Recent content by Will Brink

  1. Will Brink

    Creatine: Everything You Need To Know

    We need more data but from my write up "...As creatine is an essential molecule in energy production for all cells, it also acts as “molecular battery,” wherein stored energy helps these essential immune cells from simply running out of steam to fight on." The “molecular battery" aspect no...
  2. Will Brink

    Creatine: Everything You Need To Know

    As always, risk/benefits exist. There's data to suggest creatine made cancar therapy more effective for example: This is from a recent review also: Does creatine cause kidney damage/renal dysfunction? Questions and concerns involving creatine...
  3. Will Brink

    Creatine: Everything You Need To Know

    I do have a contraindication write up on creatine below. Elevated creatinine is not in itself an issue, and we know creatine is not "stressful" to the kidneys, but should not be ignored either. If it's elevated while on creatine, take a few weeks off, make sure to be well hydrated, and re test...
  4. Will Brink

    Creatine: Everything You Need To Know

    Hence the creatine graveyard, where various forms of creatine not CM go to die:
  5. Will Brink

    What Every Man Should Know About Prostatitis

    You won't give her thrush but you might cure it. I kid.
  6. Will Brink

    Alkaline Water Facts

    Tell me you didn't read the article without telling us you didn't read the article...
  7. Will Brink

    Lactoferrin: A Broad Spectrum Anti-Viral Peptide

    As COVID-19 is the current topic, I have condensed and updated my lactoferrin discussion specific to anti-viral effects of lactoferrin: 20 years ago (how time flies!) I wrote about the impressive anti-viral, anti microbial, anti caner, immune supporting effects of lactoferrin via Life...
  8. Will Brink

    Free Book by Will Brink

    Bump, In celebration of my up coming novella "Old And Angry" I have made part I of my highly rated Vacation Gone South series FREE today if interested:
  9. Will Brink

    The impossible Whopper...with a side of Estrogen, please.

    A great example of why MDs should avoid giving nutritional advice as if the estrogen source from BC was the same as what's in soy. The bottom line is really the same: While I'm no fan of the Impossible Burger. It's complete nonsense. Same rules apply for all fast foods: occasionally is fine...
  10. Will Brink

    Anyone taking Statins ( Crestor )

    It's a good vid, but one really has to read between the lines of what she's saying, and she's not actually saying no one should take statins. Over prescribed, yes, possibly not as effective as some studies suggest, yes, and side effect profiles may be higher than reported, yes. She's not...
  11. Will Brink

    Are All Endocrinologists Idiots?

    Good to hear! That's more as it should be in terms of which speciality should be up on the topic of TRT/HRT.
  12. Will Brink

    Are All Endocrinologists Idiots?

    I'd harden a bit and say most endos truly suck at TRT/HRT. For what ever reason, Urologists tend to be much better, and even most internests, GP, etc are better at it. Knowledge of hormones is supposed to be their damn speciality, and to date, not met an endo who didn't outright suck at it. No...
  13. Will Brink

    Anyone taking Statins ( Crestor )

    Correlations are almost always what leads to understanding/discovery of mechanistisc pathaways and causation factors. All of the risk factors you're aware of were discovered via epi/correlational data. It's very difficult to do meaningful tghtly controlled RCTs in free living humans and CVD for...
  14. Will Brink

    Anyone taking Statins ( Crestor )

    In short, lipid levels still correlate to CVD. The moving target is which lipids, trg/LDL ratios, particle sizes and ratios, various confounders, etc. There's obviously other risk factors unrelated to lipid levels that dictate CVD or not, some of which we have control over, some of which we...
  15. Will Brink

    Anyone taking Statins ( Crestor )

    1, maybe, and worth trying, but genetic component rules all 2, try it and see what it does for your lipids, and proceed from there. Obviously, make sure to supplement CoQ10.