Recent content by vexxev

  1. V

    Looking for advice.

    I will definitely mention it thanks again. Probably going to start the cream for now
  2. V

    Looking for advice.

    You guys are great i appreciate all the advice... he actually doesn't go on about stuff like that it's more injections and nasal T gel is what he pushes.. even to get the cream was a hassle. They use a compound pharmacy tho so I will ask them about it if I don't feel the cream working
  3. V

    Looking for advice.

    Never knew about that my urologist is kinda of a pain to try something different. I'll definitely mention it tho and thank you Nelson I'll read that post.
  4. V

    Looking for advice.

    Thank you for the advice guess I just need to give it a try and see how I feel blood work wise and physically. Just thought it was a random dose cause 81 mg . I'm not a big fan of injections tho so I would like for this to work .
  5. V

    Looking for advice.

    Hey lurked here for a while posted a while ago too . Just had a quick question heard alot of talks about creams possibly being the way to go for some people... I was prescribed from my urologist compounded T cream for scrotal question is it's only 1 pump a day at 81mg per pump...
  6. V

    Dissected Thyroid for High Thyroid Antibodies levels.

    Wow thank you for the response i am not giving up on the desiccated i have not started it yet as i was afarid of the side effects... but they want me to start at 30 mg and work my way up... I am 30 and honestly feel like im 50 lol... achey bones all my joints crack when i try and work out... I...
  7. V

    Dissected Thyroid for High Thyroid Antibodies levels.

    Thank you for the response and really appericate the advice . I am not dealing wth a PCP actually was a known online TRT clinic prescribing me the Dissected thyroid.. Also the prolaction they mentioned taking Vitamin b6 to bring it down as my blood work before this it was lower.. I am going to...
  8. V

    Dissected Thyroid for High Thyroid Antibodies levels.

    Just seeing if anyone has any other input on this before i start the disseected
  9. V

    Dissected Thyroid for High Thyroid Antibodies levels.

    Thank you for the response i am using a doctor who is telling me to take the desiccated thyroid and yes my antibodies are still showing up high.
  10. V

    Dissected Thyroid for High Thyroid Antibodies levels.

    Just like the title says i was prescribed dissected Thyroid to bring down my high level of antibodies my TSH and everything else in range ill post the ranges below. Ive read things were they say its not worth using dissected for that just wondering what you think. Thank you TSH - 2.940 Range is...
  11. V

    Heart palpitations at night

    I eat plenty of meat and potatoes i guess i just relate the heart palps to low Estrogen because i read some articles online about it... I am starting to think it just has to do with my anxiety. I also havent lifted weights in a good year or so basically lost all my muscle and am tiny im hoping...
  12. V

    Heart palpitations at night

    I had all those checked in the past sorry never put them up . I could see the cortisol being an issue as I dealt with anxiety for the last year or so. Some days yes I am tired when I wake up. But like I said this isn't something that happens every night. But I'll definitely look into that stuff...
  13. V

    Heart palpitations at night

    Hearts perfectly fine been checked before even considering trt same with thyroid I've actually read low estogren could cause it so it's probably a mixture of that and anxiety because it is not every night thanks for the help tho
  14. V

    Heart palpitations at night

    Thank you so much all your help vince you make me feel welcome here i am going to try and pin saturday when i am off from work. So i am looking at Saturday/Monday/Weds/ Fri? I am not sure why im getting confused here
  15. V

    Heart palpitations at night

    Those are the needles given to me 27 1/2 inch . Wouldn't 20mg every other day be more than 70 a week sorry if my math is wrong... Also my hemacrit is on the higher range to began with do you think that frequency will help it ? Also any idea on the needle what 20mg would be ? Sorry like I said...