At 100mg weekly I was injecting 4 times a week and at 50mg 2x a week........I would get lab work done before my next shot, so as close trough as possible.
Not sure how many months you followed each protocol?
On the 100 mg T/week split into 4 injections protocol you were hitting a very high trough TT 1200 ng/dL and with normalish SHBG (will use your pre-TTh 37.5 nmol/L) your trough cFTV 28.6 ng/dL would have been very high.
Always need to keep in mind that your peak TT, FT and estradiol will be higher!
Again have no clue where your SHBG truly sat as it was 37.5 nmol/L pre-TTh and may have dropped further when you went on TTh (100 mg T/week).
If you were on such protocol for at least 3 months and you felt great overall minus any sides and blood markers were healthy than I see no issue here if that is where you felt best.
Not sure where your RBCs, hemoglobin and hematocrit sat or how you were truly feeling overall but keep in mind that your hemoglobin and hematocrit were already closer to the top-end pre-TTh.
Chances are that you may have been dealing with elevated hematocrit and even then where your level sat 4 weeks in let alone 3 months in is not where it would have ended up 6-9 months down the road.
As I stated previously when using exogenous T hematocrit will start rising within the 1st month of starting therapy and will take anywhere from 6-9 months or in some cases up to a year to reach peak levels.
On the 50 mg T/week split into twice-weekly injections (every 3.5 days) you were hitting a robust trough TT 635 ng/dL and with normalish SHBG (will use your pre-TTh 37.5 nmol/L) your trough calculated cFTV 12.9 ng/dL would be descent but may have been too low for you!
Always need to keep in mind that your peak TT, FT and estradiol will be higher.
Just to put this in perspective most healthy young males would be hitting a peak cFTV 13-15 ng/dL and this is a daily short-lived peak too boot!
Yes many tend to aim for a higher-end trough but this is not a given that most need to be hitting a higher-end/high trough in order to experience relief/improvement of low-T symptoms.
Many will do well with a trough FT 15-25 ng/dL.
Yes some men may run levels much higher!
Comes down to the individual.
Even then need to keep in mind that there is a big difference between one hitting a high trough FT 20-25 ng/dL injecting daily vs every 3.5 days vs once weekly!
Always need to pay attention to your injection frequency when speaking on trough FT!
What needs to be stressed here is running too high a trough/steady-state FT can be just as bad in many ways as running too low a FT especially when it comes to libido and erectile function.
Tread lightly when it comes to that more T is better mentality myth being pushed by all those sheep stinking up the so called men's health/HRT forums!