Recent content by Vintageviking

  1. V

    Restart attempt log

    It’s been a tough ride so far, feel like death is approaching lol. I’m a bit concerned about having good FSH and LH but low T pointing to primary and I’m wasting my time and possibly effecting my health. Symptoms at the minute are zero libido which is making it difficult to even try for a...
  2. V

    Restart attempt log

    Thought I'd update this post. I finally got off T with my last shot on the 14th July. Used HCG the entire time at 500iu twice a week. Continued with HCG at 300iu daily till 1st August then switched over to clomid, but only took two 12.5mg doses and had to stop after bad sides. been off...
  3. V

    Restart attempt log

    Guys, had to stop the restart from mental strain from outside life problems. It wasn't a good time to attempt it. Been running my usual 30mg T and 500iu HCG x2 weekly. After sorting lot of stuff out and stress levels down I think it's time to attempt the restart. My last shot of T was Thursday...
  4. V

    Restart attempt log

    @MTNMan6000 - On adding the AI to my current protocol sexual function improved with morning wood also, but busting a nut has remained a struggle. It's something I will go back to if the restart fails. I was mid 20s when I started doing bodybuilding cycles. Currently on day 3 of HCG only...
  5. V

    Restart attempt log

    Quick update. Woke up this morning with some wood, probably from the hormones rising back up, or the Anastrozole has lowered my high E2. Too early to call, see how I get on the rest of this week. My heart doctor said my cholesterol is the same as about 60% of his patients and I've just been...
  6. V

    Restart attempt log

    After a good chat with the girlfriend and taking @madman advice into consideration decided to do the restart after all. Fertility is the target, plus it will be interesting to see after all these years if my system will fire up. Can always go back to TRT as a backup if all else fails. I...
  7. V

    Restart attempt log

    I been through all the AI stuff the past few years with people like Danny Bossa and his cult of anti AI bandits on all the forums. I have used Anastrozole a lot in the past mostly on my bodybuilding days at higher doses of testosterone were it is needed. TRT is a different ballgame, the doses...
  8. V

    Restart attempt log

    Thanks for the detailed reply @madman. The heart attack was a life changing event as I still haven't mentally adjusted and am always aware of it now. Not been going to the gym when I hadn't missed a day in years before it happened. I feel lost, no drive anymore. The results of 120mg was too...
  9. V

    Restart attempt log

    Hi all, I'm attempting a restart of hpta after 14 years taking TRT. I've had enough of ups and downs, chasing numbers and feeling like rubbish. Had a heart attack at xmas due to a blocked artery and slightly high cholesterol. Met a wonderful girl been with a few years and we would like to...