Recent content by Yanksy

  1. Y

    TRT related to Osteoarthritis? Is there life after a Osteoarthritis diagnosis?

    Ya they are doing pretty well now and I am eying to take extreme care - moderate exercises/stretching. I think one of my major issues, that you may consider, is an extreme imbalance between contraction and extension strength. I do a ton of things that lead to strong grip strengths but almost...
  2. Y

    TRT related to Osteoarthritis? Is there life after a Osteoarthritis diagnosis?

    I have a ton of hand issues right now that I can link to about the same time as myself getting on trt. Didn’t really think about it until seeing this. I’d love to hear from others on this too My issues are you with my muscles and ligaments. I have trigger finger in both thumbs and have the...
  3. Y

    INDIA PHARMA HCG ~1/10 under dosed.

    Any source for Eutrig that doesn’t require a crypto only 20+ vial minimum order?
  4. Y

    Hcg and headaches

    Sorry I never saw this. After more time and attention I do think it is the hcg, perhaps due to it being in conjunction with trt or maybe just don’t tolerate it well. Since resetting my system and taking it step by step I have noticed that even with 250iu it creates some headache tension like...
  5. Y

    Options for retaining testicular function while on trt

    Do you know of a source for fsh similar to reliablerx?
  6. Y

    Where to get HCG nowadays?

    Reliable has said that batch number of zyhcg from the test results is not theirs. Take that for what you will.
  7. Y

    BPC/TB for tendonitis/trigger finger

    Thanks for the input. I am, fortunately and unfortunately considering, young. I am 34. this all started late last year. Started in 1 thumb then the second later on. I play guitar and have been lifting heavy, along with psoriatic arthritis being an issue from time to time. not sure if any or all...
  8. Y

    BPC/TB for tendonitis/trigger finger

    I have tried a ton of things on my own and with specialists, including a physical therapist. The issue remains. The only real help I’ve felt is from the cortisone shots but that is not something I wish to do again, at least more than once in a great while.
  9. Y

    BPC/TB for tendonitis/trigger finger

    Hey guys, I have been struggling with hand issues for a while. Tendonitis and trigger finger most likely.I have had a cortisone shot for pain but that is not a long term solution. While my "specialist" has suggested another shot I aim to take matters into my own hands and get an actual...
  10. Y

    Hcg and headaches

    Yes top of the healthy range. E2 was mid. I will lower the hcg dose when I start again and maybe slightly lower the test to 150mg per week.
  11. Y

    Hcg and headaches

    Yes. Hemoglobin and hemocrit were within normal range. Albeit, on the higher end.
  12. Y

    Hcg and headaches

    Ok good to note. my T and E2 have been good on the labs I got prior to hcg. I am self administering the hcg. I live in a remote area and the urologist available to me is ok but not great. He pretty much told me he would do either or - test alone or hcg alone(he wanted clomid). From my research...
  13. Y

    Hcg and headaches

    my blood cell count was within healthy range in multiple tests. It was on the higher end but still in range. I did donate blood Jan 2nd just in case That was the cause. blood pressure is always good.
  14. Y

    Hcg and headaches

    I’m on about 175mg per week taken in 3 shots M/W/F. I was taking 500iu hcg on the same days.