Recent content by wadadlibear

  1. W

    Shrinking balls

    Appreciate the response, I’ll check out the HCG page and ask my doc about it.
  2. W

    Shrinking balls

    So had anyone talked about shrinking balls and solutions? I’ve been on TRT almost a year, and balls have definitely shrunk. Im considering if a ball stretcher or weights will help?
  3. W

    SubQ experience?

    Do you use the same needle size for both testosterone and hCG injections?
  4. W

    Sex Toys and Tools

    Where is there more info on these penis enlargement devices?
  5. W

    Waking every night . 3am every morning

    I was just checking my lab panels and didn't see this test >> Can you briefly explain what I should be looking for? What are the lows/high ranges, and what do they indicate?
  6. W

    Waking every night . 3am every morning

    I'm having the same exact issue-- literally. On 150mg/week and awaken at around 3/4AM daily and feel really tired in the mornings.
  7. W

    Where to buy syringes, HCG, ED drugs online without a prescription

    Whoa! I just checked and you are right!! I bought this product in January 2022, and just checked Amazon to buy again and it says “cannot be delivered to your location (NYC)!” So what is another option? eBay?