wane more what we call into the norm.
This mini-honeymoon period is common when starting testosterone therapy or tweaking your protocol (increasing dose of T).
Do not expect to maintain a stellar libido in the long-run as many other factors come into play here.
Higher FT does not mean higher libido let alone better erections.
Now when it comes to changes in body composition (increase muscle, loss adipose) and increased strength/recovery on testosterone therapy running a higher trough/steady-state FT will be more advantageous when following a proper training/diet regiment.
Even than genetics will have the final say.
If you are following a proper diet/training protocol than you will derive more anabolic benefits injecting 200 mg T/week vs 100.
Even then in the long-run you will only derive so much using therapeutic doses of T.
This is why men abuse T/AAS beyond/well beyond therapeutic doses to take full advantage of gaining muscle/strength well beyond their natty genetic set-point.
If you are hitting a healthy trough FT level on your current protocol which is most likely a given and you are following a proper diet/training regiment than you should not be losing any muscle!
Diet is key when it comes to maintaining/gaining muscle.
Testosterone might not do as much for your libido as people think it does. Here's what this hormone does and doesn't do for your sex drive.
As an expert on andrology and sexual dysfunctions, urologist Andrew Y. Sun, M.D., sees plenty of patients who’re struggling with low libido. And most are pretty sure they already know why: They must have low testosterone levels. Even if it turns out they don’t, “most of them still strongly believe that increasing their testosterone levels will improve their libido,” says Sun, who practices at Urology Partners of North Texas.
*The male sexual response cycle is complex and the exact role of testosterone in mediating libido, arousal, erection, ejaculation, and orgasm is multifactorial
*This hormone isn’t the only biological factor with clear, substantial power over our libidos