Recent content by txmx

  1. T

    Staging Prostate Cancer - MRI, PIRADS, & PSMA | Are Biopsies Still Needed?

    More great insights from Dr. Scholz. Thanks. Looks like he is in Marina del Rey. Anyone that has seen him and can give us personal viewpoint?
  2. T

    Staging Prostate Cancer, PSA Screening, and What If You Have a High PSA?

    Excellent snapshot of the latest trends in dealing with prostate cancer. Thank you.
  3. T

    Enclomiphene source

    Tailor Made seems to have it at this point. Empower does not seem to have it at this point.
  4. T

    Testosterone in Atrevis hydrogel base = almost double test levels!

    Nelson, when I saw your post and spoke to one of the pharmacists at Empower about getting T cream with the Atrevis base by request, she was not aware of this. She said there would have to be enough demand from providers to make a business case for it. She said she does know you but she was not...
  5. T

    Testosterone in Atrevis hydrogel base = almost double test levels!

    For even better absorption (non-scrotal) of Empower cream, use Neutrogena Deep Clean Facial Cleanser to break down the natural skin barrier a bit, and then a hot washcloth compress, and then the cream. Tripled my absorption.
  6. T

    Testosterone in Atrevis hydrogel base = almost double test levels!

    I recently spoke with a pharmacist at Empower regarding them offering the Atrevis base in their testosterone cream. I explained the increased absorption. They already use Atrevis in a nasal testosterone product. I was told that we could not currently just "request" an Atrevis base in...
  7. T

    HPTA Restart - HCG / Clomid

    On 11/23/20 you posted: "I still have a pretty good libido, ok energy, a little depressed, foggy, and soft erections. I have really noticed much of an increase in testicle size, but the volume of my load has increased." How are each of these things now that you have completed the enclomiphene...
  8. T

    Hospitals in the US will now have to show prices to patients ahead of time

    With forced transparency now, hoping for competition rather than collusion on pricing. Those who receive fat bonuses and commissions within the currently opaque system will not give them up easily.
  9. T

    Blood Draw Timing When On Cream

    2-3 hours after application of cream. Gel timing may be different.
  10. T

    Enclomiphene Lab Results

    Yes to being a Defy patient and yes to labwork.
  11. T

    Stopping Testosterone Injections for Enclomiphene

    What is the purpose of 12 days HCG prior to 28 days Enclomiphene if Enclomiphene can perform same ultimate restoration function as HCG?
  12. T

    Enclomiphene Lab Results

    Defy Medical currently has Enclomiphene available, sourced from Empower Pharmacy. Defy is an affordable option for hormone replacement, so give 'em a shot.
  13. T

    Enclomiphene Lab Results

    You also might consider trying EOD on enclomiphene dosing to see what it does to your numbers and subjective response.
  14. T

    Seeing small dots/circles in bright light in one eye

    Agreed. One caveat. When my wife had this process happen, she immediately went to an opthamologist on a Saturday night. He MISSED seeing a retinal tear (or any PVD). A couple of days later the curtain came down on her vision. He had sent her home with assurance that all was ok. She ended up with...
  15. T

    Seeing small dots/circles in bright light in one eye

    Likely floaters from the process of Posterior Vitreous Detachment (PVD). They can look likes dots, strings, spider webs. You just need to keep an eye on it and see if/how it progresses. A good optometrist can even see these upon close examination. The next level up would be an opthamologist and...