Study: hCG Increases Sex Drive and Improves ED in Men

Understanding Testosterone Deficiency (TD)​

Testosterone deficiency (TD) is a condition characterized by insufficient testosterone production by the gonads. Regular morning testosterone (T) readings below 300 ng/dl are indicative of TD. Symptoms of TD can include poor libido, erectile dysfunction, weight gain, fatigue, depression, and concentration difficulties. Approximately 6% of the population suffers from TD, and the prevalence increases with age. Typically, men with TD are treated with external testosterone replacement therapy (TRT), which is recommended only for those who meet specific biochemical and symptomatic criteria. However, the treatment approach for men with low testosterone levels that are still above 300 ng/dl remains less clear, necessitating regular evaluation by healthcare providers for age-appropriate testosterone levels [1, 2, 3, 4].

The Role of Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (hCG)​

Human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG) acts similarly to luteinizing hormone (LH), stimulating the testes to produce more testosterone naturally. The American Urological Association (AUA) suggests the use of hCG to maintain sperm production and as a supplementary testosterone form for birth control in men with TD who wish to remain fertile. However, the effectiveness and safety of hCG monotherapy in males who do not meet the criteria for conventional TRT, particularly those with T levels above 300 ng/dl, have not been well established [5].

The Study's Aim​

The main goal was to find out how hCG monotherapy affected symptoms and side effects in men who had hypogonadal symptoms and starting T levels above 300 ng/dl. This study was conducted following the approval of the University of Miami's Institutional Review Board (IRB). The research involved reviewing the medical records of 31 males, aged between 25 and 79, who commenced hCG monotherapy from October 2017 to August 2020. These individuals were treated for hypogonadal symptoms with an average T level greater than 300 ng/dl and underwent lab testing and clinical consultations at least a month after beginning hCG treatment. Patients received hCG doses ranging from 1000 to 3000 IU twice weekly. The study also involved comprehensive testing for various health conditions and monitoring several health parameters.

hcg response.jpg

Statistical Analysis and Findings​

The study's statistical analysis presented medians with middle and higher quartiles, employing the Mann-Whitney U test for significance. It was observed that patients experienced significant improvements in erectile dysfunction and libido. Notably, no serious side effects like thromboembolic events or common hCG-related adverse effects such as headaches, gynecomastia, or stomach issues were reported.

Evaluating hCG Therapy for TD​

The AUA's current recommendations for TRT are primarily for those with symptoms and T levels below 300 ng/dl. The present study focused on hypogonadal men treated exclusively with hCG, evaluating hormones, symptoms, and side effects. Despite the absence of a substantial increase in testosterone levels, hCG was found to alleviate hypogonadal symptoms without the side effects associated with hCG or synthetic testosterone. This suggests that even a small dosage of hCG may help elevate T levels in patients, albeit not significantly.

hCG for Fertility and Spermatogenesis​

hCG is recommended for men with TD who wish to preserve fertility or boost sperm production after using synthetic testosterone. Various studies support hCG therapy to restore spermatogenesis following testosterone use. Also, hCG therapy caused big changes in the size of the testicles, the amount of testosterone in the body, and the production of sperm in people with isolated hypogonadotropic hypogonadism. Alternative treatments like clomid or anastrozole might be beneficial for men with hypogonadal symptoms and T levels below 300 ng/dl.

hCG's Impact on Hypogonadism​

There have been few studies exploring the effects of hCG on hypogonadism. Notably, research has shown that hCG therapy can improve symptoms (libido and erectile function) in men with psychogenic ED and low sexual drive without significantly increasing testosterone levels. The study under discussion is pioneering in suggesting that hCG might aid in alleviating hypogonadal symptoms in men with normal T levels.

Conclusions and Future Research​

Despite its small sample size and brief follow-up period, the study suggests that hCG monotherapy is a secure and effective treatment for hypogonadal symptoms in men with initial T levels above 300 ng/dl. Patients reported symptom improvement without serious adverse effects. However, a bigger, randomized, blinded study with validated questionnaires is needed to say for sure if hCG alone can treat hypogonadal symptoms in men whose T levels are normal.


  1. - Human Chorionic Gonadotropin monotherapy for the ... - NCBI
  2. - Efficacy and Safety of Human Chorionic Gonadotropin ...
  3. - Safety of Human Chorionic Gonadotropin Monotherapy for ...
  4. - hCG: The Options for Treating Low Testosterone
  5. - Using HCG to Raise Testosterone Levels Naturally

Study reference:

Efficacy and Safety of Human Chorionic Gonadotropin Monotherapy for Men With Hypogonadal Symptoms and Normal Testosterone

For years I've been taking 120mg/TC per week and then added 1000 IU/week of HCG. After about a month I started noticing a loss of muscle, more belly fat, dry lips. Can anyone tell me what likely happened? Did my T and E2 levels spike? I stopped taking it and have been waiting over a month now to go back to normal. The sex was better while I was on it, but I need to find out what happened before resuming.
For years I've been taking 120mg/TC per week and then added 1000 IU/week of HCG. After about a month I started noticing a loss of muscle, more belly fat, dry lips. Can anyone tell me what likely happened? Did my T and E2 levels spike? I stopped taking it and have been waiting over a month now to go back to normal. The sex was better while I was on it, but I need to find out what happened before resuming.

