Recent content by Voltz

  1. V

    Penis Girth Enhancement Video

    As far as PMMA goes it is permanent. May require follow up visits to achieve desired size and to touch up aesthetic issues. Cost varies on product, number of procedures and Practitioner.
  2. V

    Penis Girth Enhancement Video

    Permanent depending on the product you choose. I suggest visiting Index If you're truly interested in learning about the different options.
  3. V

    Penis Girth Enhancement Video

    Just got off the phone with Ian. He confirmed trimix can absolutely be used. My other concern was whether or not PMMA would get in the way of a Doppler ultrasound if needed in the future. His answer was no, but you must wait two months post procedure.
  4. V

    Penis Girth Enhancement Video

    Im scheduled for PMMA on 10/20. I have read numerous reports of patients using trimix post PMMA with success. Typically need a longer needle to get into the corpus. I absolutely came across discussions with Ian, Dr M and Dr C stating the use of trimix is not affected by the implant and the...
  5. V

    Penis Girth Enhancement Video

    That is incorrect. Dr C from Avanti has stated Trimix can be used.
  6. V

    My Dr is challenging testosterone micro dosing

    This is the article I've been searching for !!!
  7. V

    My Dr is challenging testosterone micro dosing

    Excellent, this will suffice. Thank you
  8. V

    My Dr is challenging testosterone micro dosing

    I thought about that , basically same concept without the absorption issues of transdermal. It just blows my mind that these doctors are stuck in the stone age. To me it just goes to show how un motivated these doctors are to actually solve problems for their patients. I can see where a doctor...
  9. V

    My Dr is challenging testosterone micro dosing

    Can you tell me what changed when you started micro dosing vs your previous protocol? Curious if you were experiencing the same symptoms Ive been dealing with for years
  10. V

    My Dr is challenging testosterone micro dosing

    Those were my thoughts also. The community is where the majority of the information is stemming from. If there was a one size fits all approach regarding TRT/HRT that worked for everyone these forums might not exist. I know I've come across charts and graphs of the various dosing protocols and...
  11. V

    My Dr is challenging testosterone micro dosing

    Long story short I decided to switch from weekly IM injection's to micro dosing. If you're interested why info is here. My doctor is challenging my new protocol and he wants me to send him references / studies...
  12. V

    Struggling with getting dialed in

    I'm prepared to go that route if need be. I was expecting it to take awhile for my system to adapt. Wasn't sure how long but with the information you provided I can now set a goal and stick it out in the event I start to feel discouraged. I will update this post with September's blood work...
  13. V

    Struggling with getting dialed in

    Understood, consistent dosing yeilds much more stable peak and trough levels. First sub q injection was today after labs@16mg. I know it's going to yeild much more consistent values. Hopefully there is an improvement in one or more areas. Doctor messaged me today to make recommendations due to...
  14. V

    Struggling with getting dialed in

    Results of today's blood work. As I mentioned earlier I will pursue the recommended assays with my next appointment. Figured I'd post these anyway. I also realized that the test results I previously posted were 7.5 days post injection not 6. These results are 6.5 days post injection @ the same...
  15. V

    Struggling with getting dialed in

    Great, I have a LabCorp right around the corner. I'll consult with my doctor when I have my follow up in September to see what assays he is provided with or requests through lifespan. If they aren't the assays you recommend I will ask him to order those specifically through LabCorp. I hope it...