Recent content by whoremoan

  1. W

    is my hemo and hematocrit crazy high or ???

    its been a long time but thought id update everyone had to go to docs and he blood let me latest bloods hemoglobin 173 HCT 0.53 mcv 95 rdw 13.3 platelets 150 so went down alot do you guys know of ways to keep it there? im using ip6, nattokinase and telmisartan in the meantime and will see...
  2. W

    is my hemo and hematocrit crazy high or ???

    I I will write back to all this when I get a chance But thanks for the reply ! Muchly appreciated and no worries at all , don’t worry I am taking in all the tips I can get thank you
  3. W

    is my hemo and hematocrit crazy high or ???

    procrastinating ? are you serious ? ive been to 2 doctors in 2 weeks ? none of which would prescribe me a blood let or venesection they wanted to get to the 'root' of the problem first!!! you think this wouldnt piss anyone off ? MY doctor does do them but is away on leave until this week i...
  4. W

    is my hemo and hematocrit crazy high or ???

    Just got some today !
  5. W

    is my hemo and hematocrit crazy high or ???

    bit of an update blood pressure is always in the range btw just got bloods back and hemoglobin is 190 and hematocrit is 0.59 range is 0.40-0.55 so they have both significantly dropped in the last 12 days i added 40mg telmisartan and fish oil i also drank 500ml water before blood test so...
  6. W

    is my hemo and hematocrit crazy high or ???

    what do you mean ? so on their screen they can see hematocrit levels ?? they definetly saw haemoglobin levels they had needle in me and i was going ,,,, he then stopped after 3 or so minutes because haemoglobin was too high, he said everything else ok tho and said to get my iron levels...
  7. W

    is my hemo and hematocrit crazy high or ???

    in the gym ive been getting stronger i dont have headaches or heaviness anywhere when donating blood do they see hematocrit levels? because if so the only reason they didnt proceed was because my hemaeglobin was too high, and only by 6 points he did say dont worry its nothing major and said to...
  8. W

    is my hemo and hematocrit crazy high or ???

    i agree with getting to the root of the problem, but she didnt care at all she gave me a questionaire to fill out with 8 or so questions and then said make another appointment and bring it back , i said i could just do them now it will take a few seconds, she said bring it back next apointment -...
  9. W

    is my hemo and hematocrit crazy high or ???

    with the telmisartan results, i was on a big cycle as i compete in bodybuilding , and all my numbers were in range (this was 4 months ago) if telmisartan got all my numbers back in range, would you be still looking at blood letting ? i want to definetly donate as i want to help someones life...
  10. W

    is my hemo and hematocrit crazy high or ???

    just got back from fuckhead doctor and she wouldnt do anything, she wanted to "figure the root of the cause first" my usual doc is back next week from holiday , and he can dump the blood on the spot
  11. W

    is my hemo and hematocrit crazy high or ???

    4 months ago i was on telmisartan and every thing was within in range and i was on a cycle then lol i since dropped the telmisartan and running 200mg test c a week plus 500iu hcg split twice a week and 12.5 aromasin day after hcg i just started back on telmisartan 3 days ago at 40 mg i will be...
  12. W

    is my hemo and hematocrit crazy high or ???

    well yes and it did, not sure about hematocrit though as they only said we cant take the blood as your haemoglobin is too high, they didnt mention anything about hematocrit i was only 6 points off too
  13. W

    is my hemo and hematocrit crazy high or ???

    hello all just got bloods back last week haemoglobin is 200 (reference range 125 - 175) RBC 6.40 (reference range 4.50-6.50) RDW 14.7 (reference range 11-15) HCT 0.61 (reference range 0.40-0.55) platelets 167 (reference range 150-450) now i have alot of people telling me i was just dehyrdrated...
  14. W

    Anyone ever tried nattokinase to lower hematocrit?

    did you get a retest? dont mean to hijack thread but i think im a similar boat as you these were my bloods haemoglobin is 200 (reference range 125 - 175) RBC 6.40 (reference range 4.50-6.50) RDW 14.7 (reference range 11-15) HCT 0.61 (reference range 0.40-0.55) platelets 167 (reference range...
  15. W

    cant get 'full' hard

    wait... hgh lowers test?