Did you do any lab work? You should do labs to see if anything changed.

Could have been E2 going up, but 1000iu per week of HCG isn’t too excessive.
Did you do any lab work? You should do labs to see if anything changed.

Could have been E2 going up, but 1000iu per week of HCG isn’t too excessive.
No, getting labs done here for hormone stuff is like pulling teeth. I need to find a easier way. My 'crash' may have nothing to do with HCG and might be related to my 10% reduction in TC a month before starting the HCG. The timing makes it difficult to pinpoint the culprit.
No, getting labs done here for hormone stuff is like pulling teeth. I need to find a easier way. My 'crash' may have nothing to do with HCG and might be related to my 10% reduction in TC a month before starting the HCG. The timing makes it difficult to pinpoint the culprit.
I dont think 10mg a week reduction should have that effect, you're surely getting more testosterone from your testicles with hcg than what you're losing dropping the dose.
No, but you have to use the right dose to equal your natural endogenous T production. That dose and frequency vary for everyone. As monotherapy, my guess is that 1000 IU hCG every other day is the minimum.

It seems that @JCUSN is showing us that a hCG monotherapy dose of 400 IU daily has booted his T to 900 nd/dL. This total weekly dose is 2,800 IU (close my my guess of total dose of 3,000 IU)

According to the video and the studies shown, the htp axis is interrupted.
Does this happen at any dose? or only in a dose considered by the body as supra?

Youtube video =
According to the video and the studies shown, the htp axis is interrupted.
Does this happen at any dose? or only in a dose considered by the body as supra?
hCG acts like any androgen, so HPTA will be suppressed (no LH and FSH if blood tests are performed) at most doses unless you are underdosing. However, your endogeneous T is still produced. LH and FSH recovery happens faster after stopping hCG monotherapy than the HPTA recovery after stopping testosterone therapy.

hCG is a mimicker of LH and also has FSH qualities but it is NOT picked up in blood tests as either LH or FSH. That is what most guys do not get.

hCG versus TRT HPTA recovery.webp
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hCG acts like any androgen, so HPTA will be suppressed (no LH and FSH if blood tests are performed) at most doses unless you are underdosing. However, your endogeneous T is still produced. LH and FSH recovery happens faster after stopping hCG monotherapy than the HPTA recovery after stopping testosterone therapy.

hCG is a mimicker of LH and also has FSH qualities but it is NOT picked up in blood tests as either LH or FSH. That is what most guys do not get.

View attachment 48418
What will be the average number of days for the axis to return using HCG for about 3 weeks 500ui 2x week?

What to expect from this hcg protocol to try optimize the production of testosterone ?

Is there no desensitization of Leydig cells?

Clomid with hcg makes the brain "not see estradiol", libido would drop dramatically?

Thanks for the feedback and the forum. I am learning a lot by reading it.
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Todellakin… 2800 iu viikossa on ehdottomasti nostanut T-tasoja ja lisännyt myös E2:ta. Mutta kaiken kaikkiaan tuntuu todella hyvältä. Tein 1000 iu EOD:ta, mutta vaihdoin päivittäiseen 400 iu:hun yrittääkseni edistää vakaampia tasoja.

@Nelson Vergel
Joten kun lopetan HCG:n käytön, palautuuko luonnollinen LH-tuotantoni itsestään vai vaatiiko se SERM:n?
Whats was your labs when you use 1000iu eod?
It’s only after I stop using hcg I get a nice honeymoon period (every three weeks)
Not sure if I last without it what will happen but on it I am not getting anything. But it’s still part of my protocol.
HCG gives me strong libido and erections when I use it for the first time in a couple weeks. Then with continued use maybe e2 goes up (I'm not sure) and I get weak libido and erections. Cialis helps, so weird any thoughts on why this happens and why ped5 inhibitors come in so clutch?
In my case stopping only hcg after three weeks of use.(( Keep gettin your testosterone)). And after a day or 4 u get honey moon period which last maybe 10 or two weeks. What happens after that I am not sure cuz I come back taking hcg and libido goes off .
I am doing
18mg sustanon eod
500 hcg eod
Also fsh from time to time

I even noticed lowering hcg to 100 produce a noce kick in libido thee next day but doesn’t last a lot.

I have been doing this for years now trying to improve It though.

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