Recent content by Zetor

  1. Zetor

    Dizzines and Sex problems

    I actually made here come just by licking her vagina and she said i'm amazing. After some rest we tried it again and penis was still soft. But she said it's not usual for her to come with someone she knows only for few days;)
  2. Zetor

    Dizzines and Sex problems

    I did some basic blood work up in college 2 years ago. I'm 80kg and skinny. Pulse rate and BP was always normal said the doctor. I have breakfast ussually some bread and jam. Lunch consists of meat with pasta and some salad. For dinner i ussually pasta also because i love it. I do snowboarding...
  3. Zetor

    Dizzines and Sex problems

    We start hanging out, snowboarding. I'm giving her compliments and all that stuff. She's touching me and i immediately feel my penis growing but when we were in bed my penis was just soft. I think i'm overthinking stuff and need to breath into my balls. Thanks everyone for reply! Have a nice day
  4. Zetor

    Dizzines and Sex problems

    Hello, I've been struggling with depression and low well being for about 7 years now (I am 26). I feel like I never hit puberty. My biggest problem is that I never felt like a man. I got basically all signs of low testosterone but when I did the test the results were normal. Free...
  5. Zetor

    Question about my body

    Hello everyone. I did my blood test a few months ago for my testosterone. I'm struggling with my body condition. During puberty i felt like i didn't reach it full. My arms and legs grew really fast but my penis and body hair didn't grow as it should. Now i'm 26 years old and i feel like a young...
  6. Zetor

    Blood tests look ok but i'm not

    I'm doing bodyweight training and i can see some results but i think muscles should be bigger since i'm also using whey protein. I also get really tired after training and i feel tension in my head. I understand it's a problem with genetics but i don't understand how to be confident and feel...
  7. Zetor

    Blood tests look ok but i'm not

    I'm trying to convince my doctor to send me to endokrinologist but it takes a year here in Slovenia to get there. I will try to get a full blood panel done and will post it when i get the results! Thanks everyone for reply.
  8. Zetor

    Blood tests look ok but i'm not

    I'm located in Slovenia. I have only the results of another check i did a year before this one with results: 7.32 μg/L at the reference range: 2.8 - 8.0.
  9. Zetor

    Blood tests look ok but i'm not

    Hello everyone! I visited my doctor because of all the symptoms i got. I didn't hit puberty as i should. I was really small till i was 17 years old and then my body start growing too fast to 185cm. I was always anxious when looking at other school mates growing their beard and body hair. I lack...
  10. Zetor

    Never went through proper puberty

    Thank your for your reply! I'm about to visit Endokrinologist and do the test for SHBG. I hope i can also do test for Free T3, Free T4, antibodies and growth hormone there. I feel like the doctor just don't take me seriously. It's obvious when you look at my face already. Also my skin look...
  11. Zetor

    Never went through proper puberty

    I have a question about my condition which is really bad at the moment. I am 26 years old and for the last 6 years i feel really depressed, suicidal and feeling really bad everyday. I grew from 165 to 185 cm in just two years but my body didn't develop as it should (got really long legs and...