Thanks for the reply. Yes after many protocols trying everything over the years nothing really helped my libido. There was once I was on 300 mg of test s week that's when I had the high numbers but I also was suffering horrible migraines that would hurt so much . BP was high but just didn't want to start BP medication... So the high test of 300 mg obviously boosted the free t and helped the sex drive .
Your lab results in post #13 of my reply were on 200 mg TE/week!
If those labs were accurate (?) than your TT and more importantly FT was through the roof.
Even then when you were injecting 300 mg T/week which is not a therapeutic dose of T and stated your FT was really high and it improved the sex drive highly doubtful it would have lasted in the long run.
Every time you increase the dose and drive up FT there will be a mini-honeymoon period where it's common for one to experience an increase in libido and erections, euphoric type feeling due to T levels rising, increased dopamine/AR activity as hormones will be in flux during the weeks leading up until blood levels have stabilized (4-6 weeks TC/TE).
During this transition period (first 4-6 weeks) the body is trying to adjust.
Unfortunately this is short-lived and temporary as once blood levels have stabilized (4-6 weeks TC/TE) the body will eventually adapt (over the next few months) to its new set-point and the increased libido and erections, euphoric type feeling will eventually wane more what we call into the norm.
This mini-honeymoon period is common when starting testosterone therapy or tweaking your protocol (increasing dose of T).
Some may even end up struggling with libido/erectile function in the long-run when running to high a trough/steady-state FT due to hammering the S**T out of dopamine!
Again running too high a trough/steady-state FT can be just as bad in many ways as running too low a FT especially when it comes to libido and erectile function.
For some it can even have a negative effect on mood and sleep as T has a tonic effect on the CNS and can easily make one feel amped up, agitated/irritable.
Many still lack the understanding of how exogenous T works and are caught up on that never-ending merry go round constantly manipulating their protocols and chasing their tails until the cows come home.
Unrealistic expectations when it comes to libidio let alone erectile function.
The sheep stinking up all those so called men's health/HRT forums preaching that more T is better mentality would have you thinking that you should be running around with a raging libido and titanium erections 24/7 to boot!
Again as I have stated numerous times on the forum It's a myth that one needs to have high-end let alone absurdly high FT or DHT levels in order to have a healthy libido or healthy erectile function.
Having healthy levels of FT, DHT and estradiol is what really matters and even then having healthy hormones is only one piece of the puzzle.
Libido and erectile function are complex and multifactorial and there is much more involved than just having healthy hormones.
Seems as though you have a lot more going on here as you have been dealing with a low/no libido for years.
Going back to 2017 when you first started therapy and looking over your numerous threads on the forum over the years it has been a rollercoaster ride for you and unfortunately mostly on the down.