When I was on Test E 125mg/week I tried Masteron and Proviron to "increase" DHT, since it was the only thing wrong on my blood test. Now obviously it doesn't increase it directly it just binds to receptors and the body recognizes it as DHT.
First I tried Masteron E at 50mg/week, injected 2x the same time as Test E. After 1 month I felt nothing, no positives or negatives, so I increased the dose to 100mg/week. After 3 weeks I started feeling mentally off; worse mood for no reason and the mental/logical interest in women was completely gone. There were no other changes than this. I did a blood test during this time and noticed that SHBG was exactly the same as before, yet my E2 was significantly lower. I think DHT derivatives work directly on E2 rather than indirectly via SHBG as
@Jerajera noted, but that is purely my speculation based on my blood test results. In any case, after having the negative effects for a few days, I stopped taking Masteron E and 1 week later it all cleared.
Next I also tried Proviron, as many people noted that it's "even more sexual" than Masteron or other DHT derivatives. During this time I was on HCG, but I don't aromatize that much, so my T:E2 ratio was about the same, just levels were very slightly higher. I was thinking that maybe E2 from HCG would prevent an E2 crash, as I didn't have sensitive E2 tests available and it might be higher, than what's written on the blood test results. I tried 25mg/day, which is the standard dose, and again, after 3 weeks I started feeling off the same way as with Masteron. I stopped taking it and after a week I was again back to normal.
In my opinion DHT derivatives are completely unneccesary on TRT. If you want to bump DHT, then get a DHT or T cream and increase it directly. There is also the added benefit of being able to track your actual levels. If you want to decrease E2, then you can try out supplements like Calcium D Glucarate and/or DIM, which should be effective if you're trying to decrease E2 by a lesser degree. Otherwise use AIs, I think that 0.125-0.25mg per week of Arimidex should be more than enough to reduce E2 to some managable level. You can also pick Aromasin if you prefer it and take a small dose. I don't think that AIs on such small doses should present major long term risks, I don't think that DHT derivatives are any safer than AIs.